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Introduction to Mechanics

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Understand the Physics of Mechanics and Motion

This specialization is for learners who are interested in first-year, university-level physics. Through three courses, you will gain a foundation in mechanics including motion, forces, energy, momentum, rotational motion, and gravitation. With 100 brief lectures and over 100 problems, this comprehensive specialization is similar in detail and rigor to what is taught in on-campus courses. It will thoroughly prepare learners for their upcoming introductory physics courses, or more advanced studies.

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From Rice University via Coursera
Hours 98
Instructor Jason Hafner
Language English
Subjects Engineering Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

CN 100 Reporter $49k

Physics and AP Physics Teacher $49k

Teacher of English Language Learners $53k

DMS-100 Switch Technican $68k

University 100 Instructor $80k

University 100 Mentor $83k

Physics Tutor - Department of Physics $84k

Physics Programmer $98k

Researcher - Physics $108k

Physics Research $129k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Physics 101 - Forces and Kinematics (You were viewing this course)

This course serves as an introduction to the physics of force and motion. Upon completion, learners will have an understanding of how mathematical laws and conservation...

Coursera | Rice University



Physics 101 - Energy and Momentum

This course serves as an introduction to the physics of energy and momentum. Upon completion, learners will have an understanding of how mathematical laws and conservation...

Coursera | Rice University



Physics 101 - Rotational Motion and Gravitation

This course serves as an introduction to the physics of rotational motion and gravitation. Upon completion, learners will have an understanding of how mathematical laws and...

Coursera | Rice University




Rice University

From Rice University via Coursera
Hours 98
Instructor Jason Hafner
Language English
Subjects Engineering Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

CN 100 Reporter $49k

Physics and AP Physics Teacher $49k

Teacher of English Language Learners $53k

DMS-100 Switch Technican $68k

University 100 Instructor $80k

University 100 Mentor $83k

Physics Tutor - Department of Physics $84k

Physics Programmer $98k

Researcher - Physics $108k

Physics Research $129k

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