Save For Later

Improve Your JavaScript Language Skills

Save For Later

Once you're comfortable with JavaScript foundations, it's time to explore its deeper capabilities. Dive into the details of JavaScript object structures, and master the language details that make it easier to share your projects.

In this learning path,

  • Redesign code as functions with clear dependencies.
  • Master the syntax and logic choices JavaScript provides.
  • Simplify your JavaScript debugging process.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 32
Instructors Shaun Wassell, Kyle Simpson, Douglas Crockford, Kent Dodds, Sasha Vodnik, Emmanuel Henri, Joe Chellman
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Code Inspector 2 $56k

Code A Expediter $57k

JavaScript Instructor $76k

Code Compliance $77k

Javascript Specialist $83k

JavaScript Wrangler $83k

Javascript Developer Consultant $89k

JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

.NET/Javascript Programmer $94k

Flash/ javascript developer $106k

Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript

Functional programming is a clean, robust alternative to the more typical procedural style of programming. In this course, learn about the functional concepts at the heart of many...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript ES6+

Want to write more robust, maintainable code? In this course, discover how this can be accomplished with functional programming, and learn about the functional concepts at the...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Functional-Lite JavaScript

In this course, Kyle Simpson covers key aspects of functional programming to help you enhance your JavaScript skills. Throughout the course, Kyle covers concepts in a practical...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

JavaScript: Prototypes (You were viewing this course)

The JavaScript approach to object-oriented programming feels alien to many developers. While prototypes are core tools for intermediate and advanced programming, even experienced...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

The Good Parts of JavaScript and the Web

This course helps identify the value of using JavaScript for web-based programming. First, learn the history of JavaScript, the details of the language, and get an overview of how...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Coercion in JavaScript

Learn how to leverage implicit and explicit coercion functions to reduce the amount of repetition in your programs and create code that is more flexible. Kyle Simpson explains how...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

JavaScript: Scope

JavaScript scope determines how variables can be accessed throughout your code. There are two scopes: global and local. Global variables are accessible from anywhere; local...

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On Demand

Creating an Open Source JavaScript Library

Managing open-source projects for web development can be a rewarding—and intricate—endeavor. In this course, get started with open-source by learning how to build a small...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning JavaScript Debugging

Whether you're new to coding or an experienced developer, bugs are an inevitable part of web development. Debuggers can make the task of finding and fixing those bugs much easier....

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 32
Instructors Shaun Wassell, Kyle Simpson, Douglas Crockford, Kent Dodds, Sasha Vodnik, Emmanuel Henri, Joe Chellman
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Code Inspector 2 $56k

Code A Expediter $57k

JavaScript Instructor $76k

Code Compliance $77k

Javascript Specialist $83k

JavaScript Wrangler $83k

Javascript Developer Consultant $89k

JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

.NET/Javascript Programmer $94k

Flash/ javascript developer $106k

Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

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