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Become a Vanilla JavaScript Developer

Save For Later

While frameworks and libraries make it easy to create code quickly, sometimes you need to be able to build smaller, tighter code that you control. In this path, learn to create clean JavaScript code for any front-end application, with or without a supporting framework, that does exactly what you need.

In this learning path,

  • Create code that fits your needs precisely.
  • Broaden your understanding of JavaScript features that simplify program architecture.
  • Develop your own approach to managing communications with servers.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 29
Instructors Sasha Vodnik, Leigh Lawhon, Shaun Wassell, Douglas Crockford, Maximiliano Firtman, Tom Duffy
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).


Certified Code Compliance Officer $62k

Code enforcement official $65k

Code Enforcement Officer Consultant Expert $65k

Critical Care Nurse and Code Team $70k


Code Administration Officer $72k

Code Compliance $77k

Error Code Analyst Manager $79k

Senior Infrastructure Analyst/Source Code Mgmt $103k

Senior Code Enforcement Officer Consultant $141k

Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Servo Code $156k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Learning App Building with Vanilla JavaScript

JavaScript libraries like jQuery and frameworks like React have a lot of benefits to offer, but performance can be a tradeoff. Removing jQuery and React can improve site speed...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Vanilla JavaScript: Binding and Propagation

Are you familiar with foundational JavaScript concepts, but want to continue to build your understanding of this essential scripting language? In this course, explore some more...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Web Portfolio Projects: Binding and Propagation

Are you familiar with foundational JavaScript concepts, but want to continue to build your understanding of this essential scripting language? In this course, explore some more...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript

Functional programming is a clean, robust alternative to the more typical procedural style of programming. In this course, learn about the functional concepts at the heart of many...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript ES6+

Want to write more robust, maintainable code? In this course, discover how this can be accomplished with functional programming, and learn about the functional concepts at the...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

The Good Parts of JavaScript and the Web

This course helps identify the value of using JavaScript for web-based programming. First, learn the history of JavaScript, the details of the language, and get an overview of how...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Building Web Applications with Ajax

Ajax revolutionized web development by allowing developers to create interactive client-side applications that communicated with servers only when necessary, skipping the constant...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Processing and Interchanging JSON Data

While JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a powerful tool for computer-to-computer communication, human developers have to untangle its many pieces to make that communication...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Vanilla JavaScript: Service Workers (You were viewing this course)

Service workers are background scripts that enable features like offline storage, push notifications, and background syncing. They are an important tool for the modern web...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Vanilla JavaScript: Progressive Web Applications

Users now expect app-like experiences from mobile sites. But how do developers make their web-based projects behave like native apps? Progressive web apps (PWAs) are the answer....

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 29
Instructors Sasha Vodnik, Leigh Lawhon, Shaun Wassell, Douglas Crockford, Maximiliano Firtman, Tom Duffy
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).


Certified Code Compliance Officer $62k

Code enforcement official $65k

Code Enforcement Officer Consultant Expert $65k

Critical Care Nurse and Code Team $70k


Code Administration Officer $72k

Code Compliance $77k

Error Code Analyst Manager $79k

Senior Infrastructure Analyst/Source Code Mgmt $103k

Senior Code Enforcement Officer Consultant $141k

Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Servo Code $156k

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