Save For Later

Statistics with Python

Save For Later

Practical and Modern Statistical Thinking For All

This specialization is designed to teach learners beginning and intermediate concepts of statistical analysis using the Python programming language. Learners will learn where data come from, what types of data can be collected, study data design, data management, and how to effectively carry out data exploration and visualization. They will be able to utilize data for estimation and assessing theories, construct confidence intervals, interpret inferential results, and apply more advanced statistical modeling procedures. Finally, they will learn the importance of and be able to connect research questions to the statistical and data analysis methods taught to them.

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From University of Michigan via Coursera
Hours 70
Instructors Brenda Gunderson, Brady T. West, Kerby Shedden
Language English
Subjects Data Science Mathematics

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

6Th Grade Teach For America Corps Member $29k

1St Grade Teach $41k

3Rd Grade Teach $43k

Middle School Teach $46k

2Nd Grade Teach $47k

5Th Grade Teach $48k

Teacher of English Language Learners $53k

Teach For America English Teacher $53k

ELL Instructional Specialist (English Language Learners) $60k

Teacher & Teach For America Corps Member $71k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Understanding and Visualizing Data with Python

In this course, learners will be introduced to the field of statistics, including where data come from, study design, data management, and exploring and visualizing data. Learners...

Coursera | University of Michigan



Inferential Statistical Analysis with Python (You were viewing this course)

In this course, we will explore basic principles behind using data for estimation and for assessing theories. We will analyze both categorical data and quantitative data, starting...

Coursera | University of Michigan



Fitting Statistical Models to Data with Python

In this course, we will expand our exploration of statistical inference techniques by focusing on the science and art of fitting statistical models to data. We will build on the...

Coursera | University of Michigan




University of Michigan

From University of Michigan via Coursera
Hours 70
Instructors Brenda Gunderson, Brady T. West, Kerby Shedden
Language English
Subjects Data Science Mathematics


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

6Th Grade Teach For America Corps Member $29k

1St Grade Teach $41k

3Rd Grade Teach $43k

Middle School Teach $46k

2Nd Grade Teach $47k

5Th Grade Teach $48k

Teacher of English Language Learners $53k

Teach For America English Teacher $53k

ELL Instructional Specialist (English Language Learners) $60k

Teacher & Teach For America Corps Member $71k

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