Save For Later

Django for Everybody

Save For Later

Build & deploy rich web applications using Django

This specialization introduces Python programmers to building websites using the Django library. Across the four courses, you will learn HTML, CSS, SQL, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON Web Services. During the course, you will build online websites using Django and those working websites are graded throughout the course. This series is excellent preparation for learning other ways to build web applications using technologies like PHP (Web Applications for Everybody), Flask or Ruby on Rails. This is a great first course in any web development curriculum. Learners are encouraged to take the Python for Everybody Specialization or equivalent before beginning this specialization. Some may find it helpful to take the Web Design for Everybody Specialization before or after this series.

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From University of Michigan via Coursera
Hours 96
Instructor Charles Russell Severance
Language English
Subjects Programming Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Physician Billing Representative and Delegated Websites Administrator $67k

Associate Product Marketing Manager, Intuit Websites $154k

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Intuit Websites $225k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Web Application Technologies and Django

In this course, you'll explore the basic structure of a web application, and how a web browser interacts with a web server. You'll be introduced to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol...

Coursera | University of Michigan



Building Web Applications in Django

In this course, you will learn how Django communicates with a database through model objects. You will explore Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for database access and how Django...

Coursera | University of Michigan



Django Features and Libraries

In this course, you will learn how to build Django-based web applications suitable for use by end users. You will learn about cookies, sessions, and authentication processes in...

Coursera | University of Michigan



Using JavaScript, JQuery, and JSON in Django (You were viewing this course)

In this final course, we'll look at the JavaScript language and how it supports the Object-Oriented pattern, with a focus on the unique aspects of JavaScript's approach to OO....

Coursera | University of Michigan




University of Michigan

From University of Michigan via Coursera
Hours 96
Instructor Charles Russell Severance
Language English
Subjects Programming Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Physician Billing Representative and Delegated Websites Administrator $67k

Associate Product Marketing Manager, Intuit Websites $154k

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Intuit Websites $225k

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