Save For Later

Improve Your React Skills

Save For Later

The flexible architecture of React lets you create complex projects that consume and interact with data from APIs and microservices. Learn how to upgrade your code to the latest versions of JavaScript, restructure your styles, and create virtual reality environments with React.

In this learning path,

  • Apply the latest JavaScript and CSS approaches to your apps.
  • Structure your apps to use microservices and APIs with React.
  • Present your React apps with clean and powerful interface styles.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 13
Instructors Emmanuel Henri, Carl Peaslee
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Workplace Experience Officer - Flexible Location $46k

Flexible Spending Coordinator $48k

Benefit Specialist - Flexible Spending Accounts $68k

Architecture Analyst $71k

Sales, Flexible Films $76k

Industrial Engineer, Flexible Assembly Module $79k

Flexible Procurement Solutions - Configuration Specialist $81k

Flexible Pipeline Design Engineer $91k

Assistant Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture $94k

Senior Flexible Pipeline Design Engineer $117k

Business Architecture $118k

Java Architecture $133k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

React: Testing and Debugging

Tracking down bugs in React—and the many different pieces it communicates with—can be a challenge. While basic JavaScript testing and debugging tools certainly work, solutions...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

React: ES6, ES2016, and Beyond

Learn the newest versions of JavaScript—ES6, ES2016, and beyond—so that you can create more efficient and concise React components. ES6 and ES2016 include many features that...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

React: Securing Applications (You were viewing this course)

After you've built and tested your React application, how can you ensure it is secure? Applications that look great and perform well can still be at risk of attack. This course...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

React: Building Styles with CSS Modules

React styles and CSS styles haven't always agreed in the use of inline styling. As React development has grown, developers have figured out more and more ways of smoothly...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

React: Replacing Legacy Projects

While it's lots of fun to create new applications from scratch using the latest and greatest technologies, porting old applications to new approaches requires stepping back a bit....

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning React VR

Developers who want to create virtual reality worlds have a new option: React VR. Facebook has extended its innovative JavaScript library, React, to immersive 3D. This new...

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On Demand

React: Building Large Apps

React was built for large and intricate applications. If you want to build bigger and bolder apps with React, you need make its flexibility work for you. That means managing your...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

React: Lifecycles

Optimize your React components by utilizing the power of React lifecycle methods. Lifecycle methods can trigger different functions at each stage in a component's lifecycle:...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 13
Instructors Emmanuel Henri, Carl Peaslee
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Workplace Experience Officer - Flexible Location $46k

Flexible Spending Coordinator $48k

Benefit Specialist - Flexible Spending Accounts $68k

Architecture Analyst $71k

Sales, Flexible Films $76k

Industrial Engineer, Flexible Assembly Module $79k

Flexible Procurement Solutions - Configuration Specialist $81k

Flexible Pipeline Design Engineer $91k

Assistant Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture $94k

Senior Flexible Pipeline Design Engineer $117k

Business Architecture $118k

Java Architecture $133k

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