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Clean Power

Kris Murray, Ajay Gambhir, Jo Haigh, Shane Tomlinson, Richard Green, Clementine Chambon, and Jeff Hardy

The power sector is at a critical juncture. We urgently need to reduce the fossil fuel intensity of our power generation mix and, in many countries, power sector reform can bring other benefits, such as improvements in health and economic growth. In this program, leading academics from Imperial College London, alongside NREL and experts from industry, will explain why and how to clean up the power sector in your country, illustrated with current, real-life case studies and practical advice. Key global figures from the public and private sector add their own personal and professional perspectives to this course.

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The power sector is at a critical juncture. We urgently need to reduce the fossil fuel intensity of our power generation mix and, in many countries, power sector reform can bring other benefits, such as improvements in health and economic growth. In this program, leading academics from Imperial College London, alongside NREL and experts from industry, will explain why and how to clean up the power sector in your country, illustrated with current, real-life case studies and practical advice. Key global figures from the public and private sector add their own personal and professional perspectives to this course.

The Clean Power Program includes best-practice power sector reform policies from the perspectives of legislators, policymakers, the energy sector, investors and civil society. The first course will explain the way that clean power fits into a wider set of political priorities, such as health, technology, energy security, economic growth and the environment, in any country or region. In the second course, the policy landscape for the power sector is described in detail, demonstrating how policies can help stimulate the growth of clean power. The third course outlines the challenges and solutions to integrating different types of power sources into one stable, reliable system.

This program will equip you with the knowledge and tools to create a pro-renewables and investor-ready policy environment in your own region. In a world committed to meeting the climate change goals in the Paris Agreement, you will be well-informed to apply solutions in your own context.Established ten years ago as an Institute of Imperial College London, the Grantham Institute is a world-leading authority on climate change and environmental issues. The Grantham Institute will bring industry and public sector experts from around the world to share their practical and recent experience.

What you'll learn

  • How to balance different political priorities to deliver clean power policies
  • What benefits clean power implementation can bring to different countries around the world and, specifically, what they bring in your context
  • What makes a successful, renewables-friendly policy environment
  • How to attract finance for your clean power projects
  • How to deliver secure and affordable clean power
  • How to integrate a high volume of variable renewables into a grid successfully


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Three courses

Why Move Towards Cleaner Power

(17 hours)
This course explores the reasons for decarbonizing the power sector, including the impact of greenhouse gases on climate change. It presents arguments for decarbonization, such as improving access to affordable energy and enhancing health and the environment. The course emphasizes the importance of political context and challenges learners to critically analyze their own.

Creating a Pro-Renewables Environment

(21 hours)
This course provides the tools needed to build a low-carbon power sector. By diving into the perspective of different players in the power sector, you will be able to choose the right strategies, policies, and other levers needed to incentivize a cleaner power mix in your own context.

Incorporating Renewable Energy in Electricity Grids

(21 hours)
Wind turbines and solar panels are likely to play a critical role in achieving a low-carbon power sector. Because wind and solar power output is weather-dependent, it is variable in nature and somewhat more uncertain than output from conventional fossil fuel generators. This introductory course will discuss what challenges variable output renewables pose to the achievability of a reliable, stable electricity system, how these challenges can be addressed and at what costs.

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