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Master After Effects

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After Effects is one of the most important tools in the motion graphics industry. This path helps you get started from square one, and learn the essentials of the software—establishing a foundation to lead you to intermediate and advanced techniques.

In this learning path,

  • Establish a solid mastery of the After Effects technology.
  • Create 2D shape–based graphic animations.
  • Integrate type into video.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 17
Instructors Mark Christiansen, Alan Demafiles, Eran Stern, Owen Lowery, Luisa Winters
Language English
Subjects Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Sales Tools Analyst $68k

The Worlds Most Important Editor $84k

Software Methodology and Tools Analyst $92k

Infrastructure Tools Administrator $94k

Vice Assistant President IT Service Management Tools Technical Analyst $97k

Senior Tools and Automation Software Engineer $136k

Tools QA Engineer $149k

Member of Technical Staff, Tools and Automation $166k

Maya Tools Engineer Lead $182k

Staff Research and Development Engineer of DATA INTEGRATION TOOLS DIVISION $184k

Principal Test Tools Engineer $186k

Principal Tools Engineer $224k

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After Effects Guru: Integrating Type into Video Volume 2

Discover new ways to combine text and video in After Effects and create more visually stunning scenes. This course, the second volume of Eran Stern'sContents:Introduction1....

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After Effects Guru: Expressions

Expressions are an incredibly powerful feature in After Effects. They are a way to affect the values of properties using lines of code rather than keyframes. This makes...

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 17
Instructors Mark Christiansen, Alan Demafiles, Eran Stern, Owen Lowery, Luisa Winters
Language English
Subjects Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Sales Tools Analyst $68k

The Worlds Most Important Editor $84k

Software Methodology and Tools Analyst $92k

Infrastructure Tools Administrator $94k

Vice Assistant President IT Service Management Tools Technical Analyst $97k

Senior Tools and Automation Software Engineer $136k

Tools QA Engineer $149k

Member of Technical Staff, Tools and Automation $166k

Maya Tools Engineer Lead $182k

Staff Research and Development Engineer of DATA INTEGRATION TOOLS DIVISION $184k

Principal Test Tools Engineer $186k

Principal Tools Engineer $224k

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