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Master Python for Data Science

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Quickly learn the general programming principles and methods for Python, and then begin applying that knowledge to using Python in data science-related development.

In this learning path,

  • Learn the basics of Python as an object-oriented programming language.
  • Apply Python coding skills to analytics uses.
  • Explore the Python scientific stack of tools.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 41
Instructors Joe Marini, Simon Allardice, Bill Weinman, Lillian Pierson, P.E., Tim Fox, Miki Tebeka, Michele Vallisneri, Ben Sullins, Michael Galarnyk, Madecraft
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Interactive Programming Coordinator $46k

Programming Coordinator 1 $54k

Programming Acquisitions $61k

CNC Programming $70k

Programming advisor $72k

General $72k

Network Programming $78k

NC Programming $79k

DBA - Programming $103k

Gameplay Programming $120k

IT and Programming Specialist $122k

Programming Producer $129k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

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Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design

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Python Essential Training

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On Demand

Python for Data Science Essential Training

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On Demand

Python for Data Science Essential Training Part 1

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Learning Python for Data Science, with Tim Fox and Elephant Scale

This course shows how to review and derive information from datasets using Python. First, get an overview of data science and how it open source libraries like Python can be used...

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On Demand

Python for Data Science Essential Training Part 2

Contents:Introduction1. Introduction to Data Science2. Introduction to Machine Learning3. Regression Models4. Clustering Models5. Dimension Reduction Methods6. Other Popular...

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On Demand

Data Science Foundations: Python Scientific Stack

Data science provides organizations with striking—and highly valuable—insights into human behavior. While data mining can seem a bit daunting, you don't need to be a...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Python: Data Analysis (You were viewing this course)

If you're going to work with big data, you'll probably be using R or Python. And if you're using Python, you'll be definitely using Pandas and NumPy, the third-party packages...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Python Data Analysis

Data science is transforming the way that government and industry leaders look at both specific problems and the world at large. Curious about how data analysis actually works in...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Python for Data Science Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Modern work in data science requires skilled professionals versed in analysis workflows and using powerful tools. Python can play an integral role in nearly every aspect of...

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Python for Data Visualization

Data visualization is incredibly important for data scientists, as it helps them communicate their insights to nontechnical peers. But you don’t need to be a design pro. Python is...

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Python Statistics Essential Training

With this course, gain insight into key statistical concepts and build practical analytics skills using Python and powerful third-party libraries. Instructor Michele Vallisneri...

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 41
Instructors Joe Marini, Simon Allardice, Bill Weinman, Lillian Pierson, P.E., Tim Fox, Miki Tebeka, Michele Vallisneri, Ben Sullins, Michael Galarnyk, Madecraft
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Interactive Programming Coordinator $46k

Programming Coordinator 1 $54k

Programming Acquisitions $61k

CNC Programming $70k

Programming advisor $72k

General $72k

Network Programming $78k

NC Programming $79k

DBA - Programming $103k

Gameplay Programming $120k

IT and Programming Specialist $122k

Programming Producer $129k

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