Save For Later

Beginning SQL

Save For Later

SQL, or structured query language, is an important tool for business analysts, data analysts and data scientists. It's the language used to read, add, update and remove information from relational databases.SQL lets you search, sort, aggregate, and analyze data to create complex reports to help make important business decisions. It's also used by application designers and programmers to modify, add, and delete data from databases. In this track, we'll introduce the basics of the SQL language, how to use it to read information, how to use it to create reports, how to use it for CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations, and how to create complex queries that join information across multiple tables of data and databases with millions of pieces of information. You'll also learn how to count records, average values, and perform mathematical operations on your data.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $61,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Microsoft, Apple, NASA, GitHub, Zappos, Treehouse, and most companies

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From Treehouse
Hours 11
Instructors Andrew Chalkley, Kevin Nahm, Dave McFarland, Ben Deitch
Language English
Subjects Data Science Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Adjuster/Reinsurance and Structured Representative $45k

Structured Cable Sales Representative $49k

Associate Structured Products Analyst 2 $76k

Structured Finance Coordinator, Structured Finance $79k

Structured Products Modeler $87k

Trader / Structured Finance Analyst $106k

Portfolio Analyst - Structured Credit $107k

Software Engineer, Query Processing $114k

Structured Product Pricing $115k

Senior Counsel, Structured Finance $170k

Principal Structured Finance Analyst $185k

Principal Analyst, Structured Finance $295k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

SQL Basics

In SQL Basics we’ll take a look at what databases are and how you can retrieve information from them. Databases can store massive amounts of information to be retrieved at a later...



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Modifying Data with SQL

At the heart of a dynamic application is a database. Whether the application is an eCommerce, sports team, social network or a productivity app on your phone the data needs to...



On Demand

Reporting with SQL

SQL can be used to generate reports and present information on websites. This course covers powerful SQL features in helping you answer more interesting questions about your...



On Demand

Querying Relational Databases (You were viewing this course)

Building off of previous SQL courses, this course will begin to introduce the student to more complex database concepts. Students will learn to think about data as sets and...



On Demand

Common Table Expressions Using WITH

Common Tables Expressions, or CTEs, use the WITH keyword to make more readable, modular and easy to understand SQL queries.Segments in this WorkshopWhat is a Common Table...



On Demand

SQL Reporting by Example

In this course you'll get lots of practice writing SQL queries in a realistic environment. Segments in this Workshop




From Treehouse
Hours 11
Instructors Andrew Chalkley, Kevin Nahm, Dave McFarland, Ben Deitch
Language English
Subjects Data Science Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Adjuster/Reinsurance and Structured Representative $45k

Structured Cable Sales Representative $49k

Associate Structured Products Analyst 2 $76k

Structured Finance Coordinator, Structured Finance $79k

Structured Products Modeler $87k

Trader / Structured Finance Analyst $106k

Portfolio Analyst - Structured Credit $107k

Software Engineer, Query Processing $114k

Structured Product Pricing $115k

Senior Counsel, Structured Finance $170k

Principal Structured Finance Analyst $185k

Principal Analyst, Structured Finance $295k

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