Save For Later

Web Design

Save For Later

In this track, you’ll learn how to design and build beautiful websites by learning the basic principles of design like branding, color theory, and typography which are all instrumental in the design process of a website. You’ll also learn HTML and CSS, which are the common code languages that all modern websites are built on. These are useful skills to acquire as they are needed by nearly every single business in the world to communicate to customers. By the end of this track, you’ll have all the skills required to design and build your own websites or even start a career with one of the thousands of companies that have a website.

An entry-level salary for the technologies covered in this track is about $42,000 / yr on average. Some companies that use these technologies regularly include: Google, Facebook, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, and Treehouse

OpenCourser is an affiliate partner of Treehouse and may earn a commission when you buy through our links.

From Treehouse
Hours 48
Instructors Treasure Porth, Guil Hernandez, Nick Pettit, Mattox Shuler, Hampton Catlin, Ashley Burke
Language English
Subjects Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

BUILD Leadership Development Program-HR Generalist, Corporate Functions $67k

Build & Material Coordination Engineer $87k

In Patient Psychiatrist for Beautiful Albuquerque, NM $105k

In Patient Neurologist in beautiful Sunny Albuquerque, NM $122k

SCM/Build Engineer $125k

Software Configuration Management Build Engineer $128k

Vehicle Build Engineer $133k

Build & Release Engineering $133k

New Build Specialist $140k

Senior Build Engineer Consultant $145k

Senior Build Release Engineer $153k

Global Media Build and Release Engineer $214k

Courses in this Track

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Introduction to HTML and CSS

Get started creating web pages with HTML and CSS, the basic building blocks of web development. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a standard set of tags you will use to tell...



On Demand

HTML Basics

Learn HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the language common to every website. HTML describes the basic structure and content of a web page. If you want to build a website or web...



On Demand

Adobe Illustrator for Web Design

Using a project-based learning approach to Illustrator’s core features, walk through the process of designing a simple website beginning with making a wireframe, and then using...



On Demand

Web Design Process

Going from a blank screen to a finished website can be daunting. In this course, you'll learn about the major steps involved in designing websites. We'll learn how to gather...



On Demand

CSS Basics

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language that describes the presentation of web pages. Whereas HTML is what forms the structure of a web page, CSS is what we use to...



On Demand

CSS Selectors

In this short course, we're going to go beyond the basic selector concepts covered in CSS Basics. Besides the common ways to select elements with type, ID and class selectors,...



On Demand

HTML Forms

The web is a two-way communication medium. There’s lots of HTML elements for displaying data and producing output, and conversely, there’s also lots of HTML elements for accepting...



On Demand

HTML Tables

The web is filled with text and images, but it's also filled with information like sports scores throughout the years, list of employee names and email addresses, or nutrition...



On Demand

Web Typography

As web features barrel ahead, web typography advances with it. We now have more control over type than ever before. But, as the often-quoted line from Spiderman goes, “With great...



On Demand

CSS Layout Basics

Learn to work with common layout and positioning methods used in web design. In this course, you'll get hands-on practice with basic CSS layout techniques like display modes and...



On Demand

Responsive Layouts

Responsive web design is a collection of techniques for building websites that work on multiple screen sizes. In these lessons, we're going to use the foundational principles of...



On Demand

CSS Flexbox Layout

Flexbox is a set of CSS properties that give you a flexible way to lay out content. With flexbox you can change the direction, alignment, size and order of elements, regardless of...



On Demand

Bootstrap 4 Basics

Learn to use the latest in Bootstrap 4, one of the most popular open source front end frameworks, to help you build a functional design and layout in little time.What you'll...



On Demand

Prototyping in the Browser

Before you design a website, it's important to have some kind of a plan or a wireframe to guide your efforts. But sometimes when you go from a simple sketch to digital pixels, the...



On Demand

CSS Transitions and Transforms

CSS transitions and transforms can create simple animations that enhance user interactions in websites and apps. In this course, you'll build an interactive image gallery using...



On Demand

SVG Basics

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML markup language for creating two-dimensional images using vectors. This is different from traditional raster-based image formats that use...



On Demand

Animating SVG with CSS (You were viewing this course)

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) also supports interactivity and animation, so you can animate and interact with SVG like you're able to do with HTML. This short course covers the...



On Demand

Sass Basics

Sass is a stylesheet language that extends CSS with features like variables, nested rules, mixins and functions, in a CSS-compatible syntax. In this course, you'll learn to use...



On Demand

CSS Grid Layout

CSS Grid Layout provides a built-in, more efficient way of designing grid-based layouts in the browser. It brings a new set of properties, functions and flexible units that let...




From Treehouse
Hours 48
Instructors Treasure Porth, Guil Hernandez, Nick Pettit, Mattox Shuler, Hampton Catlin, Ashley Burke
Language English
Subjects Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

BUILD Leadership Development Program-HR Generalist, Corporate Functions $67k

Build & Material Coordination Engineer $87k

In Patient Psychiatrist for Beautiful Albuquerque, NM $105k

In Patient Neurologist in beautiful Sunny Albuquerque, NM $122k

SCM/Build Engineer $125k

Software Configuration Management Build Engineer $128k

Vehicle Build Engineer $133k

Build & Release Engineering $133k

New Build Specialist $140k

Senior Build Engineer Consultant $145k

Senior Build Release Engineer $153k

Global Media Build and Release Engineer $214k

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