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Mastering Agile Development of Software as a Service

Save For Later

Learn the fundamentals for engineering long-lasting software using highly-productive agile techniques to develop Software as a Service (SaaS)!

This Professional Certificate Program presents ideas and techniques for designing, developing, and modifying large software systems using Agile techniques and the same best-of-breed tools used by professionals, including GitHub, Pivotal Tracker, Travis CI, Heroku, and more.

Topics include: function-oriented and object-oriented modular design techniques, designing for re-use and maintainability including proper use of design patterns, behavior-driven design, test-driven development, user stories for requirements elicitation & documentation, verification and validation, cost and quality metrics and estimation, project team organization and management, analyzing and refactoring legacy code.

Fully integrated into each course, the

platform provides students with a seamless integrated software development environment, auto-graded assessments, and a digital textbook.

What you'll learn

  • Articulate the primary differences between Agile and Plan-and-Document methodologies.
  • Apply the key ideas of learning a new language in order to construct programs in Ruby.
  • Summarize the key architectural elements of RESTful SaaS applications and microservices.
  • Apply the key ideas of learning a new framework to 2 construct and deploy simple Rails applications.
  • Apply behavior-driven development (BDD) to elicit customer needs and express them as user stories that will drive development.
  • Construct unit- and module-level tests and measure their coverage.
  • Apply BDD & TDD to identify the main parts of a legacy code base, measure code quality, and refactor code to improve its quality.
  • Exercise best practices in planning, effort estimation, and coordination of the efforts of small software teams, using appropriate tools to support those practices.
  • Recognize when an appropriate Design Pattern may improve code quality, and refactor code to apply those Design Patterns.
  • Identify and repair potential app-level security and performance problems.

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From Berkeley, BerkeleyX, University of California, Berkeley via edX
Hours 120
Instructors Armando Fox, David Patterson, Sam Joseph
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Agile Coach - Boston, MA, Eden Prairie,... $40k

Techniques (General) Engineer $70k

Agile Business Analyst - 1292 $73k

Agile Coach - Boston, MA or Raleigh,... $88k

Senior Agile QA Analyst $89k

Agile Software Craftsman $131k

Senior ScrumMaster / Agile Coach $134k

Manager, Business Project Management / Agile Project/Program Manager $142k

Applications Developer + Agile Coach $164k

Agile Software Engineer $187k

Agile Coach Consultant Lead Manager $200k

Senior Agile Developer Consultant $213k

Courses in this Professional Certificate

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Introduction to Agile Software Development: Tools & Techniques

Part One of the Professional Certificate Program in Agile Development of Software as a Service. This course presents ideas and techniques for designing, developing, and modifying...

edX | Berkeley, BerkeleyX, University of California, Berkeley


On Demand

Advanced Topics and Techniques in Agile Software Development

Part Two of the Professional Certificate Program in Agile Development of Software as a Service. The Agile Software Development program introduces ideas and techniques for...

edX | Berkeley, BerkeleyX, University of California, Berkeley


On Demand

Mastering Agile Software Development and Deployment (You were viewing this course)

Part Three of the Professional Certificate Program in Agile Development of Software as a Service. This course presents ideas and techniques for designing, developing, and...

edX | University of California, Berkeley




Berkeley, BerkeleyX, University of California, Berkeley

From Berkeley, BerkeleyX, University of California, Berkeley via edX
Hours 120
Instructors Armando Fox, David Patterson, Sam Joseph
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Agile Coach - Boston, MA, Eden Prairie,... $40k

Techniques (General) Engineer $70k

Agile Business Analyst - 1292 $73k

Agile Coach - Boston, MA or Raleigh,... $88k

Senior Agile QA Analyst $89k

Agile Software Craftsman $131k

Senior ScrumMaster / Agile Coach $134k

Manager, Business Project Management / Agile Project/Program Manager $142k

Applications Developer + Agile Coach $164k

Agile Software Engineer $187k

Agile Coach Consultant Lead Manager $200k

Senior Agile Developer Consultant $213k

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