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Malware Analysis

Save For Later

In today’s threat landscape, sophisticated adversaries have routinely demonstrated the ability to compromise enterprise networks and remain hidden for extended periods of time. To achieve this, malware authors employ a wide variety of obfuscation and anti-analysis techniques at each phase of an attack. Developing the skills necessary as a malware analyst to properly detect, triage and reverse engineer advanced attacker intrusion tactics and techniques requires experience and a diverse set of tools and skills. In this path you will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to analyze malicious office documents, dig deep into native and interpreted code through disassembly and decompilation, identify and defeat prevalent obfuscation techniques. The courses in this path with take you from malware analysis basics to advanced topics so that you can generate valuable threat intelligence to aid in your efforts to defend your organization, respond more effectively to an incident or gain deeper understanding of the latest malware threats.This skills path may assist in attaining the knowledge and skills outlined in the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework in the following areas:K0259 & K0479 Knowledge of malware analysis concepts and methodologies.S0131 Skill in analyzing malware.

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From Pluralsight
Hours 31
Instructors Christopher Rees, Cristian Pascariu, Tyler Hudak, Josh Stroschein, Jared DeMott, Dr. Jared DeMott
Language English
Subjects IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Loan Analysis $55k

Fiscal Analysis Manager $70k

Anti-Malware Engineer $73k

Mid-level Malware Reverse Engineer $86k

IT Analysis $95k

Safety Analysis Engineer and Project Manager - Transient Analysis $98k

Research Analysis $105k

Accounting Analysis $111k

Marketing and Analysis $118k

Senior Software Engineer/Anti-Malware Research $132k

Content Analysis $132k

Malware Researcher $136k

Courses in this Paths

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

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Malware Analysis Fundamentals

Since finding malware is a common occurrence for anyone that performs incident response, knowing how to properly analyze that malware is an essential skill. In this course,...



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Performing Malware Analysis on Malicious Documents

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Analyzing Malware for .NET and Java Binaries

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Security for Hackers and Developers: Reverse Engineering

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Reverse Engineering Malware with Ghidra

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On Demand

Malware Analysis: Identifying and Defeating Code Obfuscation

Malware authors will routinely utilize obfuscation techniques to complicate the analysis of their code. These techniques can prevent the discovery of important indicators of...



On Demand

Malware Analysis: Identifying and Defeating Packing

Malware authors will routinely utilize obfuscation techniques to complicate the analysis of their code. One such technique is packing, in which a malicious program is layered...



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Advanced Malware Analysis: Combating Exploit Kits

Cyber-criminals are innovating faster than ever, and the cyber-crime industry caused the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars last year across the US and Europe alone. In this...



On Demand

Defeating Anti-reverse Engineering and Anti-debugging Techniques

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On Demand

Advanced Malware Analysis: Ransomware

Ransomware attacks have continued to grow in frequency and potency, causing large business impact. There is no reason for you and your company to become a victim of this...




From Pluralsight
Hours 31
Instructors Christopher Rees, Cristian Pascariu, Tyler Hudak, Josh Stroschein, Jared DeMott, Dr. Jared DeMott
Language English
Subjects IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Loan Analysis $55k

Fiscal Analysis Manager $70k

Anti-Malware Engineer $73k

Mid-level Malware Reverse Engineer $86k

IT Analysis $95k

Safety Analysis Engineer and Project Manager - Transient Analysis $98k

Research Analysis $105k

Accounting Analysis $111k

Marketing and Analysis $118k

Senior Software Engineer/Anti-Malware Research $132k

Content Analysis $132k

Malware Researcher $136k

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