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Intel® AI Fundamentals

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Intel® AI Fundamentals

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an everyday part of almost every business. If you aren't selling AI today, then you might be missing a huge opportunity. Learn the basics of AI to be able to recommend and sell AI solutions, including what AI is, why it is relevant now, what a typical AI journey looks like, and how to start the AI conversation with the different AI personas you’ll likely interact with. You’ll raise your comfort level in selling the Intel AI portfolio and learn details behind several representative case studies that can scale across similar use cases and/or industry verticals.

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From Intel via Coursera
Hours 24
Instructor Intel
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking

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Research Scientist - AWS New Artificial Intelligence Team! $72k

Research Scientist, Artificial Intelligence $88k

Artificial Intelligence Technical Specialist $94k

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Engineer $97k

Artificial Lift $106k

Senior Artificial Intelligence Analyst $110k

Senior Artificial Intelligence Software Engineer $125k

Head of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence $143k

Artificial Lift Manager $153k

Artificial Intelligence Engineer $169k

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From Intel via Coursera
Hours 24
Instructor Intel
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Artificial Intelligence $55k

Backend Developer - Artificial Intelligence Platform $68k

Research Scientist - AWS New Artificial Intelligence Team! $72k

Research Scientist, Artificial Intelligence $88k

Artificial Intelligence Technical Specialist $94k

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Engineer $97k

Artificial Lift $106k

Senior Artificial Intelligence Analyst $110k

Senior Artificial Intelligence Software Engineer $125k

Head of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence $143k

Artificial Lift Manager $153k

Artificial Intelligence Engineer $169k

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