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Sudhir Shivaram

The most comprehensive online photography course on wildlife photography. This is the only course you need to complete, to learn in-depth all facets of wildlife photography. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned photographer with or without experience in wildlife photography, you will still find this course extremely valuable.

Sudhir has distilled his 23+ years of experience shooting in the wild in this single most comprehensive field guide for wildlife photography.

Through this tutorial, he has striven to cover every tiny detail pertaining to this genre of photography.

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The most comprehensive online photography course on wildlife photography. This is the only course you need to complete, to learn in-depth all facets of wildlife photography. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned photographer with or without experience in wildlife photography, you will still find this course extremely valuable.

Sudhir has distilled his 23+ years of experience shooting in the wild in this single most comprehensive field guide for wildlife photography.

Through this tutorial, he has striven to cover every tiny detail pertaining to this genre of photography.

At the outset, he introduces the topic of wildlife photography and goes on to talk about the ideal equipment for wildlife photography.

There are several chapters dedicated to highlighting some of the best wildlife destinations in India and the opportunities present there to sight and shoot wildlife.

Sudhir places a lot of importance on subject knowledge in photography, more so wildlife photography. He has covered this subject in great detail and has talked about understanding animal behaviour and how to make use of this knowledge to get superlative shots. He emphasises how subject knowledge can help with pre visualisation – another vital concept in wildlife photography. Again, he drives home the point with numerous real-life examples.

Sudhir has dedicated several videos to illustrate the various challenges one may encounter while shooting during a safari and the ways in which to overcome these challenges. He also talks about the numerous accessories that help during safaris, some techniques and workarounds for shooting with long tele lens and many other tips and tricks to make the most of your safari experience.

Then there is also a whole set of videos where Sudhir has picked specific actions by the subjects and explained how to capture those flawlessly. In parallel these videos also deal with core technical aspects including shutter speed, focussing modes, auto focussing points in different cameras and so on. Composition is another topic he has dealt with in great depth.

He then covers the topics of post processing which is an integral part of digital photography and takes you through the various steps he follows to get back that life in the images.

Apart from the core photography aspects, Sudhir has covered numerous other topics including the ethical aspects of wildlife photography; equipment care and safety and healthcare during safaris; post processing and more.

Finally he has a few chapters which are dedicated to real life examples from the field.

In a nutshell, this is the one course you need to sign up for if you are an aspiring wildlife photographer or for that matter even a fairly seasoned one, for there is so much to learn here for everyone.

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Learning objectives

  • The most comprehensive course on wildlife photography on the internet. this is the only course you need to complete, to learn in-depth all facets of wildlife photography. whether you are a novice or a seasoned photographer with or without experience in wildlife photography, you will still find this course extremely valuable.
  • In this course, you get the complete lowdown on the ideal equipment for wildlife photography. apart from picking the right cameras and lenses to suit your shooting needs and your budget, this course will also introduce you to some really useful accessories for wildlife photography.
  • Composition can make or break an image. this course teaches you all you need to know about how to compose your shot by applying the rule of thirds.
  • Light lies at the heart of photography. the course teaches you to paint with light and create stunning imagery. you will also learn about story-telling imagers that have the potential to win competitions.
  • In the course, your mentor talks extensively on some of the hottest wildlife destinations in india. places that he has frequented, along with the wildlife shooting opportunities at each place. this is also a ready reckoner which is the best season, park timings, on how to plan your visit, and the safari booking options available at these destinations.
  • Shooting technique is vital in wildlife photography, more so during safaris. in this course, you will learn the various shooting techniques, workarounds during safaris and the various accessories to facilitate and aid an optimal shooting experience. whether or not to use a tripod in your safari vehicle; if you can use, what’s the best way to do it; how to shoot handheld – these are some of the topics that will be explained.
  • Theory of reciprocity and its relevance in wildlife photography is another concept dealt with in great detail. you will also gain a firm understanding of concepts of exposure triangle, its dependence on metering and other related topics.
  • In our quest for great pictures, we often forget some of the basics. this course touches upon such aspects as care for your equipment during safaris, care for your own health and safety and most important, the ethical aspects of wildlife photography.
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“If you are a beginner in photography and want to get started with wildlife photography and not sure where to start from, this is the perfect tutorial for you. In this introduction chapter, we will t
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If you are a beginner in photography and want to get started with wildlife photography and not sure where to start from, this is the perfect tutorial for you.

