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Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments

Reindert-Jan Ekker

Learn how to manage the requirements of your Python projects using virtual environments and pip, the Python package installer. You will also take a look at several related tools: virtualenvwrapper, pipenv, and poetry.

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Learn how to manage the requirements of your Python projects using virtual environments and pip, the Python package installer. You will also take a look at several related tools: virtualenvwrapper, pipenv, and poetry.

Most real-world Python projects make use of code written by others, and usually this code is included by installing Python packages. In this course, Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments, you will learn everything you need to install and manage the packages your project requires using pip, the Python package installer. When you start working on more than a single project, you will find that there's a need to install packages for one project separately from another project. You will come to understand that there's a tool for this situation as well: virtualenv, and no professional Python developer can go without it. First, you will explore everything you need to know in order to use virtual environments on a daily basis. After covering these two core tools, you will then discover other tools that you should at least be aware of such as virtualenvwrapper, which makes managing virtual environments a lot less painful. Finally, you will discover two newer tools: pipenv and poetry, and the direction the Python community is headed. By the end of this course, you will learn how to manage the requirements of your Python projects using virtual environments and pip,

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What's inside


Course Overview
Managing Python Packages with pip
Setting up Your Project with Virtual Environments
Using virtualenvwrapper to Make Your Life Easier
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Choosing the Right Tools

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Provides a strong foundation for professionals already working with Python
Develops Python package management skills, which are essential for working on collaborative Python projects in many modern industries
Introduces several Python package management tools, broadening learners' skillset
Teaches learners about Python virtual environments, which help isolate Python projects and prevent conflicts between package versions

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Career center

Learners who complete Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Web Developer
The world of Web Development is dominated by Python frameworks such as Django and Flask. pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate, are important to this role. In taking Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments, you can build a solid foundation in these topics, which are essential for building up your skills as a Web Developer.
Python Developer
A Python Developer employs Python or a Python framework to achieve a variety of ends, like data analysis, machine learning, or web development. To improve your skills, Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments provides essential knowledge in pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate. This course can be helpful for starting your path towards being a Python Developer.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists work with Python very frequently and must be comfortable with pip, the standard Python package installer, as well as virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate. Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments may be helpful to you if you want to be a Data Scientist, and can help you get ahead by solidifying your understanding of these topics.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts use Python in their work very frequently. Being comfortable with pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments will help you be able to reliably install and manage the data packages your projects need. This is crucial knowledge for Data Analysts, and Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments can give you a solid foundation in these topics.
An Educator who teaches Python or plans to will benefit from this course. In Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments, you will learn about pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.
Quantitative Analyst
As a Quantitative Analyst, your usage of Python is likely frequent. Consider taking this course to build your skillset and become more proficient with pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers rely on Python because of its comprehensiveness and robust libraries. Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments can help prepare you for your role by giving you the tools you need to manage Python packages in the way that is standard in the industry. This covers pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.
Software Developer
Generalist Software Developers work in many different programming languages on many different software projects. Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments can be useful to you if you sometimes use Python. It offers a comprehensive guide to pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.
Technical Writer
A Technical Writer who covers topics related to Python may want to take this course, which covers pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.
Business Analyst
This course may be useful for a Business Analyst who may use Python sometimes and wishes to become more proficient with pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.
Information Security Analyst
For an Information Security Analyst, who may work in Python sometimes, this course may be helpful to you in learning about pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate. Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments will build a good foundation for you in these areas.
DevOps Engineer
Knowledge of Python may be expected of DevOps Engineers, and this course may help you in that regard. Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments provides a solid foundation for managing packages with pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.
Systems Engineer
A Systems Engineer may use Python sometimes. If this work interests you, it may be helpful to take this course and learn more about pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.
Cloud Engineer
Python is sometimes used in Cloud Engineering, so this course may be helpful if that interests you. Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments will teach you about pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.
Product Manager
This course may be helpful for a Product Manager who may use Python sometimes and wishes to become more proficient with pip, the standard Python package installer, and virtual environments, a crucial tool for keeping project package requirements separate.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments.
This collection of practical recipes covers a wide range of Python topics, including package management and virtual environments. It provides concise solutions to common problems and can serve as a valuable reference for experienced Python developers.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the Python standard library, which includes modules and functions for package management. It's a valuable resource for exploring the built-in tools available in Python and learning how to use them effectively.
Offers a collection of practical tips and best practices for writing efficient, maintainable, and readable Python code. While it doesn't cover package management directly, its insights can improve the overall quality of your Python projects.
This comprehensive guide to Python programming is suitable for beginners and experienced developers alike. It provides a solid foundation for understanding Python concepts and can serve as a helpful reference for working with packages and virtual environments.
This hands-on book covers a wide range of Python topics, including package management and virtual environments. It offers practical examples and exercises, making it a great companion to the course's hands-on approach.
Dives into the intricacies of Python's design and implementation. While not directly related to package management, its deep insights into Python's internals can be valuable for advanced users who want to understand the underlying mechanisms of package management.
This classic book provides timeless principles and practices for software development. While it doesn't focus specifically on package management, its insights into maintainability, testing, and collaboration are valuable for anyone managing Python projects.
While not specific to package management, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to Python programming. Its focus on automation and practical examples can be beneficial for beginners who want to build a strong foundation in Python.
This beginner-friendly book provides a hands-on introduction to Python programming through a series of projects. While it doesn't cover package management in depth, it offers a solid foundation for beginners who want to get started with Python.
Introduces test-driven development (TDD) in Python. While not directly related to package management, TDD principles can enhance the reliability and maintainability of your Python projects.
This beginner-friendly guide provides a solid foundation for understanding Python fundamentals, which is essential for working with packages and virtual environments. It covers various topics, including data structures, object-oriented programming, and exception handling.


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