Save For Later

Beginning JavaScript

Save For Later

JavaScript powers the interactivity and the user experience on every major website. From user interfaces that provide richer desktop-like experiences to real-time data and messaging applications, you'll find JavaScript in the browser, on your phone and on the server. In this track we'll introduce you to the JavaScript language, jQuery, the popular JavaScript framework and the ins-and-outs of adding interactivity in the browser.You'll also learn the fundamentals of programming by learning this fun and easy-to-get-started with language.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $65,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Amazon, Netflix, Walmart, PayPal, Groupon, Airbnb, Spotify

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From Treehouse
Hours 20
Instructors Andrew Chalkley, Dave McFarland, Joel Kraft, Guil Hernandez
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Mid-Level Angular JavaScript Developer $62k

JavaScript Instructor $76k

Javascript Specialist $83k

Ruby on Rails / JavaScript Developer $84k

JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

Senior JavaScript/Web Developer $123k

Principal JavaScript UI Engineer $130k

Front End Engineer (JavaScript) Lead $133k

Ruby on Rails and Javascript Ninja $135k

Mobile Web (JavaScript) Developer $142k

Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Introducing JavaScript (You were viewing this course)

Learn the fundamentals of programming by building a JavaScript video game. This fun, exploratory course teaches you basic concepts like variables, values, conditional statements...



On Demand

JavaScript Basics

JavaScript is a programming language that drives the web: from front-end user interface design, to backend server-side programming, you'll find JavaScript at every stage of a web...



On Demand

JavaScript Loops, Arrays and Objects

Storing, tracking and handling data is a large part of computer programming. Arrays provide a method for storing multiple values into a single variable. That makes an array a...



On Demand

Getting Started With ES2015

ES2015, also called ES6, is a newer version of the JavaScript language that’s well supported in browsers and commonly used by programmers. In this course, you'll get up-to-speed...



On Demand

The Landscape of JavaScript

JavaScript is everywhere and used in all phases of development from software to hardware. This course walks you through the modern landscape of JavaScript, and what it means to...



On Demand

JavaScript and the DOM

JavaScript lets you create interactive web pages which can respond to a user's actions. In this course, you'll learn how to bring web pages to life using the power of...



On Demand

DOM Scripting By Example

Use JavaScript to build an RSVP web application. Many of the features you'll build are common to other web applications. When you're done programing the app, you'll have the...




From Treehouse
Hours 20
Instructors Andrew Chalkley, Dave McFarland, Joel Kraft, Guil Hernandez
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Mid-Level Angular JavaScript Developer $62k

JavaScript Instructor $76k

Javascript Specialist $83k

Ruby on Rails / JavaScript Developer $84k

JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

Senior JavaScript/Web Developer $123k

Principal JavaScript UI Engineer $130k

Front End Engineer (JavaScript) Lead $133k

Ruby on Rails and Javascript Ninja $135k

Mobile Web (JavaScript) Developer $142k

Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

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