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Joe Marini, Joshua Kinney, Terry Toy, Reindert-Jan Ekker, Jason Olson, Bo Milanovich, Robert Smallshire, Austin Bingham, and Emily Bache

Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language. It is open source, so the interpreter and source are freely available and distributable in binary form. Python has many built-in high-level data structures and utilizes dynamic typing and binding, making it an excellent choice for both scripting and application development. Programming in Python can be extremely quick and productive owing to the lack of a compilation step as well as the built-in debugger (also written in Python). This fast edit-test-debug cycle is one of the main draws for programmers who wish to develop in Python, while others are drawn to the active and passionate Python community. This path will take you from the basics of the Python language all the way up to working with web frameworks and programming a Raspberry Pi.

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Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language. It is open source, so the interpreter and source are freely available and distributable in binary form. Python has many built-in high-level data structures and utilizes dynamic typing and binding, making it an excellent choice for both scripting and application development. Programming in Python can be extremely quick and productive owing to the lack of a compilation step as well as the built-in debugger (also written in Python). This fast edit-test-debug cycle is one of the main draws for programmers who wish to develop in Python, while others are drawn to the active and passionate Python community. This path will take you from the basics of the Python language all the way up to working with web frameworks and programming a Raspberry Pi.

What You'll Learn

  • Syntax
  • Python objects
  • Scalar types
  • Operators
  • String I/O
  • Functions
  • Python modules
  • Collections
  • Python best practices
  • Enroll now


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    What's inside

    Three courses

    Python: The Big Picture

    (1 hours)
    This course will teach you what Python is, where it's being used, and how to get started using it. You'll also learn when Python is a good choice for problems you are tasked with solving.

    Full Stack Web Development with Python (WEB2PY)

    (3 hours)
    Learn full stack web development using Python and WEB2PY. WEB2PY is an easy to learn, integrate framework that includes a web server, admin, bootstap, and sqlite database. One simple download has everything you need to build robust, data driven web applications.

    Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments

    (1 hours)
    Learn to manage Python project requirements using virtual environments and pip, the Python package installer. You'll also explore virtualenvwrapper, pipenv, and poetry.

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