In this introduction chapter, we will take you through all that you will get to learn as a part of this tutorial. This is ideal for any beginner in photography and does not require any prior knowledge of wildlife or wildlife photography.

Equipment for Wildlife Photography

All said and done, you will need a good camera and lens to take up wildlife photography. In this chapter, we will see what it takes to choose that perfect lens and camera for wildlife photography, or does one exist ?

This chapter will guide you through the various parameters you will have to consider when buying a camera or lens for wildlife photography based on your budget. We will also look at various accessories needed for wildlife photography, apart from just the camera and lens.

Various Locations in India for Wildlife Photography: “You have decided to enter into the fascinating world of wildlife photography and also probably have a decent camera and lens to get started with.

You have decided to enter into the fascinating world of wildlife photography and also probably have a decent camera and lens to get started with. But you have no clue which place to visit or where to go for your wildlife shoots.

This chapter will help you to choose the right wildlife destination to start your wildlife photography. We will also explain how you can identify the nearest wildlife sanctuary to your location along with the various safari options available. We will also look at how to go about booking your wildlife safari and also how you can decide which park to visit based on the species available.

In this chapter, we will see the various wildlife destinations frequented by Sudhir and also the species you get to photograph at those places. This will give you a fair idea to plan your wildlife safaris and help you maximise the opportunities to get good images.

There are different ways in which you can go for your wildlife photography. This chapter will explore all those options and help you decide which option suits you the best. This will also help you und

There are different ways in which you can go for your wildlife photography. This chapter will explore all those options and help you decide which option suits you the best. This will also help you understand the various park timings for the safaris and also the concept of full day and half day safaris.

Understanding the Behavioural Aspects of Animals

If you want to be a better wildlife photographer, then you need to be a better naturalist. This chapter will explain the 4 pillars of photography and the importance of knowing animal behavioural aspects. Subject knowledge is everything in photography and will help you predict, anticipate and plan your shots.

Subject knowledge is the key to becoming a better wildlife photographer, and we will start at the top of the food chain, with the apex predator – the Tiger. In this chapter, we will explain the various behavioural aspects of the Tiger which no book or Internet search will give you. This is knowledge gained over the years – in the field – studying, observing and photographing the animal.

This chapter will explore the next species on the list – the Leopard. These are elusive creatures, and we will explain where and how you can track and find them. It will also explain certain behavioural aspects of the Leopard which will help you pre-visualise and get good images.

In this chapter, we will explain the behavioural aspects of Elephants. Each tip and every bit of information shared in this chapter will help you know your subject that much better and in turn will aid in making good images.

In this chapter, we will explore and understand some of the common behavioural traits of wild dogs. Wildlife photography is all about understanding your subjects, predicting their behaviour and planning your shots based on that knowledge. Sudhir with his vast experience shares his knowledge about these behavioural aspects so that you can become a better wildlife photographer.

In this chapter, Sudhir talks about the behavioural aspects of Sloth Bears and what makes these furry, cuddly creatures such great subjects.

In this chapter, we will look at how some of the other common species like the Spotted Deer, Sambar Deer, Langur, Macaques etc. also create unique photo-ops. These species usually get overlooked in favour of their more glamorous counterparts. This chapter teaches you how to make the most of even the most mundane subjects.

Subject Knowledge and Previsualization

Once we understand about the various behavioural aspects of the animals, this chapter will take you through the concept of pre-visualising, where you will be using that knowledge to make some awesome images.

We come across situations in the wildlife parks where safari vehicles line up and people wait to get a glimpse of the majestic Tiger. During that time when the Tiger crosses the safari track, we have vehicles in the background which may spoil our image. This chapter will explain how to make pleasing images in such situations.

