Save For Later

Immunology: The Immune System and its Failures

Save For Later

Enhance your knowledge in immunology

Our online Immunology Specialisation has been developed to provide central concepts in human immunology as well as advanced topics from cutting-edge research relating to clinical disease of the immune system over five designated specialisations. The initial two courses discuss the role of the innate and adaptive immune responses serving to protect the body from harmful pathogens, which if dysregulated can also lead to immune-mediated diseases such as immunodeficiencies, autoimmunity, allergy and chronic infection, evaluated in the remaining three courses.

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From Imperial College London via Coursera
Hours 88
Instructors Malgorzata (Maggie) Trela, Sophie Rutschmann
Language English
Subjects Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Immunology Research Associate $61k

Executive Immunology Specialist 2 $66k

Professor of Microbiology and Immunology $88k

National Immunology Specialist $91k

Clinical Specialist, Immunology $91k

Immunology Researcher $95k

Professor of Pathology & Immunology $116k

Immunology Automation Specialist $118k

Immunology Oncology Specialist $130k

Immunology/Rheumatology MSL $156k

Professor of Immunology $163k

MSL Immunology, Dermatology $163k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Immunology: Innate Immune System

Our immune system relies on an innate and an adaptive arm that communicate and collaborate to provide us with an optimal response against pathogens. This course focuses on our...

Coursera | Imperial College London



Immunology: Adaptive Immune System

In this course, you will learn about the role of immune responses of the adaptive (acquired) immune system which provides specialised immunity against pathogens. Guided by our...

Coursera | Imperial College London



Immunology: Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Transplants

In this course, you will explore the mechanisms and immune responses involved in autoimmune diseases and in hyper-responsive phenomena, such as asthma. You will examine in detail...

Coursera | Imperial College London



Immunology: Immune System and Infectious Diseases

The constant struggle between pathogens and the human immune system has been posing a significant threat to our health for thousands of years. Infectious diseases remain the...

Coursera | Imperial College London



Immunology: Immune Failures and Cancer Immunology (You were viewing this course)

Our immune system is a powerful network. It protects us from external threats, such as harmful substances and pathogenic agents, as well as cellular changes which could lead to...

Coursera | Imperial College London




Imperial College London

From Imperial College London via Coursera
Hours 88
Instructors Malgorzata (Maggie) Trela, Sophie Rutschmann
Language English
Subjects Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Immunology Research Associate $61k

Executive Immunology Specialist 2 $66k

Professor of Microbiology and Immunology $88k

National Immunology Specialist $91k

Clinical Specialist, Immunology $91k

Immunology Researcher $95k

Professor of Pathology & Immunology $116k

Immunology Automation Specialist $118k

Immunology Oncology Specialist $130k

Immunology/Rheumatology MSL $156k

Professor of Immunology $163k

MSL Immunology, Dermatology $163k

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