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Google Career Certificates

En este tercer curso del Certificado de Ciberseguridad de Google explorarás cómo las redes conectan múltiples dispositivos para que puedan comunicarse entre sí. Comenzarás con los fundamentos de las operaciones y protocolos de red modernos. Por ejemplo, aprenderás sobre el modelo de Protocolo de Control de Transmisión/Protocolo de Internet (TCP/IP) y cómo el hardware de red, como los enrutadores y módems, permiten que tu computadora envíe y reciba información en Internet. Luego, aprenderás sobre la seguridad de la red. A menudo, las organizaciones almacenan y envían información valiosa en sus redes, por lo que, comúnmente, son objetivos de los ataques cibernéticos. Al final de este curso, podrás reconocer las vulnerabilidades de una red y explicar cómo protegerla mediante cortafuegos (firewalls), el fortalecimiento del sistema y las redes privadas virtuales.

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En este tercer curso del Certificado de Ciberseguridad de Google explorarás cómo las redes conectan múltiples dispositivos para que puedan comunicarse entre sí. Comenzarás con los fundamentos de las operaciones y protocolos de red modernos. Por ejemplo, aprenderás sobre el modelo de Protocolo de Control de Transmisión/Protocolo de Internet (TCP/IP) y cómo el hardware de red, como los enrutadores y módems, permiten que tu computadora envíe y reciba información en Internet. Luego, aprenderás sobre la seguridad de la red. A menudo, las organizaciones almacenan y envían información valiosa en sus redes, por lo que, comúnmente, son objetivos de los ataques cibernéticos. Al final de este curso, podrás reconocer las vulnerabilidades de una red y explicar cómo protegerla mediante cortafuegos (firewalls), el fortalecimiento del sistema y las redes privadas virtuales.

Te guiarán especialistas de Google, que actualmente trabajan en ciberseguridad, con actividades prácticas y ejemplos que simulan tareas comunes y frecuentes de este campo. Todo esto te ayudará a desarrollar tus habilidades y prepararte para trabajar.

Los/las estudiantes que completen este certificado estarán preparados/as para solicitar trabajo en el área de la ciberseguridad, en un nivel inicial. No se necesita experiencia previa.

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What's inside


Arquitectura de red
Te presentaremos la seguridad de redes y aprenderás cómo se vincula con las amenazas y vulnerabilidades de seguridad actuales. También, profundizarás tus conocimientos sobre la arquitectura de redes y los mecanismos utilizados para proteger una red.
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Operaciones de red
Explorarás los protocolos de red y cómo la comunicación puede introducir vulnerabilidades. Además, aprenderás sobre las medidas de seguridad más comunes, como los cortafuegos (firewalls), que ayudan a mantener seguras y confiables las operaciones de red.
Protección contra intrusiones en redes
Aprenderás los tipos de ataques a la red y las técnicas utilizadas para proteger los sistemas y dispositivos de red comprometidos. Explorarás las diferentes formas en que los agentes de amenaza aprovechan las vulnerabilidades de la infraestructura de red y cómo las y los profesionales de la ciberseguridad identifican y cierran las posibles vulnerabilidades.
Reforzamiento de la seguridad
Te familiarizarás con las prácticas de reforzamiento de la red que fortalecen los sistemas. Aprenderás acerca de cómo el reforzamiento de la seguridad ayuda en la defensa contra agentes de amenazas y métodos de intrusión. También descubrirás cómo usar el reforzamiento de la seguridad para abordar los desafíos particulares que plantean las infraestructuras en la nube.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Fortalece los cimientos existentes para estudiantes de nivel intermedio
Examina la seguridad de las redes, altamente relevante en el campo cibernético actual
Exploramos los protocolos de red, un estándar de la industria para la comunicación de red
Es impartido por especialistas en ciberseguridad de Google reconocidos por su trabajo en el campo
Desarrolla habilidades y conocimientos fundamentales para trabajar en ciberseguridad
No requiere experiencia previa, lo que lo hace accesible para principiantes

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Conexión y protección: Redes y seguridad de redes with these activities:
Revisit fundamentals of network operations
Strengthen your understanding of core concepts to prepare for more advanced topics.
Browse courses on Network Operations
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  • Review network topologies and protocols
  • Practice configuring and troubleshooting basic network devices (e.g., routers, switches)
Seek mentorship from experienced network security professionals
Connect with experts and gain valuable insights from their experience and knowledge.
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  • Identify potential mentors through industry events, online platforms, or personal connections
  • Reach out to individuals who align with your career goals and interests
  • Establish a mutually beneficial relationship based on trust and respect
Solve network security scenarios
Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills for real-world network security challenges.
Browse courses on network security
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  • Analyze network traffic logs to identify anomalies
  • Simulate and mitigate common network attacks (e.g., DoS, phishing)
  • Configure and test firewall rules to protect against threats
Six other activities
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Collaborate on network security projects
Engage with peers and exchange ideas to reinforce understanding and expand perspectives.
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  • Join or form study groups with other students
  • Discuss network security concepts and case studies
  • Collaborate on hands-on projects to strengthen practical skills
Explore advanced network security techniques
Expand your knowledge and stay up-to-date with industry best practices for securing networks.
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  • Learn about intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS, IPS)
  • Configure and manage network monitoring tools
  • Implement security measures for cloud-based networks
Mentor junior network security professionals
Consolidate your knowledge and contribute to the growth of others in the field.
Show steps
  • Identify opportunities to mentor juniors or new professionals
  • Share your expertise and provide guidance on network security concepts
  • Encourage mentees to ask questions and explore different perspectives
Design a network security plan
Apply your knowledge to a practical project and develop a comprehensive plan to secure a network.
Browse courses on Risk Assessment
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  • Conduct a security risk assessment and identify vulnerabilities
  • Develop a security policy and implementation strategy
  • Test and evaluate the effectiveness of the security plan
Contribute to open-source network security projects
Get involved in the community and make tangible contributions to the field of network security.
Show steps
  • Identify open-source projects related to network security
  • Review code and identify areas for improvement or contribution
  • Develop and submit code changes or bug fixes
  • Collaborate with other contributors and learn from their experiences
Participate in network security competitions
Challenge yourself in real-world scenarios and demonstrate your mastery of network security skills.
Browse courses on Ethical Hacking
Show steps
  • Identify and register for relevant competitions
  • Prepare for challenges by practicing and studying
  • Collaborate with teammates and strategize solutions
  • Showcase your abilities and learn from others

