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Master Excel for Data Science

Save For Later

As data strategies become pervasive in all business and institutional sectors, Excel will become even more popular as a bridge tool for non-data scientists doing more work, more often, with data. This learning path is the perfect entry point to the world of data-centric projects and skills.

In this learning path,

  • Master statistics functions in Excel.
  • Learn the data analytics and modeling capabilities of Excel.
  • Explore how to work with R, a tool for advanced data work.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 19
Instructors Joseph Schmuller, Dennis Taylor, Chris Dutton, Curt Frye, Conrad Carlberg
Language English
Subjects Data Science IT & Networking Business

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Mathematics Tutor and Strategies Councelor $37k

Head of Metadata Strategies $50k

Consumer Strategies Analyst $51k

Channel Strategies Analyst $62k

Senior Clinical Strategies Writer $76k

Research Analyst- Hedged Strategies $78k

Program Manager (Intelligence Strategies) $81k

Analyst, Research and Strategies $83k

Supply Chain Strategies Analyst 2 $86k

Project Manager, Digital Strategies $115k

Analyst - Valuation and Risk Strategies $133k

Manager Product Strategies $147k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

Understanding statistics is more important than ever. Statistical operations are the basis for decision making in fields from business to academia. However, many statistics...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Excel Statistics Essential Training: 2

Understanding statistics is more important than ever. Statistical analysis, in particular, is the basis for decision making in many fields, including business and academia. In...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Excel 2016: Managing and Analyzing Data

Large amounts of data can become unmanageable fast. But with the data management and analysis features in Excel 2016, you can keep the largest spreadsheets under control. In this...

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Excel 2016: Data Validation in Depth

With Excel's data validation tools, you can control how users enter data into workbooks, ensuring that data is consistent and accurate. You can control dates, times, even the...

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Working with Real-Time Data in Excel (You were viewing this course)


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On Demand

Learning Excel: Data Analysis

Microsoft Excel is an important tool for data analysis. It helps companies accurately assess situations and make better business decisions. This course helps you unlock the power...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

R for Excel Users

Data scientists who use Excel realize that R is emerging as the new standard for statistical wrangling (especially for larger data sets). This course serves as the perfect bridge...

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Excel VBA: Managing Files and Data

Automate complex tasks and get more meaningful insights from data in Excel using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code. This course extends the techniques taught...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 19
Instructors Joseph Schmuller, Dennis Taylor, Chris Dutton, Curt Frye, Conrad Carlberg
Language English
Subjects Data Science IT & Networking Business


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Mathematics Tutor and Strategies Councelor $37k

Head of Metadata Strategies $50k

Consumer Strategies Analyst $51k

Channel Strategies Analyst $62k

Senior Clinical Strategies Writer $76k

Research Analyst- Hedged Strategies $78k

Program Manager (Intelligence Strategies) $81k

Analyst, Research and Strategies $83k

Supply Chain Strategies Analyst 2 $86k

Project Manager, Digital Strategies $115k

Analyst - Valuation and Risk Strategies $133k

Manager Product Strategies $147k

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