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Beginning Data Science

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Data science unifies statistics, data analysis, machine learning and their related methods in order to understand and analyze actual phenomena with data. It employs techniques and theories drawn from many fields within the context of mathematics, statistics, information science, and computer science.In this track, we'll be exploring the tools and techniques to get you started on your journey.You'll pick up the basic building blocks of how to analyze and communicate data findings.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $95,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Google, Microsoft, Apple, Airbnb

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From Treehouse
Hours 32
Instructors Ben Deitch, Kenneth Love, Craig Dennis, Ken W. Alger, Alyssa Batula, Jared Smith, Nick Pettit, Ashley Boucher
Language English
Subjects Data Science Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

AD, Data Science $47k

Associate Data Science Supervisor $55k

Science writer / data analyst $63k

Genomic Data Science Programmer $75k

Volunteer Director of Data Science $78k

Expert Data Science Supervisor $79k

Supervisor 1 Data Science Supervisor $91k

Guest Director of Data Science $101k

Data Science Architect $105k

Head of Data Science $131k

Assistant Director 1 of Data Science $133k

Owner Director of Data Science $149k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Data Analysis Basics

Learn how to make better decisions with data in this course on data analysis. We'll start by looking at what data analysis is, and then we'll see how we can use data analysis to...



On Demand

Python Basics

Learn the building blocks of the wonderful general purpose programming language Python.What you'll learnFundamental programming concepts Input and Output Conditional branching...



On Demand

Introducing Lists

Lists are a powerful data type that allow you to store multiple ordered values in a single container. You are gonna love them.What you'll learnCommon use cases of lists Manipulate...



On Demand

Python Collections

We can get pretty far in Python with numbers, strings, lists, booleans, and basic logic. Eventually, though, we're going to need more complex containers for our data. We're also...



On Demand

Introducing Tuples

Learn about a python data structures that's similar to lists, but with one key difference. What you'll learnTuplesSegments in this Workshop



On Demand

Object-Oriented Python

Sometimes simple scripts with functions in them just aren't enough. Eventually you'll need logical models of your work and that'll lead you to creating custom classes in Python....



On Demand

Functions, Packing, and Unpacking

Learn the ins and outs of Python functions, how to send and receive values to functions, and all about Python packing and unpacking.What you'll learnFunction definition Arguments...



On Demand

Python Sequences

Discover several types of Python sequences, many ways of sequence iterations, and all of the common sequence operations.What you'll learnFor loops Slicing Ranges Sequence...



On Demand

Introducing Dictionaries

Another useful Python data structure is the dictionary. Learn how to write one and use one in your day to day Python code.What you'll learn**kwargs Writing dictionaries Key:value...



On Demand

Introduction to Anaconda

Learn why you want to use Anaconda, and then learn howSegments in this WorkshopWhat is Anaconda and why use it? Installing Anaconda Using conda to Install Packages miniconda



On Demand

Jupyter Notebooks

The Jupyter project has an amazing tool for Python, Julia, R, and other languages. Learn how to install Jupyter Notebooks, use them, and install kernels for other...



On Demand

Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib

Get started creating charts with the Python library, matplotlib, an industry standard data visualization library. Matplotlib provides a way to easily generate a wide variety of...



On Demand

Introduction to NumPy

NumPy is short for Numerical Python. It is the fundamental package for scientific computing. You will see it at play in just about everywhere Python needs to deal with data. This...



On Demand

Introduction to pandas (You were viewing this course)

Pandas provides fast, flexible, and expressive data structures that have been designed to make working with relational or “labeled” data not only easy, but also intuitive. It’s...



On Demand

Cleaning and Preparing Data

We rely on data to answer important questions, whether we are trying to make the best business decisions or determine the effectiveness of a new medical treatment. But our...



On Demand

Scraping Data From the Web

Almost any information you want is available on the Internet. Web scraping is a key tool for data mining that information allowing for web page exploration and collection for a...



On Demand

Introduction to Big Data

Big data represents an entire ecosystem of data sets, tools, and applications. This course is intended to get you familiar with the concepts, problem spaces, and overall ecosystem...



On Demand

Machine Learning Basics

Machine learning encompasses many different ideas, programming languages, frameworks, and approaches to the subject, so the term "machine learning" is difficult to define in just...




From Treehouse
Hours 32
Instructors Ben Deitch, Kenneth Love, Craig Dennis, Ken W. Alger, Alyssa Batula, Jared Smith, Nick Pettit, Ashley Boucher
Language English
Subjects Data Science Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

AD, Data Science $47k

Associate Data Science Supervisor $55k

Science writer / data analyst $63k

Genomic Data Science Programmer $75k

Volunteer Director of Data Science $78k

Expert Data Science Supervisor $79k

Supervisor 1 Data Science Supervisor $91k

Guest Director of Data Science $101k

Data Science Architect $105k

Head of Data Science $131k

Assistant Director 1 of Data Science $133k

Owner Director of Data Science $149k

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