Save For Later

Exploring Django

Save For Later

Want to build web sites and apps using the Python language and tools you love? Django is a world-class framework for doing just that. With many batteries included, tons of handy third-party packages, and a focus on fast creation, Django is one of the most popular web frameworks for the Python language.By the end of the track, you'll know the basics of Python, how to install and start using Django, how to use a database with Python and your Django app, and more.

Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Instagram, Pinterest, Texas Tribune, NASA, Disqus

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From Treehouse
Hours 35
Instructors Kenneth Love, Treasure Porth, Chris Ramacciotti, Lacey Williams Henschel, Chris Jones, Ashley Boucher
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Senior Build Technician $75k

Web Build Specialist $78k

Server Build Coordinator $82k

IT Build Coordinator $86k

Build and Deploy Engineer $92k

Client Build Team $123k

Build Technician Lead $123k

Infrastructure Build Engineer $128k

Software Engineer - Build $140k

Principal Design/Build $142k

Build & Release $151k

Embedded Build Engineer $176k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Regular Expressions in Python

Regular expressions are one of the tools that every programmer needs, but is often scared of. In this course, we'll explore the module that Python provides and learn to write...



On Demand

Introducing Tuples

Learn about a python data structures that's similar to lists, but with one key difference. What you'll learnTuplesSegments in this Workshop



On Demand

Using Databases in Python

When you want to store data from a program, you have two general choices: files or databases. In this course, we're going to explore using a database from within Python by using...



On Demand

Introducing Dictionaries

Another useful Python data structure is the dictionary. Learn how to write one and use one in your day to day Python code.What you'll learn**kwargs Writing dictionaries Key:value...



On Demand

Python Testing

Every project can benefit from testing and Python's testing library is solid, strong, and easy to learn and use. In this course, we'll learn about doctests, Python's library,...



On Demand

Python Sequences

Discover several types of Python sequences, many ways of sequence iterations, and all of the common sequence operations.What you'll learnFor loops Slicing Ranges Sequence...



On Demand

Functions, Packing, and Unpacking

Learn the ins and outs of Python functions, how to send and receive values to functions, and all about Python packing and unpacking.What you'll learnFunction definition Arguments...



On Demand

Introduction to HTML and CSS

Get started creating web pages with HTML and CSS, the basic building blocks of web development. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a standard set of tags you will use to tell...



On Demand

HTTP Basics

During this course, we'll take a look at the underlying method that devices use to communicate with each other: HTTP, or the HyperText Transfer Protocol. In particular, we'll...



On Demand

Django Basics

When it comes to Python web frameworks, the elephant (pony?) in the room is Django. Let's explore this framework and build the prototype of an e-learning site. We'll look into...



On Demand

Customizing Django Templates (You were viewing this course)

In Django Basics, you learned how to set up the skeleton of a video tutorial library. But for a real-world application, you’d probably want more flexibility and functionality in...



On Demand

Django Forms

Django Forms let us quickly create HTML forms and validate information from users and APIs. Django gives us two types of Forms, basic Forms and Model Forms, which turn our Models...



On Demand

Django ORM

Django has a very powerful ORM that provides us a huge amount of convenience when building our apps. In this course, we'll learn about and use many of the methods and tools that...



On Demand

Customizing the Django Admin

The Django Admin is a powerful and free tool that Django gives you to help you manage the content on your site. Customizing the admin makes it easier for you, and the other...



On Demand

Django Class-based Views

Django view functions are simple and easy to use but sometimes you find yourself repeating a lot of the same work over and over. Luckily, Django also offers a way to create views...



On Demand


Many of the APIs you'll encounter on the Web use an underlying design idea known as REST, which stands for Representational State Transfer. Understanding what and how aWhat you'll...



On Demand

Django REST Framework

You’ve been learning Django and building great things. Suddenly it hits you. How do I take all this data I have and make it available to the world? Look no further than Django...



On Demand

Django Authentication

Django offers a powerful system for creating and authenticating users. Django's system also offers a lot of customization options. In this course, we'll explore Django's built-in...



On Demand

Django Social Authentication

In this Workshop, you'll learn how to add OAuth-based authentication to your Django applications. We'll use GitHub to provide a quick and easy way to log users in.Segments in this...




From Treehouse
Hours 35
Instructors Kenneth Love, Treasure Porth, Chris Ramacciotti, Lacey Williams Henschel, Chris Jones, Ashley Boucher
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Senior Build Technician $75k

Web Build Specialist $78k

Server Build Coordinator $82k

IT Build Coordinator $86k

Build and Deploy Engineer $92k

Client Build Team $123k

Build Technician Lead $123k

Infrastructure Build Engineer $128k

Software Engineer - Build $140k

Principal Design/Build $142k

Build & Release $151k

Embedded Build Engineer $176k

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