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Become a React Developer

Save For Later

React is a powerful framework that does more with less. Figuring out how to apply it, however, means learning both the core of React and how to integrate it with other technologies and approaches. Get a solid foundation in React and learn how to build real applications by combining React with other key tools.

In this learning path,

  • Identify the right set of structures and state containers for your React application.
  • Implement an app that runs efficiently, letting users get more done while consuming fewer server-side resources.
  • Create interfaces that present complex information to users in ways they can manage.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 17
Instructors Eve Porcello, Alex Banks, Ray Villalobos, Carl Peaslee, Emmanuel Henri, Shaun Wassell
Language English
Subjects Programming

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Android Framework Development Engineer (258988) $94k

Framework Architect $98k

Security Framework Architect $123k

Android Framework / Application Engineer $154k

Courses in this Learning Path

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LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 17
Instructors Eve Porcello, Alex Banks, Ray Villalobos, Carl Peaslee, Emmanuel Henri, Shaun Wassell
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Play Framework $55k

Contact Center Engineer (Cisco ICM/ UCCE/ ITIL Framework) $70k

Test Automation Framework SME $74k

Android Engineer - Framework $78k

Android Security Framework $79k

UI Framework Engineer - JavaScript $86k

Android Framework Development Engineer (258988) $94k

Framework Architect $98k

Security Framework Architect $123k

Android Framework / Application Engineer $154k

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