Save For Later

Music Production

Save For Later

Develop Your Creativity as a Music Producer

This Specialization will give you the knowledge and tools you need to record and produce professional sounding music. You will begin by developing your identity, vision, and intention as an artist and producer. Next, you will learn the technical aspects of music production, including how sound is translated into audio signals, recording techniques, and effects such as reverb, delay, and compression. You will also learn how to use the industry standard Digital Audio Workstation, Pro Tools, to create professional recordings. Finally, you will apply the knowledge and tools you gained in a culminating 4-week Capstone where you will complete a project beginning at the pre-production stage through the recording, mixing, and mastering stages.

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From Berklee, Berklee College of Music via Coursera
Hours 73
Instructors Chrissy Tignor-Fisher, Chrissy Tignor, Stephen Webber, Loudon Stearns
Language English
Subjects Art & Design Humanities

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

QA Inspector - Produce $34k

Produce Coordinator $40k

Produce Helper Clerk $42k

Produce Trainer $47k

Team Produce Lead $60k

Merchandiser - Produce $62k

Floral/Produce $66k

Produce Freight Analyst $67k

Enterprise Produce Buyer $69k

Senior Produce $73k

Regional Produce $85k

Produce Leader $88k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


The Art of Music Production

Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other people will love listening to. This course will teach you how to make emotionally moving recordings on...

Coursera | Berklee, Berklee College of Music



The Technology of Music Production

Learn about the music production process—including recording, editing, and mixing—and the tools available to you to create contemporary music on your computer. With the recent...

Coursera | Berklee, Berklee College of Music



Pro Tools Basics

Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into the DAW in a creative...

Coursera | Berklee, Berklee College of Music



Music Production Capstone

After successfully completing the three prior courses of the Music Production Specialization, this capstone experience is your chance to use your talent and accumulated knowledge...

Coursera | Berklee, Berklee College of Music




Berklee, Berklee College of Music

From Berklee, Berklee College of Music via Coursera
Hours 73
Instructors Chrissy Tignor-Fisher, Chrissy Tignor, Stephen Webber, Loudon Stearns
Language English
Subjects Art & Design Humanities


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

QA Inspector - Produce $34k

Produce Coordinator $40k

Produce Helper Clerk $42k

Produce Trainer $47k

Team Produce Lead $60k

Merchandiser - Produce $62k

Floral/Produce $66k

Produce Freight Analyst $67k

Enterprise Produce Buyer $69k

Senior Produce $73k

Regional Produce $85k

Produce Leader $88k

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