Making good images of common subjects is not easy. But if you understand their behavioural aspects, that will help you get wonderful action images. In this chapter, we will study one such behaviour of the Spotted Deer which will help you make some great action shots of them jumping.

Photography is all about understanding light and painting with it. Have you ever tried backlit images, that too of Monkeys with the concept of rim lighting? This chapter explains about how to get that perfect backlit image with the right kind of planning.

Here is another chapter which will explain the behaviour of a common subject – the Spotted Deer – and help you plan and execute to get some awesome backlit action images.

There are a lot of National Parks and Tiger Reserves in the country which have grassland and meadows. This chapter deals with the situation on how to photograph the subjects given the challenge of these animals hiding in the grass.

Do you know that a lot of animals take the same path on a regular basis to travel from one point to another in the forest? We will look at how this knowledge helps us to plan our shots both in terms of composition and also technical aspects. The challenges we face and how we can overcome them. In this chapter, we will look at one such example and help you understand what it takes to plan and execute such a sequence of shots.

The behaviour of a lot of animals in rain is almost the same. Let us study what they are in this particular chapter, and use this knowledge to make some beautiful “in the rain” images.

We came across a Leopard kill of a Spotted Deer and waited for it to appear. As we waited, we started planning about how we can compose the shot based on our knowledge about this. In this chapter we look at one such possible scenario of it and plan our shot.

Every destination has some well-known location inside the park which is considered iconic. In this chapter, we will explain the concept of signature shots at such locations and share some of the image

Every destination has some well-known location inside the park which is considered iconic. In this chapter, we will explain the concept of signature shots at such locations and share some of the images to illustrate it. This will help you identify and plan your dream shots during your next visit.

What is the concept of story-telling images ? Did you know that these are the kind of images with the potential to win many a competition? This chapter delves deep into this with detailed information

What is the concept of story-telling images ? Did you know that these are the kind of images with the potential to win many a competition? This chapter delves deep into this with detailed information including behind-the-scenes planning to make such images.

Shooting Techniques in Wildlife

Your wildlife photography is completely dependent on how you manage yourself in the vehicle during the safari. Shooting technique is one of the most important factors in getting quality images. In this chapter, we will explore the various options and accessories used for wildlife photography when shooting from the safari vehicle. We will also talk about options of how you can get your vehicle modified for an optimal shooting experience.

Is it possible to do wildlife photography by using a tripod in a safari vehicle? The answer is, “indeed, YES.” In this chapter, we will explain the various ways in which you can manage a tripod in the vehicle. We will also look at options on how to get eye level shots from the vehicle by using a tripod.

There are situations when you have to do handheld photography while on foot. Though we always encourage tripod use, it may not be possible all the time. In this chapter, we will look at efficient ways of doing handheld photography using a long lens. This technique will help you get sharp images even at low shutter speeds.

There are situations during your safari where you cannot carry a tripod or a monopod and will have to shoot handheld. Though not ideal, it may be inevitable at times. In this chapter, we will look at ways to efficiently handle long tele lens while shooting handheld.

This chapter explores the option of shooing with a long tele lens without a tripod or a monopod. It demonstrates how you can take help of your fellow passenger to get good stability for shooting. Shooting technique is an important aspect in getting sharp images even a low shutter speeds.

We may not always get the ideal spot for shooting from a safari vehicle and often end up sitting beside the driver. So how do we manage and shoot with a long tele lens without using a tripod, monopod, beanbag or any kind of external support. In this chapter, we explain a quick and easy workaround to enable stable shooting with your long tele lens.

Shooting with a clamp is a good workaround when you cannot use a tripod or monopod in the safari vehicle. In this chapter, we will look at how best to use a combination of the clamp and a tripod head to achieve stable shooting technique.

A combination of a beanbag and a panning pod is probably the best and the most flexible way to get stability while shooting from a safari vehicle. Sudhir uses this technique often and is always pleased with the results. In this chapter, we explore how best to use it.

