Save For Later

ASP.NET Web Development

Save For Later

Do you want to learn how to build powerful, dynamic websites and web applications using the popular ASP.NET MVC web framework? In this track, you’ll not only learn how to use ASP.NET MVC, but you’ll also learn about the C# programming language and the .NET Framework. ASP.NET MVC, C#, and .NET have been adopted by businesses small and large, so learning them is a great way to land a software development job in just about any market. This track will guide you through the basics and help you gain the experience and confidence you need to explore any direction your web development adventures may lead.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $70,000 / yr on average.

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From Treehouse
Hours 29
Instructors Jeremy McLain, Carling Kirk, Treasure Porth, Chris Ramacciotti, James Churchill, Justin Horner
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

ASP.Net Developer (C#/MVC) $61k

DevOps, BA/pm, selenium, TFS, Experience with .NET MVC, Azure backend $62k

C# / ASP.NET MVC Developer $85k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

C# Basics

In this course you will gain all the knowledge you will need to build an interactive command line program in C#. No prior programming experience is required. You'll create a...



On Demand

C# Objects

In this course we'll build on what you learned in C# Basics. You'll learn about Object Oriented Programming (OOP). We'll use OOP to write the code for a tower defense game. After...



On Demand

Introduction to Visual Studio (You were viewing this course)

In this workshop, Jeremy demonstrates many of the features of Visual Studio.Segments in this WorkshopIntroduction Installation Layout Creating Projects Projects and Solutions...



On Demand

Using GitHub with Visual Studio

Learn how to use GitHub right in Visual Studio with Git integration and the GitHub extension.Segments in this WorkshopIntroduction Creating a Repository Making Changes...



On Demand

Introduction to HTML and CSS

Get started creating web pages with HTML and CSS, the basic building blocks of web development. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a standard set of tags you will use to tell...



On Demand

HTTP Basics

During this course, we'll take a look at the underlying method that devices use to communicate with each other: HTTP, or the HyperText Transfer Protocol. In particular, we'll...



On Demand


ASP.NET MVC is a popular server-side framework developed by Microsoft that is used to build dynamic websites. In this course, you'll learn about the basics of ASP.NET MVC while we...



On Demand

C# Collections

Collections are used to organize data so that it can be used efficiently. In this course we'll learn about the various collection types provided by the .NET framework.What you'll...



On Demand

Querying With LINQ

Learn to query in C# with LINQ.What you'll learnLINQ Query Syntax and Method Syntax Functional Programming Concepts Delegates Object Initialization Anonymous Types Implicit...



On Demand

Debugging in Visual Studio

In this workshop, you'll learn how to debug C#/.NET applications using Visual Studio.Segments in this WorkshopIntroduction to Debugging Debugging Using Logs Debugging Using...



On Demand


In this course, you’ll learn how to create forms using ASP.NET MVC. Along the way, you’ll use various field types and form validation as we build a web version of the Fitness Frog...



On Demand

Package Management with NuGet

NuGet is the package management system for .NET. In this workshop, we discuss how to manage library dependencies of our projects using NuGet in Visual Studio.Segments in this...




From Treehouse
Hours 29
Instructors Jeremy McLain, Carling Kirk, Treasure Porth, Chris Ramacciotti, James Churchill, Justin Horner
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

ASP.Net Developer (C#/MVC) $61k

DevOps, BA/pm, selenium, TFS, Experience with .NET MVC, Azure backend $62k

C# / ASP.NET MVC Developer $85k

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