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Java Testing

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Learn to test Java functionality

This specialization is intended for students interested to learn Java testing, mocking, improving their Java code, developing test-first Java artifacts, and building quality Enterprise Applications. There are four courses in the Specialization. Each course takes two weeks and about 3-5 hours of study time each week.

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From LearnQuest via Coursera
Hours 36
Instructor Grayson Lyvers
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Automated Testing, Java EE $56k

Java AWS $62k

Java with AWS $68k

Java/AngularJS $68k

Java Developer 1 3 $72k

Java with E-commerce $77k

Java Instructor $78k

Java Programmer 1 $81k

CRM and Java $81k

Java Specialist $100k

Java SDET $121k

Java Architecture $133k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Overview of JUnit Testing (You were viewing this course)

This course is a basic introduction to JUnit, covering the essential techniques for testing java code.

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Mocking with JUnit

This course gives a foundational knowledge in mocking. What is mocking, why mock and how to mock are all questions that will be answered in this course.

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Java Testing: An Introduction to TDD

Test Driven Development (TDD) is an industry accepted technique to build Enterprise Applications and enhance quality. This course will introduce a test first approach for the...

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Parameterized and Dynamic Testing in JUnit

In this course you will learn about how to test vast amounts of functionality using Parameterized Tests, Repeated Tests and Dynamic Tests without having to write verbose test scripts.

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From LearnQuest via Coursera
Hours 36
Instructor Grayson Lyvers
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Automated Testing, Java EE $56k

Java AWS $62k

Java with AWS $68k

Java/AngularJS $68k

Java Developer 1 3 $72k

Java with E-commerce $77k

Java Instructor $78k

Java Programmer 1 $81k

CRM and Java $81k

Java Specialist $100k

Java SDET $121k

Java Architecture $133k

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