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C++ Programming: A Hands-on Introduction

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Learn by doing! Codio courses are designed to engage and excite learners. Instead of reading or watching a video, you’ll be asked to write and run code (don’t worry, we provide code snippets to help get you started!). Course materials are presented in smaller, easier-to-manage formats, making this an excellent course for learners with no prior programming experience.

This program is intended for people without programming experience who seek to develop C++ programming skills and learn about the underlying computer science concepts that will allow them to pick up other programming languages quickly. In these three courses, you will cover everything from fundamentals to object-oriented design.

These topics will help prepare you to write basic programs that help them automate repetitive tasks such as modifying large files; architect larger applications into readable, maintainable, and scale-able code bases; understand the fundamentals of computer science presented in C++ to ease learning of other programming languages; and develop a sense of comfort and confidence while programming.

What you'll learn

  • Develop a C++ foundation with variables, operators, conditionals, and loops.
  • Manipulate arrays of data, strings of text, as well as text and CSV files.
  • Define and use custom functions to improve code readability.
  • Architect larger programs using object-oriented principles.

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From Codio via edX
Hours 45
Instructor Anh Le
Language English
Subjects Programming

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Lecturer (Computer Science) $98k

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Computer Science R&D $129k

Associate Computer Science $133k

Professor - Computer Science $138k

MS in Computer Science $141k

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From Codio via edX
Hours 45
Instructor Anh Le
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Teacher: Computer Science $55k

Instructor - Computer Science $72k

Lecturer of Computer Science $72k

Computer Science educator $78k

Computer Science Specialist $87k

Lecturer (Computer Science) $98k

MS Computer Science $106k

Professor Computer Science $109k

Computer Science R&D $129k

Associate Computer Science $133k

Professor - Computer Science $138k

MS in Computer Science $141k

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