We come across situations when we have to walk in the field for long durations carrying our heavy equipment, the setup of camera/lens on a tripod. This chapter shows you how you can do it with less effort.

Technical Aspects of wildlife photography

What is the best camera setting to have for wildlife photography? This is one of the most common questions asked. In this chapter, we will look at the best possible camera related setting which will give you good images in most of the situations.

In this chapter, we will explore what shutter priority mode is and when to use it in wildlife photography.

In case of wildlife photography, shutter speed is one of the most important parameters to work on. Yet, Sudhir hardly uses the shutter priority mode. In this chapter, we will look at when to use that mode and when not to use. We will also explore the advantages and disadvantages of this mode for wildlife photography.

The big question in wildlife photography – what is the correct shutter speed to use? In this chapter, we will explain the various situations and help you arrive at what could be the right shutter speed for a given scenario.

Depending on the situation, we use aperture priority or shutter priority in wildlife photography. But there are situations where we end up using manual exposure. This chapter will help you understand those situations and teach you how to arrive at the correct exposure in case of manual shooting

Now that we have studied the different shooting modes, we will look at various situations and understand when to use what mode.

One of the most important aspects in wildlife photography and especially very useful for low-light shooting is the theory of reciprocity. In this chapter, we will help you explore what it is and how it helps in your wildlife photography.

Your entire exposure triangle is dependent on metering, and this chapter helps you understand what metering is and how it affects your shutter speed and aperture depending on the lighting.

In this chapter, we will look at the different kind of metering options available in your camera and understand each of them.

Now that we have explored the different metering options, in this chapter we will look at when to use what kind of metering, the drawbacks of certain metering modes and how to overcome that.

Though spot meter is one of the best metering options to get you accurate exposure, it may not work in all conditions. This chapter looks at those scenarios where it may fail and how to overcome that.

Be it action photography or still photography, it is important to understand the different modes of focusing. This chapter will help you understand those modes and help you decide when to use what focusing mode.

This chapter deals with all the different kinds of auto focusing points in the Canon cameras. This knowledge is extremely important for wildlife photography, especially action photography.

This chapter deals with all the different kinds of auto focusing points in the Nikon cameras. This knowledge is extremely important for wildlife photography, especially action photography.

A lot of lens have the distance scale indicator on them. Ever wondered what it is and how to use it? This chapter explains everything you need to know about it.

For wildlife photography, it is recommended to shoot in aperture priority mode so that you can control the shutter speed by adjusting the ISO using the concept of the theory of reciprocity. But there are advanced settings in the camera where you can still shoot in shutter priority and use the auto ISO mode to get the right shutter speed you want. This chapter helps you understand those advanced settings to help you get the right shutter speed.

Do you have an entry-level camera with a basic kit lens and always felt challenged to get amazing images? Not to worry. In this chapter, we will look at how to make the best use of your equipment and get good images. We will also understand how important it is to invest in learning, especially the core technical concepts of photography, to become a better wildlife photographer.

As beginners in photography we make a lot of mistakes, costly ones. In this chapter, we look at one such mistake and study it completely to understand what went wrong and what could have been done to avoid it.

In previous chapters, we have understood about animal behaviour and the concept of pre-visualization. We will use that knowledge to study this particular image of a Tiger climbing a tree and how you can anticipate these moments and be ready for the shot. Also, we explore how to think fast from a composition aspect to get good images in a limited time.

Action photographs – what does it take to get them in limited time. In this chapter, we will study the behavioural aspect of blackbucks and understand the technical challenges in getting good images of it. We look at various options of focusing points and understand what kind of focusing points we should use in these cases. Sound technical knowledge in photography can help overcome a lot of challenges in action photography.

The concept of low-key and high-key images involves technical understanding of metering and exposure compensation. This chapter deals with those aspects and helps you make some awesome creative images.

The Art of Composition

In wildlife photography, there are situations where you have a long tele lens and the animal comes very close to you. How do we get a good composition in those situations? It’s not always necessary to show the full animal in your frame. In this chapter we will look at various examples and study the composition techniques.

