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Teaching Impacts of Technology


Beth Simon

In this course you’ll focus on the fundamentals of teaching the impacts of technology, starting by exploring how you interact with and benefit from technology in a typical 24 hour period, such as the desire for instant food and entertainment. This will be done through a series of paired teaching sections, exploring a specific “Impact of Computing” in your typical day and the “Technologies and Computing Concepts” that enable that impact, all at a K12-appropriate level.

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In this course you’ll focus on the fundamentals of teaching the impacts of technology, starting by exploring how you interact with and benefit from technology in a typical 24 hour period, such as the desire for instant food and entertainment. This will be done through a series of paired teaching sections, exploring a specific “Impact of Computing” in your typical day and the “Technologies and Computing Concepts” that enable that impact, all at a K12-appropriate level.

This course is part of a larger Specialization through which you’ll learn impacts of computing concepts you need to know, organized into 5 distinct digital "worlds”, as well as learn pedagogical techniques and evaluate lesson plans and resources to utilize in your classroom. By the end, you’ll be prepared to teach pre-college learners to be both savvy and effective participants in their digital world.

In this particular digital world (daily life), you’ll explore the following Impacts & Technology pairs --

Impacts (Food Delivery): Apps that bring you food, drivers, and find and recommend businesses

Technologies and Computing Concepts: Geolocation, Push Notifications, Near Field Communications, HMTL5, GPS, Graph representations, Minimal Spanning Trees, Shortest Path Algorithms

Impacts (Entertainment): Streaming for entertainment and education, Environmental impact of Internet, YouTube culture

Technologies and Computing Concepts: Data Centers, Downloading vs Streaming, Digital vs. Analog image representation, basic compression algorithms, Internet metrics (latency, bandwidth)

In the pedagogy section for this course, in which best practices for teaching computing concepts are explored, you’ll learn to employ constructivist activities useful in teaching impacts of computing and to evaluate and contribute to an unplugged lesson plan.

In terms of CSTA K-12 computer science standards, we’ll primarily cover learning objectives within the “impacts of computing” concept, while also including some within the “networks and the Internet” concepts and the “data and analysis” concept. Practices we cover include “fostering and inclusive computing culture”, “recognizing and defining computational problems”, and “communicating about computing”.

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What's inside


Course Orientation
Welcome! Are you interested in teaching about the impacts of the technology you use everyday? To learn more about the computation and computing concepts that underlie those technologies? We'll be using a problem-based approach to explore interesting ways to teach concepts of networks and the internet, data and analysis, and even algorithms and data representation. Finally, we'll evaluate, critique and improve/personalize an "unplugged activity" where students learn how to create the minimal network needed to provide connectivity amongst a set of houses. This activity can be scaled for use in grade levels from 4th grade to 12th grade.
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Technology: Bring Me Some Food!
How do you interact with and benefit from technology in a 24 hour period? We'll ask you to track your technology use and reflect on its costs and benefits to you. We'll also start by looking at a problem many people might have in a given 24 hour period -- being hungry and wanting someone to bring them some food! We'll explore several smartphone apps related to this including doordash, yelp, and lyft.
I want my entertainment... NOW!
Streaming media has had huge impacts not only on consumer choice, but on who is enabled to produce digital media -- be it entertainment or education. Then we'll look at some of the limitations and possible new advances in this area.
Impacts of Computing and Pedagogy
This week our work falls into 2 categories. The impacts computing has had on our lives so far may not be the entire story. The CSTA K-12 standards focus a lot on having students not only look at the past, but consider impacts of future advances. Second, we reflect on core constructivist learning theory -- but with a specific focus on teaching computing concepts.
Lesson Plans
We'll evaluate a "CS Unplugged" lesson plan that supports students in learning how to represent real world map/travel representations in a graph. This lesson plan extends upon the "Paving a Muddy City" online simulator you used earlier in the course. We'll walk through a revised lesson plan and ask you to help improve it by added vocabulary and assessment items. You'll be able to contribute to and access a crowdsources set of resources created by other learners in this class!

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches impacts of computing, fostering computational thinking and communication skills in K-12 learners
Coursework is aligned with CSTA K-12 computer science learning standards, ensuring relevance to the field
Employs a problem-based approach to teaching computing concepts, making the learning experience engaging and practical
Led by experienced instructors in the field, Beth Simon, providing credibility to the course content
Focuses on teaching impacts of everyday technology, making the content relatable and accessible to learners
Covers a range of specific impacts and technologies, providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter

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Reviews summary

Technology impacts on teaching: well received

Learners say this course is wonderful, engaging, and they learned a lot. Students found the material to be helpful and are looking forward to the next course in the series.
Effective lessons
"Learn a lot and refresh"
"I learned so many things and its just the first course!! Imagine what I can learn in 6 courses for my specialization"
Relevant and interesting
"This course was very engaging and I learned a lot about technology."
"Excellent explanation from tutor and responsive to queries and questions."
Well regarded & high quality
"This course was very engaging and I learned a lot about technology."
"I learned so many things and its just the first course!! Imagine what I can learn in 6 courses for my specialization 💗"
"Wonderful to end this specialization with this course."

