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Learn React

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React is a JavaScript library developed at Facebook for building user interfaces. React allows you to describe how your app should be displayed in an easy to understand way. It also helps eliminate the complexity that comes with updating your DOM elements when users interact with your application. React will change the way you think about building web applications.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $90,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Netflix, Airbnb, Facebook, Home Depot, IBM Design

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From Treehouse
Hours 13
Instructors Jim Hoskins, Guil Hernandez, Joel Kraft, Beau Palmquist
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Library Technician 5 $53k

JavaScript Instructor $76k

Javascript Specialist $83k

JavaScript Wrangler $83k

Product Engineer (JavaScript) $88k

Javascript Developer Consultant $89k

JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

.NET/Javascript Programmer $94k

Flash/ javascript developer $106k

Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

Principal JavaScript Engineer $162k

Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

React Basics

Get up and running with React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React allows you to describe how your app should be displayed in a very easy to understand way....



On Demand

Using Create React App

Learn to quickly set up React projects using Create React App.Segments in this WorkshopWhat is Create React App? Installing and Using Create React App Customizing Your Project...



On Demand

React Components

Components are the core building blocks of a React application. This course will level-up your React skills by providing a better understanding of class vs. functional components,...



On Demand

React by Example

Learn React programming patterns by building an application for keeping track of RSVP's. We'll start at the beginning, using to initialize the project, and by the end you'll...



On Demand

React Router 4 Basics

Learn to use React Router v4, a declarative routing solution for React, to manage navigation and rendering of components in your applications.What you'll learnDeclaring routes...



On Demand

React Context API (You were viewing this course)

In the typical React data flow, components communicate with each other via props. A parent passes props down to child components. Sometimes the intermediary components get props...



On Demand

Building Applications with React and Redux

Redux is a state management framework that provides a robust infrastructure that complements React applications. This course will build on the Scoreboard application that was...



On Demand

Data Fetching in React

Learn different methods for fetching external data in React, and how to display the data in your app.Segments in this WorkshopFetching Data with the Fetch API Fetching Data with...



On Demand

Animations in React

React provides a way to animate parts of your UI with the ReactCSSTransitionGroup add-on component.Segments in this WorkshopGetting Started Installing and Using...



On Demand

What's New in React 16

Get up to speed with new features in React 16, a complete rewrite of the React library.Segments in this WorkshopIntroducing React 16 Take Control of Errors with...



On Demand

Deploying a React App

Learn how to create a production build of your React application and deploy it to a server, using free tools and services like GitHub Pages, Now, and Netlify.Segments in this...




From Treehouse
Hours 13
Instructors Jim Hoskins, Guil Hernandez, Joel Kraft, Beau Palmquist
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Library Technician 5 $53k

JavaScript Instructor $76k

Javascript Specialist $83k

JavaScript Wrangler $83k

Product Engineer (JavaScript) $88k

Javascript Developer Consultant $89k

JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

.NET/Javascript Programmer $94k

Flash/ javascript developer $106k

Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

Principal JavaScript Engineer $162k

Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

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