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Blockchain Fundamentals

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Harness the power of blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Developed by Blockchain at Berkeley and faculty from UC Berkeley's premier Computer Science department, the Blockchain Fundamentals Professional Certificate program is a comprehensive survey of core topics in cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, and blockchain technology. This program will help you develop the critical skills needed to future-proof your career.

The barrier of entry for the blockchain space can oftentimes seem rather high, especially since the concept of blockchain and the benefits it provides is not yet as widely understood as other innovations. In order to overcome this barrier, this program will explore the main ideas, technologies, and ecosystem surrounding blockchain technology from both technical and non-technical standpoints. This program will help you develop the intuition for thinking of blockchain systems. You will learn the key strengths and motivations of distributed ledger technology, and also be exposed to the underlying mechanisms by which they function.

Understanding blockchain architecture and the new paradigm of scalable, decentralized applications is imperative for future-proofing your career. Blockchain-related jobs are the second fastest growing in today’s labor market and opportunities are not limited to technical research or development positions; there is a need for project management, community support, law, design, and more.

This program is accessible by anyone, with any background. Whether students are planning their next career move as a blockchain developer, crypto trader, data analyst, researcher, or consultant, or are just curious about this field, the Blockchain Fundamentals professional certificate is the best way to get up to speed on blockchain technology.

After taking Blockchain Fundamentals, students will have a deepened understanding of blockchain, which they can use to formulate their own informed blockchain mental models, hypotheses, and use cases -- imperative for understanding the industry.

What you'll learn

  • Synthesize your own blockchain solutions
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the specific mechanics of Bitcoin
  • Understand Bitcoin’s real-life applications and learn how to attack and destroy Bitcoin, Ethereum, smart contracts and Dapps, and alternatives to Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm
  • Enterprise-level blockchain implementations and understand the scaling struggles of blockchain and potential solutions
  • The regulation of cryptocurrencies and its implications for anonymity, and what blockchain means for the future

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From BerkeleyX, University of California, Berkeley via edX
Hours 48
Instructors Rustie Lin, Nadir Akhtar, Mengyi (Gloria) Wang
Language English
Subjects Programming

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BerkeleyX, University of California, Berkeley

From BerkeleyX, University of California, Berkeley via edX
Hours 48
Instructors Rustie Lin, Nadir Akhtar, Mengyi (Gloria) Wang
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Fundamentals of Networking, Undergraduate School - Adjunct Faculty $7k

Supervisor Divisional Instructor of Fundamentals and Continuing Education $46k

Computer Fundamentals Lab Instructor $70k

Financial Data Analyst, Company Fundamentals $74k

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Senior Financial Data Analyst, Company Fundamentals $93k

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