Career center

Learners who complete Conexión y protección: Redes y seguridad de redes will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Network Security Engineer
Network Security Engineers design, implement, and maintain network security systems. They protect networks from unauthorized access and cyberattacks. This course's focus on network security, including protection against intrusion, reinforcement techniques for network security systems, and vulnerabilities of network infrastructure, would provide a strong foundation for Network Security Engineers.
Network Architect
Network Architects design, build, and maintain computer networks. They plan and implement network security measures. This course's content on network architecture, security, and protection against intrusion would be valuable for Network Architects.
Cybersecurity Analyst
Cybersecurity Analysts protect computer networks and systems from unauthorized access and cyberattacks. This course's content on network security, including protection against intrusion, reinforcement techniques for network security systems, and vulnerabilities of network infrastructure, would be highly useful to Cybersecurity Analysts.
Cloud Architect
Cloud Architects design, build, and maintain cloud computing systems. They plan and implement network security measures. This course's focus on network security, especially in protecting against intrusion and reinforcing security, would provide a helpful foundation for Cloud Architects.
Information Security Analyst
Information Security Analysts plan and implement security measures to protect an organization's computer networks and systems. This course's focus on network security, including protection against intrusion, reinforcement of security systems, and identifying and closing potential vulnerabilities, would be useful in this role.
Security Engineer
Security Engineers design, implement, and maintain security systems to protect organizations from cyber threats. This course's content on network security, especially the sections on protection against intrusion and reinforcement of security, would provide a helpful basis for Security Engineers.
Computer Systems Analyst
Computer Systems Analysts analyze and design computer systems. They plan and implement network security measures. The course's focus on network security, including intrusion protection and security reinforcement, would be helpful for Computer Systems Analysts to understand security concerns in system design.
Network Administrator
Network Administrators support and maintain computer networks. They diagnose and resolve network problems and ensure network security. This course's focus on network security, including protection against intrusion and security reinforcement, provides a strong foundation for Network Administrators.
IT Auditor
IT Auditors evaluate the effectiveness of an organization's IT controls and security measures. They review and assess the security of computer networks and systems. The course's emphasis on network security, particularly in protecting against intrusion and reinforcing security, would be valuable for IT Auditors.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators manage and maintain databases. They plan and implement network security measures. This course's content on network security, especially in the area of intrusion protection, would be useful for Database Administrators to understand the security concerns related to database systems.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts collect, analyze, and interpret data to help organizations make informed decisions. This course's content on the fundamentals of network operations and protocols, as well as network security, would be helpful for Data Analysts to understand the infrastructure and security measures in place for the data they work with.
Software Developer
Software Developers design, develop, and maintain software applications. This course's focus on network operations and protocols would be helpful for Software Developers, especially those working on distributed systems or applications that interact with networks.
IT Project Manager
IT Project Managers plan, execute, and close IT projects. They ensure that IT projects are completed on time, within budget, and according to specifications. This course's content on the fundamentals of network operations and protocols, as well as network security, would be helpful for IT Project Managers to understand the technical aspects of IT projects they oversee.
Computer and Information Systems Manager
Computer and Information Systems Managers oversee the installation, maintenance, and repair of computer systems. This includes designing, planning, and managing the security of networks to ensure efficient and reliable operations. The course's content on network security, including methods of protection against intrusion and reinforcement of security systems, would be helpful to professionals pursuing this role.
Web Developer
Web Developers design and develop websites. They may also work on the back-end systems that support websites. This course's content on network operations and protocols would be helpful for Web Developers to understand the infrastructure that delivers their websites to users.

Reading list

We've selected 13 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Conexión y protección: Redes y seguridad de redes.
Este libro ofrece una visión integral de la seguridad de redes, abarcando amenazas, vulnerabilidades y medidas de protección. Proporciona una comprensión profunda de los conceptos y técnicas esenciales de seguridad de redes.
Este libro proporciona una base sólida en los principios fundamentales de las redes informáticas. Cubre una amplia gama de temas, desde los conceptos básicos de la arquitectura de redes hasta los protocolos y tecnologías avanzadas.
This valuable book for learning about network security with lots of good content about encryption, authentication, and firewalls.
Comprehensive resource about networking concepts. It has easy to understand explanations about networking technologies and protocols.
Este libro es un punto de partida ideal para comprender los conceptos básicos de las redes de computadoras. Proporciona una descripción general completa de los distintos protocolos y tecnologías de red.
Este libro es un recurso completo para comprender los fundamentos de las redes de datos y comunicaciones. Proporciona una descripción general de las tecnologías, protocolos y aplicaciones clave.


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