Shooting at the eye level is considered the most ideal, in general. But is it really possible to do that in wildlife photography all the time, especially when you are in the jungle in a vehicle? In this chapter, we will learn the various techniques to shoot at the eye level in wildlife photography.

In wildlife photography it is very important to get good eye contact and head turn of your subjects to have maximum viewing impact. In this chapter we will look at examples which will help you understand what is good eye contact and good head turn.

What is a good image? If you have a zoom lens, when should you zoom in and shoot a close-up portrait and when should you zoom out. What composition works best? This chapter looks at various examples to help you understand how to make pleasing images.

We have seen a lot of examples on how to make good images. This chapter takes you through some of the images that do not work well and explains why they do not work.

In this chapter we will look at various examples as to when Black & White images work in wildlife photography. How can we think and see in B&W in the field. This is an interesting chapter which looks at the B&W aspect of wildlife photography.

The concept of rim lighting by using the backlight effect. How do we create magical images by playing with light? This chapter explores those images and helps you arrive at the correct settings to get them.

A ‘wow’ image is one in which you have played with composition to create an impact on viewers. In this chapter we will see how to create such images by thinking out of the box and going off the beaten track.

Composition is all about understanding the rule of thirds and deciding where to place your subject. In this chapter we will look at some practical example of playing around with focusing points to place the subject in a creative way

Here is another practical field example which teaches you what could be possible distractions in your composition and how you can try and avoid them.

The magic of reflection. In this chapter we will look at pre-visualising your shots where there is water – what to look for and how to decide on your composition.

Here is another classic example on how important it is to shoot at eye level. This chapter will show you how to decide when to shoot at eye level and the best way to go about doing it. This is particularly useful when you are shooting on foot.

In this chapter we will study the behavioural aspect of the Spotted Deer and help you understand how to decide when to shoot. Head turn and eye contact are two important factors to make pleasing images and you will learn how to study and implement it in the field.

This chapter teaches you the importance of playing around with your focusing points and its importance in achieving good composition.

This chapter explores the different kinds of lighting situations and helps you decide when to shoot what kind of images using what kind of lighting.

Equipment and Health care during safari

In this chapter we look at the ways in which we need to take care of our equipment during safaris. We also look at some of the workarounds to protect our equipment when we don’t have proper accessories to carry.

We have learnt so much about wildlife photography so far. But one of the most important aspects of wildlife photography is taking care of your health. In this chapter we touch upon some simple precautions that can help us stay fit and healthy to withstand the rigours of wildlife photography in extreme weather conditions.

Post Processing Tips for Wildlife Images

Wildlife photography is incomplete without giving them a good finishing touch. That’s where post processing comes into picture.

During our field outing we get back with a lot of images, literally in 1000’s from a few days trips. How do we store them in our computers and what kind of naming convention do we follow. How do we filter out the bad images and keep only the good ones. What kind of criteria do we apply. The complexity multiplies with multiple bodies. In this chapter we look at the process of filtering and deleting the bad images.

There are so many applications out there to process the RAW files. How do we arrive at which to use when. In this chapter we look at some of the corner cases in wildlife photography where some images looks better in certain applications. We look at those scenarios and evaluate when to use which application.

In this chapter we look at the complete workflow of how do we process an image. How do we play around with a bit of advance options to get the result we want.

In the field, the camera may not be able to capture the actual scene as it is due to the dynamic range of the scene or other issues related to camera setting. In this chapter we look at two major correction tools of shadows and highlights and how they help in recovering the lost details in the image.

Finally we look at the concept of high key and low key images and what kind of processing is required to get the final output.

Practical Field Examples

We came across a herd of Indian Gaur and started using them to teach the various concepts of wildlife photography. But what we did not know was that a Tiger was hiding and planning its hunt. Have a look at this chapter to see what happened.

In this chapter we will look at the practical field example of what it takes to plan and execute your images in the wild. This pack of Wild Dogs was co-operative, and we have used them to illustrate multiple concepts.

