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Prepare for the Google Associate Android Developer Certification

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To achieve the Google Associate Android Developer Certification, you need to demonstrate full proficiency as an entry-level developer. From the first steps of Android app development through proficiency, prepare yourself not only for certification, but also for a successful path in developing powerful Android applications.

In this learning path,

  • Master fundamental concepts of Android development.
  • Design a modern and appealing UI and UX.
  • Test and debug your application.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 68
Instructors David Gassner, Joe Marini, Jon Bott, Annyce Davis, Aaron Dolberg, Chiu-Ki Chan, James P White, Eric Brynsvold
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

IT Support Agent @ Google [X] 3 $47k

Google Specialist Contractor $47k

Google Cloud Developer $51k

Google Specialist Manager $54k

Google Cloud Engineer $57k

Data Specialist at Google $57k

Event Coordinator at Google $59k

Content Specialist for Google Play (@Google) $70k

Designer at Google $77k

Instructional Designer at Google $97k

Associate Business Development, Google Play Games $100k

Associate Consumer Operations Analyst, Google Earth $115k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

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Android Studio Essential Training 2020

Software developers who want to build Android apps need Android Studio—the official Google IDE. Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA and contains the same great coding and...

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Android Studio Essential Training (2016)

Want to develop Android apps? You need Android Studio—the only IDE fully supported by Google for Android app development. This course is fully revised for 2016, covering all the...

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On Demand

Android Development Essential Training: Create Your First App

Explore the world of Android app development. This training course prepares you to create your very first Android app—helping you understand the technologies at work and prepare...

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Android Development Essential Training: Your First App with Kotlin

Explore the world of Android app development. The Android Development Essential Training series walks beginners through the process of developing, designing, managing, and...

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On Demand

Android Development Essential Training: Design a User Interface

Create a user interface (UI) for a mobile app built with the Android SDK. David Gassner shows you how, in this course. David starts by exploring layout options, including views,...

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On Demand

Android Development Essential Training: The User Interface with Kotlin

A stylish, compelling user interface can quickly turn new users into fans. In this installment of theContents:Introduction1. Define Screens with Layout Files2. Using ViewGroup...

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Android Development Essential Training: App Architecture with Kotlin

The Android app architecture constantly evolves. The introduction of the Kotlin programming language, new form factors such as Chromebooks, and reusable architecture components...

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Android Development Essential Training: Support Multiple Screens

In this installment of the

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On Demand

Android Development Essential Training: Manage Navigation and Events

Once you've created your Android application and designed a user interface, you're ready to learn how to manage your app. This course prepares you to handle events and manage...

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On Demand

Android Development Essential Training: Manage Data with Kotlin

Nearly every app you build will use some kind of data. That data could be a single numeric value, or a complex relational database with multiple tables. This course helps you...

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On Demand

Android Development Essential Training: Local Data Storage

Android developers who need to manage and present data have many tools available to them in the application framework of Android. This course covers a variety of data persistence...

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On Demand

Android App Development: Localization and Internationalization

There are 260 million Android users in the US—but there are ten times as many around the world. Expand your Android app's reach to a global audience. Learn how to internationalize...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Android Development Essential Training: Distributing Apps

Once you've created an Android app, it's time to share it with the world. Luckily, there are many avenues to distribution. This course focuses on the two primary channels: Google...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Android App Development: Communicating with the User

Knowing how and when to display communications in your Android app can ensure your users enjoy a smooth user experience with a predictable and reliable flow. Join Joe Marini in...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Building Flexible Android Apps with the Fragments API

One of the most common challenges Android developers face is the variation in screen sizes among the thousands of phones, tablets, and other devices that run Android. The...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Concurrent Programming with Android: Threads, Workers, and Kotlin Coroutines (You were viewing this course)

Best practices for concurrent programming in Android have gone through major changes in the past few years. From new restrictions on the use of long-running services to the...

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On Demand

Android App Development: Design Patterns for Mobile Architecture

Developers need to know how to manage an app's complexity. In this course, learn how to simplify your apps by applying simple architectural design patterns to your mobile code...

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Java Design Patterns and APIs for Android

Programming Android apps with Java? Take your skills to the next level with some of the most popular design patterns and APIs for the Android SDK. David Gassner explains how to...

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Building Flexible Android Apps with the Fragments API with Java

One of the most common challenges Android developers face is the variation in screen sizes among the thousands of phones, tablets, and other devices that run Android. The...

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Android Development: Concurrent Programming

Make your Android apps more efficient by managing processes in multiple threads. Although threads share resources, you can divide work so that tasks can be performed...

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Android Espresso Essential Training

Testing is essential to delivering high-quality software. Espresso is the tool of choice for many Android developers, who need to test the logic and UI of their applications. Join...

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Android App Development: Data Persistence Libraries

By persisting your data, you can provide users with a more seamless experience with your app—even when they go offline. If you're an Android app developer, you have many data...

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Android App Development: RESTful Web Services

Android integrates with a variety of cloud-based and custom web services in a variety of ways, including RESTful services created in PHP or Java, to get, update, and send data...

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Google Firebase for Android: First Look

Whether you are considering Google Firebase or among the nearly half-million developers already using it, this course is designed for you. Google Firebase offers a set of features...

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Building a Note-Taking App for Android

Android, Windows, and iOS support are all required for a successful product. This course, revised for 2015, is one in a series that will demonstrate the platforms' similarities...

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Programming Foundations: Software Quality Assurance

Start incorporating quality into your software development process today. Author Aaron Dolberg demonstrates the different kinds of software testing (from black box to white box)...

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Effective Android Testing for Mobile Developers

There's a difference between knowing how to implement testing and knowing when and why to do it. In this project-based course, get acquainted with best practices for testing...

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Android App Development: Unit Testing

Make sure every part of your Android mobile app works perfectly. Test your application at the unit level using unit testing and the built-in tools in the Android SDK. Learn to...

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 68
Instructors David Gassner, Joe Marini, Jon Bott, Annyce Davis, Aaron Dolberg, Chiu-Ki Chan, James P White, Eric Brynsvold
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

IT Support Agent @ Google [X] 3 $47k

Google Specialist Contractor $47k

Google Cloud Developer $51k

Google Specialist Manager $54k

Google Cloud Engineer $57k

Data Specialist at Google $57k

Event Coordinator at Google $59k

Content Specialist for Google Play (@Google) $70k

Designer at Google $77k

Instructional Designer at Google $97k

Associate Business Development, Google Play Games $100k

Associate Consumer Operations Analyst, Google Earth $115k

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