Save For Later

Intermediate Java

Save For Later

Java made its debut in 1995 and is now the most popular language in the world. It is commonly used for everything from smartphones, tablets, watches, servers, information security, artificial intelligence, games, and even robots. Because of its maturity and popularity, learning Java is a great way to land a software development job in just about any market. This track will guide you through the more intermediate parts of the language and help you gain the experience and confidence you need to explore any direction your programming adventures may lead.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $70,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: eBay, PayPal, Amazon, Google, Twitter,, Square, and Facebook

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From Treehouse
Hours 18
Instructors Craig Dennis, Chris Ramacciotti
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Java/J2ee/Spring with JBPM ( USC & GC ) Only $58k

Java / J2EE Applications Developer $69k

Junior Java UI Developer $74k

JAVA/JEE Engineer (multiple openings) $81k

Java and Web Programmer Contractor $86k

Credit Electronic Trading Java Developer $102k

Solution Architect Java $122k

Java Web Services Architect $129k

Owner Java Developer $152k

Java Backend Developer $176k

Principal Java Developer Manager $183k

Senior Java Developer from Mindtree Ltd $192k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Regular Expressions in Java

Regular Expressions are an extremely handy tool to have at your disposal. They are also incredibly intimidating looking if you don’t know how or why someone is using them. Regular...



On Demand

Local Development Environments

This course will introduce you how to set up your development environment on your local machine. We will take a deeper look at the Java technology and learn tips, tricks and best...



On Demand

Java Lambdas

Lambdas are anonymous functions. They were added to the language in Java 8, and can be used any place a Single Abstract Method was used before.Segments in this WorkshopOld School...



On Demand

Unit Testing in Java

Unit testing is a Java best practice that ensures your code is working how it was intended. It is a critical habit that you should develop early on in your coding adventures.What...



On Demand

Dependency Management with Gradle

This workshop will walk through what dependencies are, why you want them, how to use them, and finally how to manage them.Segments in this WorkshopDependencies Introducing Gradle...



On Demand

Introduction to Functional Programming

Functional Programming is an old paradigm, but one that is relatively new to Java world. In this course we will explore how to take advantage of the power that comes with thinking...



On Demand

Java Annotations

Annotations have rapidly become the preferred approach to integrating powerful third-party libraries into your own Java applications. In this course, we'll first explore the basic...



On Demand

Building with Maven (You were viewing this course)

Developing applications for distribution usually involves the use of a build tool. In the Java world, this is likely either Gradle or Maven. In this workshop, we'll explore the...



On Demand

Debugging an Existing Java Application

We developers spend more than half our time maintaining code. In this course you will get armed with some helpful debugging tools and practices that will help you navigate around...



On Demand

Build a JavaFX Application

JavaFX is the de facto way to make Graphical User Interfaces (or GUIs) in Java. It is robust and customizable, and getting familiar with its APIs will expose many application...




From Treehouse
Hours 18
Instructors Craig Dennis, Chris Ramacciotti
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Java/J2ee/Spring with JBPM ( USC & GC ) Only $58k

Java / J2EE Applications Developer $69k

Junior Java UI Developer $74k

JAVA/JEE Engineer (multiple openings) $81k

Java and Web Programmer Contractor $86k

Credit Electronic Trading Java Developer $102k

Solution Architect Java $122k

Java Web Services Architect $129k

Owner Java Developer $152k

Java Backend Developer $176k

Principal Java Developer Manager $183k

Senior Java Developer from Mindtree Ltd $192k

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