During this video tutorial shoot at Bharatpur National Park, we came across this scene of five Pythons and used them as examples to teach the various concepts of wildlife photography. You will understand the practical field challenges we face and how to plan and execute your shots on the go. These practical field examples will teach you the real art of wildlife photography.

How does white balance have an impact on your image? This chapter shows you the different output you get when you change the white balance parameter in your camera.

The concept of pre-visualising and executing your shot. This chapter explains the live example of how we go about understanding the behavioural aspects of animals and how it aids in making good images.

Another classic example in the field on how to predict animal behaviour and how you can plan your shot based on that.

What is a good image? If you have a zoom lens, when should you zoom in and shoot a close-up portrait and when should you zoom out. What composition works best? This chapter looks at practical field example to help you understand how to make pleasing images.

In this chapter we will look at practical field example on how to arrive at the correct shooting angle, especially when you are on foot.

Practical field example on how to play with light. In this chapter we come across a spotted deer which has side lighting, and we will see how to wait for that right moment to capture the image.

Ethical aspects of Wildlife Photography

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Masterclass: Ultimate Field Guide to Wildlife Photography with these activities:
Review Basic Photography Principles
Reinforce foundational photography concepts like the exposure triangle, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to better understand the technical aspects of wildlife photography.
Show steps
  • Review online resources explaining the exposure triangle.
  • Practice adjusting aperture, shutter speed, and ISO in manual mode.
  • Experiment with different metering modes to understand their impact.
Read 'Understanding Exposure' by Bryan Peterson
Solidify understanding of exposure settings and their impact on wildlife photos.
Show steps
  • Read the book cover to cover.
  • Complete the exercises in each chapter.
  • Apply the concepts learned to your own photography.
Practice Wildlife Photography in a Local Park
Apply the course's teachings on composition, lighting, and animal behavior by photographing local wildlife.
Show steps
  • Visit a local park or nature reserve.
  • Identify potential wildlife subjects.
  • Practice different shooting techniques and compositions.
  • Review and critique your photos.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Create a Photo Essay on a Local Wildlife Species
Deepen understanding of a specific species and improve storytelling skills through photography.
Show steps
  • Choose a local wildlife species to focus on.
  • Research the species' behavior and habitat.
  • Capture a series of photos that tell a story about the species.
  • Write captions to accompany your photos.
  • Share your photo essay online or in a local publication.
Read 'The Wildlife Photographer's Field Manual' by Joe McDonald
Learn practical field techniques and ethical considerations for wildlife photography.
Show steps
  • Read the book and take notes on key concepts.
  • Apply the techniques learned during your next photography outing.
  • Reflect on how the book has improved your photography skills.
Volunteer at a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Gain a deeper understanding of animal behavior and conservation efforts while practicing photography.
Show steps
  • Contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center.
  • Inquire about volunteer opportunities.
  • Assist with animal care and rehabilitation tasks.
  • Document your experience through photography.
Build a Portfolio Website
Showcase your best wildlife photos and attract potential clients or collaborators.
Show steps
  • Choose a platform for your website (e.g., WordPress, Squarespace).
  • Select a theme or template that showcases your photos effectively.
  • Upload your best wildlife photos and write compelling descriptions.
  • Optimize your website for search engines.
  • Promote your website on social media and other platforms.

