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Oracle SQL Databases

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Become Proficient with Oracle SQL Databases

This Specialization is intended for beginners to learn how to become proficient writing Oracle SQL code to create, modify, and edit Oracle SQL Databases. You will learn the Oracle database foundations, explore the platform, try your hand at the basics, and become proficient at building and modifying databases.

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From LearnQuest via Coursera
Hours 35
Instructor Rafiq Wayani
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

PL/Sql Developer with Oracle EBS $86k

Oracle SQL Report Developer $93k

SQL Server/Oracle DBA $95k

Oracle PL/SQL Software Developer $106k

oracle /sql server DBA $107k

Oracle/SQL Database Administrator $118k

Oracle PL/SQL & ODI Developer $120k

MS SQL/Oracle Database Administrator $126k

SQL Server and Oracle DBA $138k

Oracle & SQL Server DBA $141k

SQL Server/Oracle Database Administrator $145k

Senior oracle /sql server DBA $146k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Oracle Database Foundations

This Specialization is designed to help beginners learn the foundational knowledge invaluable towards their journey to becoming proficient with the Oracle database environment....

Coursera | LearnQuest



Oracle Database Platform

This course is designed to help you learn how to navigate the Oracle Database environment. Both GUI and command-line tools will be introduced to allow you to work with the Oracle...

Coursera | LearnQuest



Oracle SQL Basics (You were viewing this course)

This course, Oracle SQL Basics is the third course in the Oracle specialization. It is designed to help you learn the key elements of the Structured Query Language specific to...

Coursera | LearnQuest



Oracle SQL Proficiency

This course is designed to help you continue learning about Oracle SQL and database management. We will look more closely at the Create, Alter, and Update commands, explore...

Coursera | LearnQuest





From LearnQuest via Coursera
Hours 35
Instructor Rafiq Wayani
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

PL/Sql Developer with Oracle EBS $86k

Oracle SQL Report Developer $93k

SQL Server/Oracle DBA $95k

Oracle PL/SQL Software Developer $106k

oracle /sql server DBA $107k

Oracle/SQL Database Administrator $118k

Oracle PL/SQL & ODI Developer $120k

MS SQL/Oracle Database Administrator $126k

SQL Server and Oracle DBA $138k

Oracle & SQL Server DBA $141k

SQL Server/Oracle Database Administrator $145k

Senior oracle /sql server DBA $146k

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