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UX: Visual Design Process

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User Experience Design, commonly called UX Design, encompasses all aspects of a user's interaction with a company, its services, and its products. UX designers put themselves into the shoes of users to create solutions through empathy.In this track, you'll learn various methods of iterating on a design idea, from wireframing to building a mockup to sharing interactive prototypes.

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From Treehouse
Hours 7
Instructors Nick Pettit, Hope Armstrong
Language English
Subjects Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Research Tech, Design/Production Specialist $43k

Freelance Interior design $47k

Account Design Specialist $58k

Web Design Contractor $77k

Set Renderer/ Prop Design $80k

switchgear design and construction $95k

Mold Design Engineering (CAD) $104k

LNG Pressure Vessel & Mechanical Design Engineer Lead $124k

Senior Substation Design/P&C/Relay/Automation/SCADA Engineer $127k

Project Manager, Systems Design & Development $132k

ASIC Design Engineer 3 $185k

Software Design Engineer in Test Contractor 2 $203k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Visual Design Foundations

In this course, you'll build your design vocabulary and learn how to describe the basic building blocks of any visual image. We'll start by learning about the elements of design,...



On Demand

Handling Feedback as a UX Designer

This workshop prepares new designers for handling feedback on their work in a diplomatic, effective, and professional manner.Segments in this WorkshopThe Importance of Handling...



On Demand

Receiving UX Feedback by Example

See positive ways of handling different types of feedback on your designs, including constructive, negative and prescriptive feedback. Segments in this WorkshopReceiving...



On Demand

Collecting Design Inspiration

Collecting design inspiration is a fun way to get fresh ideas. It also helps you stay current with design trends and become aware of emerging design patterns. The goal is to...



On Demand

Introduction to Wireframing

Wireframing is a useful part of the design process. Throughout a website or mobile app project, you will have a lot of ideas and the best way to sort through those ideas is to...



On Demand

Designing Layouts

In this course you'll learn how to apply design principles through a series of examples. Each example will include some component that can be improved, and by making the...



On Demand

Prototyping with Adobe XD (You were viewing this course)

Adobe XD is a visual prototyping tool for PC and Mac. In this course, you'll learn how to use Adobe XD by building a mockup for a travel booking app. By the end, you'll be able to...



On Demand

Prototyping with Figma

In this course, you'll learn how to build interactive and sharable prototypes in Figma, a web-based visual prototyping tool. You'll create a prototype for a "prosumer" mobile...




From Treehouse
Hours 7
Instructors Nick Pettit, Hope Armstrong
Language English
Subjects Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Research Tech, Design/Production Specialist $43k

Freelance Interior design $47k

Account Design Specialist $58k

Web Design Contractor $77k

Set Renderer/ Prop Design $80k

switchgear design and construction $95k

Mold Design Engineering (CAD) $104k

LNG Pressure Vessel & Mechanical Design Engineer Lead $124k

Senior Substation Design/P&C/Relay/Automation/SCADA Engineer $127k

Project Manager, Systems Design & Development $132k

ASIC Design Engineer 3 $185k

Software Design Engineer in Test Contractor 2 $203k

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