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C++ Design Patterns

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Design patterns provide developers with templates on how to solve software development problems without reinventing the wheel every time. For C++ developers, understanding design patterns and when to apply them is a cornerstone skill. When mastered, design patterns cover provide the developer with a library of elegant solutions to commonly occurring problems in software development. This path covers the most commonly used design patterns in C++.

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From Pluralsight
Hours 14
Instructor Dmitri Nesteruk
Language English
Subjects Programming

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LNG Pressure Vessel & Mechanical Design Engineer Lead $124k

Senior Substation Design/P&C/Relay/Automation/SCADA Engineer $127k

Project Manager, Systems Design & Development $132k

ASIC Design Engineer 3 $185k

Software Design Engineer in Test Contractor 2 $203k

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From Pluralsight
Hours 14
Instructor Dmitri Nesteruk
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Research Tech, Design/Production Specialist $43k

Freelance Interior design $47k

Account Design Specialist $58k

Web Design Contractor $77k

Set Renderer/ Prop Design $80k

switchgear design and construction $95k

Mold Design Engineering (CAD) $104k

LNG Pressure Vessel & Mechanical Design Engineer Lead $124k

Senior Substation Design/P&C/Relay/Automation/SCADA Engineer $127k

Project Manager, Systems Design & Development $132k

ASIC Design Engineer 3 $185k

Software Design Engineer in Test Contractor 2 $203k

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