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CertNexus Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist

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Be an Ethical Leader in Data-Driven Technologies

The Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist (CEET) industry validated certification helps professionals differentiate themselves from other job candidates by demonstrating their ability to ethically navigate data driven emerging technologies such as AI, Machine Learning and Data Science. Organizations and governments are seeking out ethics professionals to minimize risk and guide their decision-making about the design of inclusive, responsible, and trusted technology. An algorithm not designed and assessed in alignment with ethical standards can create further inequity across race, gender and marginalized populations. The reputational and financial impact of an ethics violation can devastate a company. Knowledgeable ethics leaders are needed who can navigate through the more than 160 frameworks and guidelines to select and implement the best strategy to promote fairness and minimize risk for their organization. This specialization is designed for learners who want to create and lead initiatives that prioritize ethical integrity within emerging data-driven technology fields such as artificial intelligence and data science and will be prepared to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Your journey to CEET Certification 1) Complete the Coursera Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist Professional Certificate 2) Review the CEET CET-110 Exam Blueprint 3) Purchase your CEET Exam Voucher 4) Register for your CEET Exam

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From CertNexus via Coursera
Hours 120
Instructors Megan Smith Branch, Eleanor 'Nell' Watson, Aaron Hui, Abhishek Gupta, Tania De Gasperis, Renée Cummings, Renée Cummings, Jennifer Fischer
Language English
Subjects Data Science Programming Business Art & Design Humanities

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Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Promote the Ethical Use of Data-Driven Technologies

The greatest risk in emerging technology is the perpetuation of bias in automated technologies dependent upon data sets. Solutions created with racial, gender or demographic bias,...

Coursera | CertNexus



Turn Ethical Frameworks into Actionable Steps

Ethical principles build a strong foundation for driving ethical technologies. Principles alone can be elusive and impractical for application. Ethical frameworks based upon these...

Coursera | CertNexus



Detect and Mitigate Ethical Risks

Data-driven technologies like AI, when designed with ethics in mind, benefit both the business and society at large. But it’s not enough to say you will “be ethical” and expect it...

Coursera | CertNexus



Communicate Effectively about Ethical Challenges in Data-Driven Technologies

Leading a data-driven organization necessitates effective communication to create a culture of ethical practice. Communication to stakeholders will guide an organization's...

Coursera | CertNexus



Create and Lead an Ethical Data-Driven Organization

Creating and leading an ethical data-driven organization, when done successfully, is a cultural transformation for an organization. Navigating a cultural shift requires leadership...

Coursera | CertNexus



Preparing for Your CertNexus Certification Exam

What is a certification? How is it different than a certificate or credential? This mini-course will answer these questions and provide learners direction on how to prepare for a...

Coursera | CertNexus





From CertNexus via Coursera
Hours 120
Instructors Megan Smith Branch, Eleanor 'Nell' Watson, Aaron Hui, Abhishek Gupta, Tania De Gasperis, Renée Cummings, Renée Cummings, Jennifer Fischer
Language English
Subjects Data Science Programming Business Art & Design Humanities


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Certified Nurse Technician $38k

Certified Interpreter $39k

Certified Therapist $45k

Certified Appraiser $57k

Certified Artist $57k

Apple Certified Technician $59k

Certified Bookkeeper $64k

Ethical cost accountant $64k

Ethical Hacker or Pen Tester $67k

Orthopedic Certified Specialist, ABPTS Board Certified $68k

Certified Reiki Practitioner $101k

certified geriatric pharmacist $118k

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