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Data Management with Python and SQL

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Data management is a growing field that explores the many ways of using data within an organization to improve decision-making. Expertise in data management allows organizations to assess the data they have and the data they need to understand the health and future of a business. Individuals with experience in data management can better plan for the future by leveraging data organization, data management and automation tools.

This program can help learners build the foundational skills they need to succeed in data management using the Python programming language and SQL (structured query language). Through hands-on labs, learners will develop the skills necessary to create structured database environments using a relational database management system (RDBMS), such as MySQL, that incorporates basic processing functionality and allows for data management, data manipulation and data analysis.

This content is designed for individuals interested in using data to solve problems, regardless of prior experience. Whether you’ve worked with data in your current role or are interested in the ever-expanding field of data management, this program can help you build the skills you need to succeed.

Below you’ll find the recommended order for taking the courses in this program. Unless you have a background in these areas already and feel comfortable skipping ahead we recommend you start with the first course and work your way through the program.

What you'll learn

  • Develop fully functional programs using industry-relevant tools.
  • Translate business requirements into problems that can be solved computationally.
  • Create a structured database through the use of relational concepts.
  • Analyze the results of queries constructed to address data requirements.

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From Southern New Hampshire University via edX
Hours 200
Instructors Gwen Britton, Curtis George, Scott Overmyer, Ben Tasker
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science

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Southern New Hampshire University

From Southern New Hampshire University via edX
Hours 200
Instructors Gwen Britton, Curtis George, Scott Overmyer, Ben Tasker
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Data Management Clerk $52k

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Data Management Contractor $80k

Data Management Specialist 5 $80k

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