Career center

Learners who complete Masterclass: Ultimate Field Guide to Wildlife Photography will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Wildlife Photographer
A wildlife photographer captures images of animals in their natural habitat. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to excel as a wildlife photographer. The course covers ideal equipment, composition, lighting, and storytelling, all essential for capturing compelling images of wildlife. It emphasizes the importance of subject knowledge, including animal behavior, which helps in anticipating and pre-visualizing shots. Learning about ethical considerations, equipment care, and healthcare during safaris further prepares one for a successful career as a wildlife photographer. This course stands out due to its comprehensive nature, covering not just the technical aspects but also the practical challenges and unique opportunities in different wildlife destinations. For instance, the chapters detailing specific locations in India are particularly insightful for those planning shoots in the region. Aspiring wildlife photographers should take this course to build a strong foundation.
Photojournalists capture news events and tell stories through photographs, often working under tight deadlines and challenging conditions. While this course focuses on wildlife photography, the skills and knowledge gained may be valuable for photojournalists seeking to expand their repertoire. The course explores equipment, composition, lighting, and storytelling, which are all essential in photojournalism. Furthermore, understanding ethical considerations and equipment care will ensure that photo journalists follow best practices. While the course focuses on wildlife, the key concepts translate well to capturing compelling news images. This course can broaden a photojournalist's skill set, making them more versatile and adaptable in a competitive field.
Nature Photographer
Nature photographers document the natural world, often focusing on landscapes, plants, and animals. This course can help nature photographers improve their skills, especially when photographing wildlife. The course teaches how to apply composition techniques to a range of subjects, from wide landscapes to detailed animal portraits. Furthermore, understanding lighting, as emphasized in the course, is key to capturing the beauty of natural scenes. The course is valuable for its comprehensive coverage of equipment, shooting techniques, and ethical considerations. For a nature photographer to develop their skills and create impactful images, this course offers a wealth of practical knowledge and insights. The course helps nature photographers create compelling images, and stand out by detailing locations in India, which can be beneficial for photographers seeking to expand their portfolio with unique wildlife shots.
Conservation Photographer
Conservation photographers use their images to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote conservation efforts. This course can help conservation photographers enhance their ability to tell visual stories about wildlife and their habitats. The emphasis on subject knowledge, including understanding animal behavior, is crucial for capturing images that evoke empathy and concern. The course also covers ethical considerations, which are particularly important in conservation photography. The course's focus on storytelling images, and the practical advice on shooting techniques in challenging safari conditions, can enable conservation photographers to create powerful and impactful work. By taking this course, conservation photographers gain the skills to capture images that resonate with audiences and inspire action.
Photography Instructor
Photography instructors teach others the art and science of photography. This course provides photography instructors with a comprehensive understanding of wildlife photography, which they can then share with their students. The course covers a wide range of topics, from equipment selection to composition and post-processing, offering instructors a structured and in-depth curriculum. The course specifically helps photography instructors teach the nuances of wildlife photography, providing valuable insights and practical tips. Given the depth and breadth of content, this course can equip photography instructors with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver comprehensive and engaging lessons. The detailed chapters on shooting techniques, technical aspects, and ethical considerations also enable instructors to address common challenges and questions from students. The practical field examples further enhance the teaching experience, providing real-world scenarios and solutions.
Photo Editor
Photo editors review and select photographs for publication in magazines, newspapers, and online platforms. This course helps photo editors develop a keen eye for quality wildlife photography. The course can provides a deep understanding of the technical and artistic aspects of wildlife photography, enabling photo editors to assess images effectively. Knowledge of composition, lighting, and storytelling, all covered in the course, is crucial for identifying images that resonate with audiences. A photo editor can also benefit from the course's coverage of ethical considerations, ensuring that selected images align with journalistic standards. Photo editors may find the practical field examples in the course particularly useful for understanding the challenges and opportunities in capturing compelling wildlife images. The comprehensive knowledge gained from this course enables photo editors to make informed decisions and select impactful photographs.
Safari Guide
Safari guides lead tourists on wildlife viewing expeditions, offering information and insights about animals and their habitats. This course helps safari guides enhance their knowledge of wildlife photography, enabling them to provide better experiences for their clients. The course covers ideal equipment for wildlife destinations, as well as techniques for capturing quality images during safaris. Safari guides may find the course particularly useful for understanding animal behavior, which is essential for predicting and anticipating photo opportunities. This course is also relevant as it covers destinations in India. Safari guides will improve client experience by offering advice on how to photograph animals. By understanding photography, safari guides can enrich their tours and provide value to their clients.
