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Songwriting: Writing, Arranging, and Producing Music

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Write, Arrange, and Produce Your Original Songs

This specialization will provide aspiring and established songwriters with the strategies and practices to develop hit songs. The award-winning Berklee Songwriting Faculty have selected four comprehensive courses, each one devoted to a different song element, to help you get the most out of your musical ideas. Starting with the lyrics and music, you will learn how to generate thought-provoking ways to express the emotions you wish to portray. From there, you will develop your song into a balanced musical arrangement with complete accompaniment. The final project will take you through the process of producing your own demos using Ableton Live, one of the most exciting digital audio workstations (DAW) on the market today.

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From Berklee College of Music, Berklee via Coursera
Hours 40
Instructors Sarah Brindell, Bonnie Hayes, Scarlet Keys
Language English
Subjects Art & Design Humanities

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Infant/Toddler Educator- Provide Early Intervention $38k

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Coursera | Berklee College of Music, Berklee



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Coursera | Berklee College of Music, Berklee




Berklee College of Music, Berklee

From Berklee College of Music, Berklee via Coursera
Hours 40
Instructors Sarah Brindell, Bonnie Hayes, Scarlet Keys
Language English
Subjects Art & Design Humanities


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Infant/Toddler Educator- Provide Early Intervention $38k

Infant/Toddler Educator- Provide Early Intervention $38k

Voice Instructor and Musical Theater Coach $49k

Assistant Musical Theater Teacher $52k

Musical Attractions Group Account Executive $55k

Artist/Song Writer Consultant $66k

Musical Childrens Book Author $76k

Artist/Song Writer $76k

Develop Ops Engineer $81k

Musical Composer $96k

Associate Adjunct Professor - Musical Theatre $102k

Software Develop Engineer in Test $121k

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