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Full Stack JavaScript

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Web Developers working with different frameworks, libraries and languages will certainly be required to use JavaScript professionally.JavaScript powers the interactivity and the user experience on every major website. From user interfaces that provide richer desktop-like experiences to real-time data and messaging applications, you'll find JavaScript in the browser, on your phone and on the server.In this track we'll introduce you to the JavaScript language, and the ins-and-outs of adding interactivity in the browser.Once you're up to speed with JavaScript in the browser, you'll learn Node.js, a popular JavaScript platform for writing and using JavaScript applications outside of the browser. For example, command line applications for improving your workflow, dynamic websites and much more.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $65,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Walmart, PayPal, Groupon, Airbnb

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From Treehouse
Hours 68
Instructors Andrew Chalkley, Dave McFarland, Joel Kraft, Guil Hernandez, Huston Hedinger, Jonathan Foster, Joseph Fraley, Treasure Porth, Ashley Boucher
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Service Now Developers $56k

Web Developers needed in Irvine, CA. (Coldfusion, jQuery, BootStrap) $56k

Web Developers needed in Irvine, CA. (Coldfusion, jQuery, BootStrap) $56k

Pega Developers $59k

ETL Developers $60k

Software Developers (ALL LEVELS) $61k

Integration Developers $64k

iOS Developers $65k

OBIEE Developers $65k

Mobile Developers $66k

Cloud Foundry Developers $66k

Applications/Web/Business/Data Tier Developers $66k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Introducing JavaScript

Learn the fundamentals of programming by building a JavaScript video game. This fun, exploratory course teaches you basic concepts like variables, values, conditional statements...



On Demand

JavaScript Basics

JavaScript is a programming language that drives the web: from front-end user interface design, to backend server-side programming, you'll find JavaScript at every stage of a web...



On Demand

JavaScript Loops, Arrays and Objects

Storing, tracking and handling data is a large part of computer programming. Arrays provide a method for storing multiple values into a single variable. That makes an array a...



On Demand

Getting Started With ES2015

ES2015, also called ES6, is a newer version of the JavaScript language that’s well supported in browsers and commonly used by programmers. In this course, you'll get up-to-speed...



On Demand

The Landscape of JavaScript

JavaScript is everywhere and used in all phases of development from software to hardware. This course walks you through the modern landscape of JavaScript, and what it means to...



On Demand

JavaScript and the DOM

JavaScript lets you create interactive web pages which can respond to a user's actions. In this course, you'll learn how to bring web pages to life using the power of...



On Demand

jQuery Basics

jQuery is an immensely popular JavaScript library used to add interactivity to webpages. It's a mature and robust tool that can help you build confidence as a developer by helping...



On Demand

AJAX Basics

AJAX is an important front-end web technology that lets JavaScript communicate with a web server. It lets you load new content without leaving the current page, creating a better,...



On Demand

Understanding "this" in JavaScript

JavaScript gives you, the developer, access to an extremely powerful keyword - “this”. “this” can be used to access data contextually, allowing your functions and methods to...



On Demand

Asynchronous Programming with JavaScript

In this course, you will learn why asynchronous code matters, and how to write code that avoids blocking behavior using three approaches: callbacks, promises, and async/await.What...



On Demand

Object-Oriented JavaScript

In this course you'll learn the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript along with the new ES2015 Class syntax. What you'll learnBasics of object-oriented programming...



On Demand

Working with the Fetch API

Learn how to use the Fetch API to fetch resources.Segments in this WorkshopWhat is the Fetch API? Write a Basic Fetch Request Displaying the Content Create a Reusable Fetch...



On Demand

The Module Pattern in JavaScript

Have you ever wondered how some of those huge JavaScript projects out there are getting built? This is done using "Module Patterns" The awesome news for you is that by learning a...



On Demand

Object-Oriented JavaScript By Example (You were viewing this course)

Practice your object-oriented JavaScript skills by building a fun and interactive 'Four in a Row' game.What you'll learnObject-oriented JavaScript App Design DOM...



On Demand

Object-Oriented JavaScript: Challenge

Practice your object-oriented JavaScript skills by building a fun and interactive 'Four in a Row' game.What you'll learnObject-oriented JavaScript App Design DOM...