Science Communicator
Science communicators convey scientific information to the public through various media, including writing, photography, and video. This course may equip science communicators with the skills to create compelling visual content about wildlife and conservation. The course helps one understand composition, lighting, and storytelling, enabling effective communication of scientific concepts through images. The course is particularly useful due to its emphasis on subject knowledge, including animal behavior and ethical considerations. By taking this course, science communicators will enhance their ability to engage audiences and promote greater understanding of wildlife and conservation issues.
Zookeepers care for animals in zoos and wildlife parks, ensuring their health and well-being. This course may help zookeepers document the animals they care for and share their stories with the public. The course can provide valuable knowledge of photography equipment, composition, and lighting, enabling zookeepers to capture high-quality images. Understanding animal behavior, as emphasized in the course, this is useful for capturing meaningful moments that showcase the personalities of animals. This course can help create engaging content for educational programs and social media. By taking this course, zookeepers will have opportunities to promote conservation and raise awareness about the animals in their care.
Social Media Manager
Social media managers oversee an organization's online presence, creating and curating content to engage audiences. This course may help social media managers create compelling visual content related to wildlife and nature. The course can provide valuable insights into photography equipment, composition, and lighting, enabling the creation of high-quality images. The course emphasis on storytelling can assist social media managers in crafting engaging narratives that resonate with audiences. The course is especially useful for those managing the social media presence of zoos, conservation organizations, or travel companies focused on wildlife tourism. Through this course, social media managers can enhance their ability to connect with audiences and promote conservation efforts through visual storytelling.
Travel Blogger
Travel bloggers create content about their travel experiences, often including photography and writing. This course may help travel bloggers enhance their ability to capture and share compelling stories about wildlife encounters. The course explores equipment, composition, lighting, and storytelling, all essential for creating engaging travel content. Travel bloggers may find the course specifically useful by understanding animal behavior and ethical considerations. The detailed chapters on wildlife destinations in India are valuable for travel bloggers looking to diversify their content. By taking this course, travel bloggers can offer their readers a unique and visually stunning perspective on wildlife travel.
Graphic designer
Graphic designers create visual concepts using computer software or by hand to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. This course may help graphic designers to utilize photographs to create beautiful designs. The course teaches the importance of storytelling and the principles of composition, which the designer can use to improve the quality of their designs. In this way, graphic designers will be able to effectively work with wildlife photographs in their work. Graphic designers can develop a deeper appreciation for the imagery they work with, leading to more impactful designs by taking this course.
Video Editor
Video Editors are responsible for assembling raw footage, adding music, sound effects, and graphics, and ensuring that the final product meets the creative vision of the project. This course may help video editors to incorporate photographs into their productions. Since the course also deals with technical aspects, shutter speed, and post processing, the video editor will develop an eye for high quality images. This course may be useful in this way, as it provides insight into the world of photography.
Filmmakers tell stories through the medium of film, overseeing all creative and logistical aspects of production. This course may help filmmakers who want to incorporate wildlife photography into their films. The course teaches the importance of storytelling and the principles of composition as well as details regarding light and shadow, which the filmmaker can use to improve the quality of a film. In this way, filmmakers will be able to effectively work with wildlife photographs in their work. By taking this course, filmmakers can develop a deeper appreciation for the imagery they work with, leading to more impactful films.
Web Designer
Web Designers plan, create, and code internet sites and web pages, many of which may include photographs. The course teaches the importance of storytelling and the principles of composition which the web designer can bring to their projects. By understanding all the elements which contribute to a successful photograph, the web designer can showcase the visual aspects of the website. By taking this course, the web designer can better select and utilize images, leading to more impactful web design.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Masterclass: Ultimate Field Guide to Wildlife Photography.
Provides a comprehensive guide to mastering exposure in photography. It covers aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and metering in detail, with practical examples and exercises. Understanding Exposure is particularly helpful for beginners to grasp the fundamentals before diving into the nuances of wildlife photography. It serves as a useful reference for understanding the technical aspects discussed in the course.
This field manual provides practical advice and techniques for wildlife photography in various environments. It covers equipment selection, shooting techniques, and ethical considerations. The Wildlife Photographer's Field Manual valuable resource for intermediate to advanced photographers looking to improve their skills in the field. It adds breadth to the course by providing real-world scenarios and solutions.


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