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Internet of Things (IoT)

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Learn to guide IoT projects and design IoT solutions

Nominated for the 2020 edX Prize

The explosion of embedded and connected smart devices, systems and technologies in our lives has created an opportunity to connect every ‘thing’ to the internet. The resultant data collection and connectivity has created efficiencies and solutions previously dreamt up only in science fiction stories.

This is disrupting and transforming every industry around the world.

This MicroMasters program will put you at the front of a digital revolution, where you can design problem-solving systems or guide cutting-edge IoT projects in your industry and area of expertise. Professionals from any field who want to leverage their existing business and/or technical knowledge across IoT-related functions in their workplace will learn exactly what IoT is, how it works, and how to harness its power to improve and streamline your business.

The program will show you the scope of the IoT, and reveal underlying principles and architecture of its networks, devices, programming, data, and security. You will learn how an idea can become a viable, workable IoT product and be able to generate your own IoT ideas and design and/or support their development.

Verified learners will be able to participate in regular live discussions with course lecturers, and remotely access real laboratory equipment for practical sessions. In addition, verified learners will be given access to Cisco Network Academy resources.

Curtin is ranked in the top 200 in the world for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, has a 5-star QS rating, and is ranked ERA 5 (the highest possible rating for Excellence in Research in Australia).

What you'll learn

  • Generate IoT concepts and design IoT solutions within your area of expertise.
  • Map out the process for an IoT solution, and identify the sensors and other devices required.
  • Evaluate different infrastructure components and network systems, and design the basic network for your IoT ideas.
  • Apply software solutions for different systems and Big Data to your concept designs, and appreciate how data is managed in the network.
  • Identify and analyse IoT security and privacy risks, and concept design secure hardware and software.
  • Produce a viable IoT concept design that solves a problem, is ready to prototype and test, and has an identified route to market.

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From Curtin University, CurtinX via edX
Hours 222
Instructors Iain Murray AM, Nazanin Mohammadi, Joshua Gilchrist, Siavash Khaksar, Yifei Ren, We-Juet (Bert) Wong, Lenin Gopal, Cesar Ortega-Sanchez, Regina Reine Hendranata, Johannes U. Herrmann, Aloke Phatak, Valerie Maxville, Eleanor Sandry
Language English
Subjects Programming Art & Design Data Science Business

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Courses in this MicroMasters

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid rate, and it is becoming increasingly important for professionals to understand what it is, how it works, and how to harness...

edX | Curtin University, CurtinX


On Demand

IoT Sensors and Devices (You were viewing this course)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid rate, and it is becoming increasingly important for professionals to understand what it is, how it works, and how to harness...

edX | Curtin University, CurtinX


On Demand

IoT Networks and Protocols

The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid rate, and it is becoming increasingly important for professionals to understand what it is, how it works, and how to harness...

edX | Curtin University, CurtinX


On Demand

IoT Programming and Big Data

The Internet of Things is creating massive quantities of data, and managing and analysing it requires a unique approach to programming and statistics for distributed data...

edX | Curtin University, CurtinX


On Demand

Cybersecurity and Privacy in the IoT

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow so will the number of privacy and security concerns and issues. As a professional working in the field, it is essential to...

edX | Curtin University, CurtinX


On Demand

IoT Capstone Project

This capstone course will help you to bring together everything you’ve learned in the IoT MicroMasters program. You will fully engage in the process of designing your own IoT...

edX | Curtin University, CurtinX




Curtin University, CurtinX

From Curtin University, CurtinX via edX
Hours 222
Instructors Iain Murray AM, Nazanin Mohammadi, Joshua Gilchrist, Siavash Khaksar, Yifei Ren, We-Juet (Bert) Wong, Lenin Gopal, Cesar Ortega-Sanchez, Regina Reine Hendranata, Johannes U. Herrmann, Aloke Phatak, Valerie Maxville, Eleanor Sandry
Language English
Subjects Programming Art & Design Data Science Business


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Associates Degree / Paralegal $32k

Accelerated Degree Program Coordinator $46k

ASU Degree Center Coordinator at Arkansas Northeastern College $48k

Behavior Management Monitor - Required: Bachelor's Degree $49k

Degree Audit and Graduation Adviser $49k

Dual Degree Program Transfer Specialist $56k

Brand Management - Degree Men Trainee $60k

Medical Tech Degree $63k

Brand Management, Degree and Suave $76k

Bachelors Degree-Project Management Information Technology $85k

Electromechanical engineer degree $95k

Brand Management - Degree Men Manager $113k

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