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IBM Data Analytics with Excel and R

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Kickstart Your Data Analytics Career w/ Excel & R

This Professional Certificate is intended for anyone who is seeking to develop the job-ready skills, tools, and portfolio for an entry-level data analyst or data scientist position. Through these eight online courses, you will dive into the role of a data analyst or data scientist and develop the essential skills you need work with a range of data sources and apply powerful tools, including Excel, Cognos Analytics, and the R programming language, towards becoming a data driven practitioner, and gaining a competitive edge in the job market. By the end of this Professional Certificate, you will be able to explain the data analyst and data scientist roles. You will work with Excel spreadsheets and utilize them for data analysis to create charts and plots. You will utilize Cognos Analytics to create interactive dashboards. You will work with relational databases and query data using SQL statements. You will use the R programming language to complete the entire data analysis process - including data preparation, statistical analysis, data visualization, predictive modeling, and creating interactive data applications. You will also communicate your data findings and learn to prepare a report for stakeholders. This program is suitable for anyone with a passion for learning and does not require any prior data analysis, statistics, or programming experience.

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From IBM, IBM Skills Network via Coursera
Hours 192
Instructors Tiffany Zhu, Yiwen Li, Gabriela de Queiroz, Jeff Grossman, Yan Luo, Rav Ahuja, Steve Ryan, Sandip Saha Joy, Saishruthi Swaminathan, Kevin McFaul
Language English
Subjects Data Science IT & Networking Business Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Data Mining Specialist/Data Analyst $50k

Functional Analyst/ Data analyst $87k

Enterprise Data Management Data Analyst $88k

IT Data Analyst 4 $89k

Data Analyst 6 $92k

Data Analyst, Data Warehousing $93k

Data Analyst - Portfolio Data $93k

Systems Analyst /Data Analyst $95k

Data Analyst / Reporting Analyst $95k

Programmer Analyst/Data Analyst $99k

IT Data Analyst 3 $105k

Data Analyst/Data Modeler $116k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Introduction to Data Analytics

Ready to start a career in Data Analysis but don’t know where to begin? This course presents you with a gentle introduction to Data Analysis, the role of a Data Analyst, and the...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network



Excel Basics for Data Analysis

Spreadsheet tools like Excel are an essential tool for working with data - whether for data analytics, business, marketing, or research. This course is designed to give you a...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network



Data Visualization and Dashboards with Excel and Cognos

Learn how to create data visualizations and dashboards using spreadsheets and analytics tools. This course covers some of the first steps for telling a compelling story with your...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network



Introduction to R Programming for Data Science

When working in the data science field you will definitely become acquainted with the R language and the role it plays in data analysis. This course introduces you to the basics...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network



SQL for Data Science with R

Much of the world's data resides in databases. SQL (or Structured Query Language) is a powerful language which is used for communicating with and extracting data from databases. A...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network



Data Analysis with R

The R programming language is purpose-built for data analysis. R is the key that opens the door between the problems that you want to solve with data and the answers you need to...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network



Data Visualization with R

In this course, you will learn the Grammar of Graphics, a system for describing and building graphs, and how the ggplot2 data visualization package for R applies this concept to...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network



Data Science with R - Capstone Project (You were viewing this course)

In this capstone course, you will apply various data science skills and techniques that you have learned as part of the previous courses in the IBM Data Science with R...

Coursera | IBM, IBM Skills Network




IBM, IBM Skills Network

From IBM, IBM Skills Network via Coursera
Hours 192
Instructors Tiffany Zhu, Yiwen Li, Gabriela de Queiroz, Jeff Grossman, Yan Luo, Rav Ahuja, Steve Ryan, Sandip Saha Joy, Saishruthi Swaminathan, Kevin McFaul
Language English
Subjects Data Science IT & Networking Business Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Data Mining Specialist/Data Analyst $50k

Functional Analyst/ Data analyst $87k

Enterprise Data Management Data Analyst $88k

IT Data Analyst 4 $89k

Data Analyst 6 $92k

Data Analyst, Data Warehousing $93k

Data Analyst - Portfolio Data $93k

Systems Analyst /Data Analyst $95k

Data Analyst / Reporting Analyst $95k

Programmer Analyst/Data Analyst $99k

IT Data Analyst 3 $105k

Data Analyst/Data Modeler $116k

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