Save For Later

8th grade (Eureka Math/EngageNY)

Save For Later

Learn eighth grade math aligned to the Eureka Math/EngageNY curriculum —functions, linear equations, geometric transformations, and more.

From Khan Academy
Hours 11
Language English
Subjects Mathematics

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

4Th Grade Tutor $31k

8Th Grade Educator $45k

1St Grade Administrator $57k

Director 7Th Grade 6 $60k

7Th Grade Advisor $61k

Manager 6Th Grade $63k

Manager 7Th Grade $64k

5Th Grade Designer $66k

Eighth Coast Guard District - Drug and Alcohol Program Inspector $78k

Grade Control Geologist $101k

10th Grade Dean $106k

4Th Grade Chairman $443k

Courses in this Topic

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

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Module 1: Integer exponents and scientific notation

"This year begins with students extending the properties of exponents to integer exponents in Module 1. They use the number line model to support their understanding of the...

Khan Academy


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Module 2: The concept of congruence

"In Module 2, students study congruence by experimenting with rotations, reflections, and translations of geometrical figures. Their study of congruence culminates with an...

Khan Academy


On Demand

Module 3: Similarity

"The experimental study of rotations, reflections, and translations in Module 2 prepares students for the more complex work of understanding the effects of dilations on...

Khan Academy


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Module 4: Linear equations (You were viewing this course)

"In Module 4, students use similar triangles learned in Module 3 to explain why the slope of a line is well-defined. Students learn the connection between proportional...

Khan Academy


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Module 5: Examples of functions from geometry

"Students are introduced to functions in the context of linear equations and area/volume formulas in Module 5. They define, evaluate, and compare functions using equations of...

Khan Academy


On Demand

Module 6: Linear functions

"In Module 6, students return to linear functions in the context of statistics and probability as bivariate data provides support in the use of linear functions. " Eureka...

Khan Academy


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Module 7: Introduction to irrational numbers using geometry

"By Module 7 students have been using the Pythagorean Theorem for several months. They are sufficiently prepared to learn and explain a proof of the theorem on their own. The...

Khan Academy


Khan Academy

From Khan Academy
Hours 11
Language English
Subjects Mathematics


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

4Th Grade Tutor $31k

8Th Grade Educator $45k

1St Grade Administrator $57k

Director 7Th Grade 6 $60k

7Th Grade Advisor $61k

Manager 6Th Grade $63k

Manager 7Th Grade $64k

5Th Grade Designer $66k

Eighth Coast Guard District - Drug and Alcohol Program Inspector $78k

Grade Control Geologist $101k

10th Grade Dean $106k

4Th Grade Chairman $443k

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