Save For Later

Essentials of Cybersecurity

Save For Later

Find your niche in cybersecurity

Are you interested in working in cybersecurity but unsure if it's the right career choice for you?

This professional certificate program will introduce you to the field of cybersecurity, as you learn about its landscape, numerous sectors and various roles, competencies and career pathways.

You will learn about the role of the Chief Information Security Office (CISO) as you study the policies, procedures, practices and technologies put in place to mitigate organizational and systems vulnerabilities to cyberattack.

You will also learn about the type of skills needed from a cybersecurity professional, outside of technical proficiency. And lastly, you will be given the opportunity to complete a self-assessment to determine which career path in cybersecurity is right for you.

The goal of this program is to help you better understand cybersecurity and the opportunities within this field as they apply to you. The program is intended for learners who wish to identify their specific optimal niche and create a plan for entry into this exciting field.

What you'll learn

  • Describe the vast array of roles and sectors within the Cybersecurity industry;
  • Explain the relationship between management and technology in cybersecurity protection;
  • Identify appropriate types of security controls to the actions of different and evolving threat actors;
  • Apply terminology and basic concepts of cybersecurity;
  • Assess own knowledge, skill, and abilities toward identifying a career path in cybersecurity.

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From University of Washington, UWashingtonX via edX
Hours 120
Instructors Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, David Aucsmith
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

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Regional PATH Coordinator $47k

Path Forward Program: Solutions Technician $47k

Speech Lang Path- EIP $59k

Career Counselor, Career Connections $59k

Speech Path $59k

Speech Language Path PRN-CTX $60k

Speech Language Path PRN CTX $62k

Technical Specialist Path $68k

Data path/forwarding Engineer $81k

Data Path / Forwarding Engineer $85k

Algorithm Engineer - Path-Planning $101k

Courses in this Professional Certificate

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

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Cybersecurity: The CISO's View (You were viewing this course)

The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in any given organization serves a leadership position, protecting the data and digital systems that a company’s employees as well as...

edX | University of Washington, UWashingtonX


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Introduction to Cybersecurity

This course serves as an introduction to the exciting field of cybersecurity. As our daily lives become more and more dependent on Internet-based tools and services, and as those...

edX | University of Washington, UWashingtonX


On Demand

Building a Cybersecurity Toolkit

Technologies are always being defeated. If you own an information asset that’s valuable enough to the right adversary, it’s only a matter of time before there’s a breach. Today’s...

edX | University of Washington, UWashingtonX


On Demand

Finding Your Cybersecurity Career Path

In this course, you will focus on the pathways to cybersecurity career success. You will determine your own incoming skills, talent, and deep interests to apply toward a...

edX | University of Washington, UWashingtonX




University of Washington, UWashingtonX

From University of Washington, UWashingtonX via edX
Hours 120
Instructors Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, David Aucsmith
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

PATH Employment Specialist $34k

Regional PATH Coordinator $47k

Path Forward Program: Solutions Technician $47k

Speech Lang Path- EIP $59k

Career Counselor, Career Connections $59k

Speech Path $59k

Speech Language Path PRN-CTX $60k

Speech Language Path PRN CTX $62k

Technical Specialist Path $68k

Data path/forwarding Engineer $81k

Data Path / Forwarding Engineer $85k

Algorithm Engineer - Path-Planning $101k

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