Save For Later

Become an Excel 2013 Microsoft Office Specialist

Save For Later

Validate your proficiency and advance your career as a certified Microsoft Office Specialist in Excel 2013. You'll master creating and managing worksheets and workbooks through hands-on training and performance-based scenarios.

In this learning path,

  • Optimize Excel's powerful features and functions.
  • Explore the most useful of the 450+ formulas and functions in Excel.
  • Learn to move, copy, and analyze data stored in multiple worksheets and workbooks.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 25
Instructors Dennis Taylor, Jennifer McBee
Language English
Subjects Business Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Microsoft Azure $58k

Microsoft instructor $62k

Microsoft CSR $81k

certified prosthetist certified orthotist $88k

Microsoft Certified Professional $89k

Microsoft Certified Software Trainer $100k

Certified Microsoft SharePoint/.NET Developer $101k

SDE in Microsoft $106k

SDE @ Microsoft 5 $110k

Microsoft Active Directory/Microsoft Exchange Administrator. $114k

Microsoft Active Directory/Microsoft Exchange Administrator. $114k

Microsoft Engineer 3 $126k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

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Whether you're a novice or an expert wanting to refresh your skillset with Microsoft Excel, this course covers all the basics you need to start entering your data and building...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Excel 2013: Managing Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks (You were viewing this course)

Sometimes multiple worksheets or workbooks are the only solution to storing large amounts of data. But how do you analyze data that's spread out that way? In this course, author...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Excel 2013: Charts in Depth

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Excel 2013: Advanced Formatting Techniques

Get simple, powerful tips for making spreadsheet information readable and understandable in Excel 2013. Dennis Taylor shows how to emphasize specific cells with fonts, borders,...

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Excel 2013: Advanced Formulas and Functions

Conquer some of the most daunting features in Microsoft Excel once and for all. In this 2013 update to his popular series, author Dennis Taylor demystifies some of the most...

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On Demand

Cert Prep: Excel 2013 Microsoft Office Specialist (77-420)

Demonstrate your knowledge of Excel by becoming a Microsoft Office Specialist. Study to pass theContents:Introduction1. Microsoft Office Specialist Exam Overview2. Create and...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 25
Instructors Dennis Taylor, Jennifer McBee
Language English
Subjects Business Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Microsoft Azure $58k

Microsoft instructor $62k

Microsoft CSR $81k

certified prosthetist certified orthotist $88k

Microsoft Certified Professional $89k

Microsoft Certified Software Trainer $100k

Certified Microsoft SharePoint/.NET Developer $101k

SDE in Microsoft $106k

SDE @ Microsoft 5 $110k

Microsoft Active Directory/Microsoft Exchange Administrator. $114k

Microsoft Active Directory/Microsoft Exchange Administrator. $114k

Microsoft Engineer 3 $126k

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