Career center

Learners who complete Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Computer Science Teacher
Computer Science Teachers design and teach computer science concepts to students in a variety of educational settings, from kindergarten to grade 12. They develop lesson plans, create and manage learning environments, and assess student progress. A background in computer science and teaching pedagogy is essential for success as a Computer Science Teacher. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course can provide you with pedagogical techniques and evaluate lesson plans and resources to utilize in your classroom. It can help you learn to employ constructivist activities useful in teaching impacts of computing and to evaluate and contribute to an unplugged lesson plan.
Instructional Designer
Instructional Designers create, develop, and evaluate instructional materials and learning experiences. They work with subject-matter experts to translate technical information into engaging and effective learning content. A background in education, instructional design, or a related field is typical for Instructional Designers. By providing you with pedagogical techniques to teach computing concepts and the opportunity to evaluate lesson plans, the Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course can help you begin building a foundation for a career as an Instructional Designer.
Curriculum Developer
Curriculum Developers design and develop educational materials, including textbooks, lesson plans, and online courses. They work with teachers, subject-matter experts, and other stakeholders to ensure that educational materials are aligned with curriculum standards and learning objectives. A background in curriculum development or a related field is typically required for Curriculum Developers. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for those who wish to learn pedagogical techniques to teach computing concepts.
Educational Consultant
Educational Consultants provide advice and support to schools and other educational institutions on a variety of topics, including curriculum development, instruction, and assessment. They work with educators, administrators, and parents to improve student learning outcomes. A background in education or a related field is typically required for Educational Consultants. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Educational Consultants who wish to learn more about pedagogical techniques to teach computing concepts.
Network Administrator
Network Administrators design, develop, and maintain computer networks. They work with users to gather requirements, design and develop network solutions, and test and debug network code. A background in computer science or a related field is typically required for Network Administrators. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Network Administrators who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Information Security Analyst
Information Security Analysts design, develop, and maintain information security systems. They work with users to gather requirements, design and develop security solutions, and test and debug security code. A background in computer science or a related field is typically required for Information Security Analysts. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Information Security Analysts who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Robotics Engineer
Robotics Engineers design, develop, and maintain robots. They work with engineers from other disciplines, such as mechanical engineers and electrical engineers, to develop robots for a variety of applications. A background in computer science or a related field is typically required for Robotics Engineers. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Robotics Engineers who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Software Developer
Software Developers design, develop, and maintain software applications. They work with users to gather requirements, design and develop software solutions, and test and debug software code. A background in computer science or a related field is essential for Software Developers. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Software Developers who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmers write and maintain computer code to create software applications. They work with Software Developers to design and develop software solutions, and they test and debug software code. A background in computer science or a related field is essential for Computer Programmers. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Computer Programmers who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Artificial Intelligence Engineer
Artificial Intelligence Engineers design, develop, and maintain artificial intelligence systems. They work with data scientists and machine learning engineers to collect and prepare data, and they develop and train artificial intelligence models. A background in computer science or a related field is typically required for Artificial Intelligence Engineers. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Artificial Intelligence Engineers who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists collect, analyze, and interpret data to help organizations make informed decisions. They work with data from a variety of sources, including databases, spreadsheets, and web logs. A background in statistics, computer science, or a related field is typically required for Data Scientists. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Data Scientists who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Computer Systems Analyst
Computer Systems Analysts design, develop, and maintain computer systems. They work with users to gather requirements, design and develop system solutions, and test and debug system code. A background in computer science or a related field is typically required for Computer Systems Analysts. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Computer Systems Analysts who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers design, develop, and maintain machine learning models. They work with data scientists to collect and prepare data, and they develop and train machine learning models. A background in computer science or a related field is typically required for Machine Learning Engineers. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Machine Learning Engineers who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators design, develop, and maintain databases. They work with users to gather requirements, design and develop database solutions, and test and debug database code. A background in computer science or a related field is typically required for Database Administrators. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Database Administrators who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.
Web Developer
Web Developers design and develop websites and web applications. They work with users to gather requirements, design and develop web-based solutions, and test and debug web code. A background in computer science or a related field is typically required for Web Developers. The Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals course may be useful for Web Developers who wish to learn more about the impacts of computing technology on society.

Reading list

We've selected 22 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals.
Provides deep insights into the science of learning, offering valuable information about how students learn best. It explores theories and research findings, providing a strong foundation for effective teaching strategies.
Provides a comprehensive and advanced treatment of deep learning, covering topics like convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and generative adversarial networks.
This classic work on educational technology explores the transformative potential of computers in education. Papert's ideas on constructionism and the importance of hands-on learning continue to influence contemporary teaching practices.
Classic reference on design patterns, which are reusable solutions to common software design problems.
Provides a comprehensive guide to agile software development methodologies.
Provides a detailed guide to test-driven development, a software development approach that emphasizes writing tests before writing code.
Provides a solid foundation in AI algorithms, covering topics like supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, and optimization techniques.
Examines the impact of technology on the economy and society. Provides insights into how technology is transforming work, productivity, and inequality, offering a valuable perspective for understanding the broader implications of technology.
Provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that technology brings to various industries. Helps understand the disruptive nature of technology and how established organizations can adapt and innovate.
Outlines the transformative potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and other emerging technologies. Offers a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and opportunities brought by these technological disruptions.
Provides a deep dive into the underlying principles of computer systems, from the basics of logic gates to the design of modern processors. It would be a valuable resource for students who are interested in learning more about how computers work.
Provides a practical introduction to data science concepts and techniques. Helps students understand how data can be used to gain insights and make informed decisions, enhancing their data literacy and analytical skills.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to algorithms and data structures, covering everything from basic concepts to advanced topics such as graph algorithms and dynamic programming. It would be a valuable resource for students who are interested in learning more about these topics.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the design and analysis of algorithms. It covers a wide range of topics, including algorithm complexity, data structures, and graph algorithms. It would be a valuable resource for students who are interested in learning more about these topics.


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