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Become a DevOps Engineer

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Are you a developer learning continuous delivery, a sys admin keeping current, or a new engineer getting started? This Learning Path helps you gain skills to work in DevOps. Learn about infrastucture automation, lean and agile transformation, security, monitoring, and site reliability engineering.

In this learning path,

  • Discover how to adopt DevOps at your organization.
  • Explore tools and concepts for infrastructure automation.
  • Build a continuous delivery pipeline using practices.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 42
Instructors Ernest Mueller, Ernest Mueller, James Wickett, James Wickett, Arthur Ulfeldt, Robin Beck, Josh Samuelson, Karthik Gaekwad, James Wickett, Ernest Mueller, Michael Lehman, Ernest Mueller, Karthik Gaekwad, Tim Chase, Jesse Keating, Michael Jenkins, Jez Humble, Joanne Molesky, Ernest Mueller, Peco Karayanev, Peco Karayanev, Laura Stone
Language English
Subjects IT & Networking Programming

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

English- Adjunct continuous $24k

Continuous Improvement Analyst 3 $61k

Continuous Improvment Specialist $63k

Continuous Delivery Engineer - Raleigh, NC or... $67k

Continuous Improvement Engineer 2 3 $73k

Analyst - Continuous Improvement $76k

Continuous News Editor $79k

IT Continuous Process Improvement $85k

continuous improvement dept $89k

Continuous Improvement Specialist 3 $95k

Continuous Improvement Manger $96k

DevOps Automation Engineer - Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment $98k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

DevOps Foundations

DevOps is not a framework or a workflow. It's a culture that is overtaking the business world. DevOps ensures collaboration and communication between software engineers (Dev) and...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

DevOps Foundations: Infrastructure as Code

By automating configuration management, you can make your organization's systems more reliable, processes more repeatable, and server provisioning more efficient. In this course,...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Ansible (2017)

Automation tools can help transform unwieldly IT tasks—managing zero downtime rolling updates, for example—into something far more manageable. In this course, explore Ansible, an...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Docker

Docker is the next step beyond virtualization. A Docker image contains everything it needs to run, independent of the Linux server on which it lives: a copy of the operating...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Chef Essential Training

Chef is a configuration management tool that allows you to write "recipes" to automate the deployment, provisioning, and configuration of machines and applications. The cooking...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Puppet

Puppet is a powerful set of tools for automatically managing your infrastructure so that it is always in the desired state. With this tool, the job of server administration...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Chef

You can transform infrastructure into code using Chef—a powerful platform that provides automation solutions, a development kit, and more. This course explains how to use Chef...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Jenkins

Meet Jenkins, the open-source automation tool for software development and system administration. With Jenkins, you can automate build management, continuous integration and...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the world's most popular open-source container orchestration engine. It offers the ability to schedule and manage containers—Docker or otherwise—at scale. This...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

DevOps Foundations: Continuous Delivery/Continuous Integration

Continuous delivery is one of the major DevOps practice areas. By continuously building, testing, and delivering your code, you can reap huge stability, speed, and flexibility...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Software Version Control

This course is a gateway to learning software version control (SVC), process management, and collaboration techniques. Author Michael Lehman reviews the history of version control...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile

By applying lean and agile principles, engineering teams can deliver better systems and better business outcomes—both of which are crucial to the success of DevOps. In this...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Lean Technology Strategy: Running Agile at Scale

For large tech organizations, the path to agile adoption is hardly ever a smooth one. If you're aiming to implement agile at scale, then this course can help by letting you know...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

DevOps Foundations: DevSecOps (You were viewing this course)

Security is a major concern in the DevOps world. There is a constant push for companies to move more quickly, and security teams struggle to keep up with testing. This has led to...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Lean Technology Strategy: Building High-Performing Teams

Lean teams are nimble and diverse. They include product managers, developers, and operations specialists, who may only work together for a short time. How do you manage people...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Lean Technology Strategy: Moving Fast With Defined Constraints

Lean principles—which center around making processes tighter and more efficient—can help teams work smarter in a variety of different industries, including technology. In this...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

DevSecOps: Building a Secure Continuous Delivery Pipeline

Over the past several years, information security has struggled to keep up with the fast-paced DevOps movement. DevSecOps—an extension of DevOps—aims to remedy this by embracing...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

DevSecOps: Automated Security Testing

Security testing is a vital part of ensuring you deliver a complete, secure solution to your customers. Automating the process can ensure testing is always part of your software...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

DevOps Foundations: Monitoring and Observability

Monitoring is a key practice area of modern operations. In this course, explore techniques and tools for monitoring from a DevOps mindset. Instructors Ernest Mueller and Peco...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Learning Nagios

Nagios is an industry-standard, open-source solution, which makes Nagios a great choice to get started in network monitoring and administration. Learn how to use Nagios to monitor...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Graphite and Grafana: Visualizing Application Performance

Get better insights into your back-end performance—whether your applications run on site or in the cloud. StatsD, Graphite, and Grafana are three popular open-source tools used to...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

DevOps Foundations: Site Reliability Engineering

Site reliability engineering (SRE) is an emerging paradigm in DevOps. The biggest names in tech—companies like Google, Netflix, Microsoft, and LinkedIn—all use SRE. In fact,...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Kubernetes: Cloud Native Ecosystem

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) provides professionals with an assortment of cutting-edge tools and platforms. If you're unfamiliar with CNCF tools and want to learn...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Kubernetes: Microservices

Build scalable and reliable microservices with Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a popular DevOps tool for managing containers at scale. Microservices allow developers to deploy...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 42
Instructors Ernest Mueller, Ernest Mueller, James Wickett, James Wickett, Arthur Ulfeldt, Robin Beck, Josh Samuelson, Karthik Gaekwad, James Wickett, Ernest Mueller, Michael Lehman, Ernest Mueller, Karthik Gaekwad, Tim Chase, Jesse Keating, Michael Jenkins, Jez Humble, Joanne Molesky, Ernest Mueller, Peco Karayanev, Peco Karayanev, Laura Stone
Language English
Subjects IT & Networking Programming


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

English- Adjunct continuous $24k

Continuous Improvement Analyst 3 $61k

Continuous Improvment Specialist $63k

Continuous Delivery Engineer - Raleigh, NC or... $67k

Continuous Improvement Engineer 2 3 $73k

Analyst - Continuous Improvement $76k

Continuous News Editor $79k

IT Continuous Process Improvement $85k

continuous improvement dept $89k

Continuous Improvement Specialist 3 $95k

Continuous Improvement Manger $96k

DevOps Automation Engineer - Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment $98k

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