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Advance Your Angular Skills

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Angular lets you build your first applications quickly and develop them deeply. Once you've learned the basics of Angular, it's time to add polish and animation. Angular offers many options for simplifying front-end design and templating, communicating efficiently with the server side, and moving to the next level with web components.

  • Apply Material Design to jump-start projects that look great.
  • Develop efficient and reusable approaches for sharing information between client and server.
  • Improve the security of your applications with reliable authentication.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 11
Instructors Gary Simon, Joseph Labrecque, Robby Millsap, Victor Mejia, Bonnie Jean Brennan, Emmanuel Henri
Language English
Subjects Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Front End Software Engineer - Angular, Node.js, .Net $48k

Angular JS, CSS, Javascript $53k

Angular Developer - Southwest $56k

Applications Analyst/Web Applications Specialist $57k

Angular Developer - Northeast $57k

Web Development Engineer (Angular) $60k

Angular JS $65k

Develop Ops Engineer $81k

Applications Engineeer $101k

Software Develop Engineer in Test $121k

Applications Admin $137k

Enterprise Applications $149k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Angular Template Design and Implementation

If you're completely new to Angular 4, creating user interfaces for your Angular 4 project can be a challenge. In this course, learn the essential Angular 4 concepts you need to...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Angular: Animations

Motion is the key to modern web applications. Angular is ready. Explore the native animation capabilities of this popular JavaScript library and build expressive applications....

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Angular: Material Design (2017)

Material Design is a unified system created by Google designers for crafting high-quality digital experiences. In this project-based course, get started with Material Design for...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Angular: API Communication and Authentication

APIs are at the heart of enterprise development, and Angular ships with robust services to communicate with them via HTTP. But one of the best ways to implement authentication of...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Angular 2+: Creating CRUD Apps

Understanding how to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations for a variety of apps is crucial for any developer. In this course, learn how to perform CRUD...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning RxJS

The RxJS JavaScript library is designed for reactive programming using observables. With observables, you "watch" the data stream, passively listening for an event. Applications...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Angular: Building Large Applications

Web apps keep growing, adding more features and more complexity every day. While frameworks like Angular spare developers constant reinvention, the sheer volume of code required...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Angular: Maintaining Applications (You were viewing this course)

Most applications grow and change over time. The challenge for developers is to make sure their projects keep pace with ever-evolving frameworks and security standards. This...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 11
Instructors Gary Simon, Joseph Labrecque, Robby Millsap, Victor Mejia, Bonnie Jean Brennan, Emmanuel Henri
Language English
Subjects Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Front End Software Engineer - Angular, Node.js, .Net $48k

Angular JS, CSS, Javascript $53k

Angular Developer - Southwest $56k

Applications Analyst/Web Applications Specialist $57k

Angular Developer - Northeast $57k

Web Development Engineer (Angular) $60k

Angular JS $65k

Develop Ops Engineer $81k

Applications Engineeer $101k

Software Develop Engineer in Test $121k

Applications Admin $137k

Enterprise Applications $149k

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