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Women Have Always Worked

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Explore the history of women in America

Without women’s history we have only a partial and incomplete knowledge of our past. The Women Have Always Worked four-part series will explore women’s participation in the economy, politics, and social life of the nation, from Colonial America to the present day. We will challenge old truisms about the past and learn to view American history from a new and rich historical perspective. These four MOOCs investigate the practice of women’s history; they explore how and why we write women’s history, and why it is important that we do so.

Together we will learn how women began to ask for equality and what the word equality meant and still means for different women. But we'll also ask you to consider a more difficult set of questions that revolve around whether equality for some women might limit the freedom of others. Will women demand benefits for themselves that provide a few with equality with men while fomenting inequality with each other? What about sisterhood? Will some of us move forward while others are left behind? These are questions that haunt us today.

What you'll learn

  • How women’s participation in, exclusion from, and impact on American economic, political, and social life have altered American history
  • How key figures and events have challenged the role of women in the home and workplace
  • How ideas, such as democracy, citizenship, liberty, patriotism, and equality have differently shaped the lives of women and men
  • How women of different races and classes have experienced work, both inside and outside the home
  • How historians of women and gender study America’s past, including hands-on opportunities to practice analyzing primary sources from the present and the past
  • How women’s history has developed and changed over time

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From ColumbiaX, Columbia University via edX
Hours 126
Instructors Alice Kessler-Harris, Nick Juravich, Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning, New-York Historical Society, Intelligent Television
Language English
Subjects Humanities

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Womens Therapist $36k

Lecturer of History $50k

Womens Pastor $53k

Teacher of History $58k

History $61k

Womens Sales $63k

Womens health $64k

Womens Merchandiser $67k

Womens Committee $77k

Womens Cancer $78k

Merchant-Womens $95k

US History Professor $96k

Courses in this XSeries

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

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edX | ColumbiaX, Columbia University


On Demand

Seeking Women’s Rights: Colonial Period to the Civil War (You were viewing this course)

As we see American women coming into positions of economic and political influence, we start to wonder: why now? The Women Have Always Worked MOOC, offered in four parts, explores...

edX | ColumbiaX, Columbia University


On Demand

Fighting for Equality: 1950–2018

As we see American women coming into positions of economic and political influence, we start to wonder: why now? The Women Have Always Worked MOOC, offered in four parts, explores...

edX | ColumbiaX, Columbia University




ColumbiaX, Columbia University

From ColumbiaX, Columbia University via edX
Hours 126
Instructors Alice Kessler-Harris, Nick Juravich, Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning, New-York Historical Society, Intelligent Television
Language English
Subjects Humanities


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Womens Therapist $36k

Lecturer of History $50k

Womens Pastor $53k

Teacher of History $58k

History $61k

Womens Sales $63k

Womens health $64k

Womens Merchandiser $67k

Womens Committee $77k

Womens Cancer $78k

Merchant-Womens $95k

US History Professor $96k

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