Save For Later

Prepare for the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam

Save For Later

Prepare for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate certification exam by mastering skills in AWS development, security, deployment, refactoring, and monitoring and troubleshooting.

In this learning path,

  • Learn the basics of AWS development.
  • Develop and deploy secure applications to AWS.
  • Write sustainable code that is secure and optimized for AWS.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 5
Instructors Marcia Villalba, Carlos Rivas, Jeremy Villeneuve
Language English

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Java with AWS $68k

Cloud/AWS Engineer $74k

AWS Dev Engineer $98k

AWS/Cloud Developer $101k

AWS Finance $101k

AWS Administration or AWS Build Engineer $113k

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 5
Instructors Marcia Villalba, Carlos Rivas, Jeremy Villeneuve
Language English
Subjects n/a n/a


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

AWS $49k

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