On Demand

Node.js Basics

In this course we will create two command line applications using the popular server-side JavaScript platform Node.js. We'll be creating an application to retrieve a student's...



On Demand

Exploring JavaScript Conditionals

In this workshop we'll explore alternatives to statements for controlling program flow. Even if you don't end up using them, you will see these forms appear in other code bases,...



On Demand

Build a Simple Dynamic Site with Node.js

Node.js is a versatile platform for building all sorts of applications. In this course, we're going to make a dynamic website that displays a Treehouse student's profile...



On Demand

npm Basics

npm is a command line tool to help you manage Node.js modules and this course will get you up and running with npm. What you'll learnUnderstand what npm is Finding modules...



On Demand

Using npm as a Task Runner

There are other popular JavaScript task runners out there, like Grunt and gulp but you may not need it.Segments in this WorkshopOverview Creating a Built in Task Creating Your Own...



On Demand

Gulp Basics

Gulp.js is a JavaScript taskrunner that allows you to automate important aspects of your development workflow. With Gulp you can do things like minify and concatenate JavaScript,...



On Demand

Express Basics

Learn how to use Express.js to build dynamic websites on the Node.js platform. In the process, you'll learn some fundamental HTTP concepts that you can apply to any other...



On Demand

Mongo Basics

MongoDB is one of the most exciting NoSQL database technologies. MongoDB's flexible structure speeds development and allows teams to produce robust applications more quickly. In...



On Demand

Understanding Closures in JavaScript

In this workshop learn how closures are used to preserve data between function calls.Segments in this WorkshopThe Problem with Globals What are Closures? Fixing Our Problem with...



On Demand

Asynchronous Code in Express

In this course, we’ll look more closely at three approaches to handling asynchronous operations in Express: callbacks, promises, and async/await. What you'll learnUsing callbacks...



On Demand

User Authentication With Express and Mongo

Learn how to implement a custom user authentication system that controls users access to web resources using Node.js using Express and MongoDB. The system lets users sign up, log...



On Demand

Build a REST API With Express

REST services are a powerful way of providing functionality over the internet. Not only can they be used as a foundation to build sophisticated web applications, they can also be...



On Demand

REST APIs with Express

Learn the basics of building out ajs.What you'll learnREST API Design API Routing ExpressSegments in this Workshop



On Demand

Debug Node Applications with Visual Studio Code

Debugging Node.js is not limited to using console.log. You can use more powerful and efficient tools like the built-in debugger in the Visual Studio Code editor.Segments in this...



On Demand

JavaScript Unit Testing

In this course, you’ll use Behavior Driven Development to write unit tests for your functions with the JavaScript testing framework Mocha.js. Writing unit tests will help you...



On Demand

SQL Basics

In SQL Basics we’ll take a look at what databases are and how you can retrieve information from them. Databases can store massive amounts of information to be retrieved at a later...



On Demand

Modifying Data with SQL

At the heart of a dynamic application is a database. Whether the application is an eCommerce, sports team, social network or a productivity app on your phone the data needs to...



On Demand

Using SQL ORMs with Node.js

In this course, you'll learn how to use the Sequelize ORM to leverage the power of SQL within your Node.js applications.What you'll learnOverview of SQL ORM (object-relational...



On Demand

Using Sequelize ORM With Express

In this workshop, you will use the Sequelize ORM and Express to build a simple CRUD application that's connected to a SQL database.Segments in this WorkshopIntroducing the Project...




From Treehouse
Hours 68
Instructors Andrew Chalkley, Dave McFarland, Joel Kraft, Guil Hernandez, Huston Hedinger, Jonathan Foster, Joseph Fraley, Treasure Porth, Ashley Boucher
Language English
Subjects Programming Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Service Now Developers $56k

Web Developers needed in Irvine, CA. (Coldfusion, jQuery, BootStrap) $56k

Web Developers needed in Irvine, CA. (Coldfusion, jQuery, BootStrap) $56k

Pega Developers $59k

ETL Developers $60k

Software Developers (ALL LEVELS) $61k

Integration Developers $64k

iOS Developers $65k

OBIEE Developers $65k

Mobile Developers $66k

Cloud Foundry Developers $66k

Applications/Web/Business/Data Tier Developers $66k

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