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Harry Van Der Schyff

I have done so many of the regular projects out there, such as a tic tac toe, chess, hangman, asteroids, connect 4, but all of these projects felt small and I found there to not be much variety when it comes to game tutorials.

Most tutorials all cover the same games, with only variations in how they are coded. I also found that most tutorials, do not go through every element of a game, such as the start screen, all of the power ups, the score screens, etc.

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I have done so many of the regular projects out there, such as a tic tac toe, chess, hangman, asteroids, connect 4, but all of these projects felt small and I found there to not be much variety when it comes to game tutorials.

Most tutorials all cover the same games, with only variations in how they are coded. I also found that most tutorials, do not go through every element of a game, such as the start screen, all of the power ups, the score screens, etc.

They usually only take you as far as the basic building blocks, and then leave you to create the rest, should you wish to continue.Most of these tutorials, have left me with a directory filled with what would be deemed as unfinished games.Hence I thought it would be great to put together a course on creating a game, with all of the game elements created and implemented in a step by step process, that leaves you at the end of the course, with a fully functional, and complete game.

My hope is that you are able to understand how each element of this game is created and implemented, so that you gain further insight when deciding to tackle a challenge of your own.

I also find the old games from the 80's and 90's as fantastic coding challenges, in particular when it comes to trying to understand how something may have been implemented.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Expand your understanding and use of variables, lists, dictionaries, for loops and while loops.
  • Expand your understanding and use of object oriented programming
  • Conceptualize programming challenges and discover solutions and methods for implementing these solutions to those challenges
  • Progress your python learning beyond learning the basics to a more advanced beginner project, gain confidence in tackling bigger projects.
  • Work on importing various modules into your program, as well as importing data between various python files
  • Sharing and updating data between the various objects within your program, updating the different objects when required, also updating the game stage
  • Implementing various solutions to typical game development challenges, such as collision detection, animations, power-ups etc.
  • Creating a start screen, a menu screen, a game screen, a level editor screen, allowing for user level development.
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Setup a new project using Object oriented programming. Setting up the entire game within an object class following a simple, structured design approach to allow for easier modification later on.
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  • Create the main.py file

  • Create the Main Class

    1. Initialize the class with the init() method

    2. Initialize the pygame module

  • Create the gameconfig file

  • Back in the Main class

    1. Create the game window

    2. Create the input() method

    3. Create the update() method

    4. Create the draw() method

    5. Create the run_game() method

  • Insert the if Name = Main check to instantiate the main object

  • Run the game

  • Create the "game_assets.py" file

  • Create the "GameAssets" Class

    1. Create the init() method

    2. Use pygame.image.load() to load in game images

    3. Use pygame.transform.scale() to change the size of an image

    4. Create a method to combine the two functions above into one smooth process

    5. Make use of default arguments in methods, in order to minimize the amount of typing/coding required.

    6. Create a dictionary attribute, and fill that dicitionary with images, using a "for loop" and the newly created method

  • Import the game_assets.py file into the main.py file, in order to allow the Main class to create an instance of the GameAssets() object.

  • Run the game, ensuring no errors pop up.

Loading in of the 256 Tank images

  • Create the load_all_tank_images() method

    • Generate the Tank Images Dictionary

    • Populate the Tank Images Dictionary template using nested for loops

  • Create the scale_image() method

  • Create the sort_tanks_into_levels() method

  • Create the sort_tanks_into_groups() method

  • Create the sort_tanks_by_directions() method

Check the game for error messages, and draw a tank image to screen for testing

Input the various spritesheet coordinates for the various images.

  • Create a method to generate the image dictionaries, complete with various images

  • Create a method to get the required image from the sprite sheet.

  • Update the scale_image() method

  • Load in all of the image dictionaries with image files

Finally we at the point now where we can start coding the game into existence. The first thing we are going to create is the game object. The game object, and many of the other objects we will create will follow the same structure in terms of operation.

  • input()

  • update()

  • draw()

Many of the other methods we will create, will be called from within these three methods.

in the game class we create:

  • init()

  • input()

  • update()

  • draw()

Many more items will be created within these methods, but for now the base game is created.

As an aside, the reason why we are running the game in a class separate to the main class, is because the game moves through phases. We have a start screen, a game screen, and a level editor screen. So it will be easier to switch between the different phases in the main class.

In this portion of the course, we are going to create the Tank object used in the game. We will expand on the tank class, making use of inheritance to create the player tanks and enemy tanks.
  • Creating the characters file

  • Creating the Tank class.

  • Creating the Tank init() method

  • Inheriting from the pygame.sprite.Sprite() class

  • Creating the Tank input() method

  • Creating the Tank update() method

  • Creating the Tank draw() method

  • Creating the Tank.Move() method

  • Creating a new class PlayerTank

  • Inheriting from the base Tank class

  • Creating the input method for the PlayerTank class

  • Amending the game.py Game.input() method to pass inputs to the PlayerTank class

  • Amending the PlayerTank.input() method for two players

  • Creating the tank_movement_animation()

  1. Fixing a movement bug

  2. Drawing a rectangle to the screen

  3. Creating the tank_on_tank_collisions() method

  4. Checking for any collisions between the object and a sprite group

  5. Determining the x and y coordinates of the object rectangle after colliding with another object.

Adding in the spawning star animation when a tank is created

  • Add spawn images to tank class

  • Add spawning boolean

  • Specify spawn star images

  • Create spawning timer

  • Create spawn star animation timer

  • Add spawn_animation() method

  • Update the tank.update() method

  • Update the tank.draw() method

  • Update the tank.move_tank() method

This section is about creating a heads up display, and overlay screen for the game. We are going to create a static overlay screen, with player information that will change as each stage progresses
  • Creating the game_hud file

  • Defining the GameHud class

  • Creating the static Game Hud overlay image

  • Creating the GameHud update() method

  • Creating the GameHud draw() method

  • Calling the GameHud in the game file

  • Updating the GameHud object from the game file

  • Drawing the GameHud object in the game file

Create a player information panel that updates throughout the game.

  • Add Player active checks

  • Add Player lives for comparison in order to update the hud image

  • Include player checks in game object, to verify if only single player or two player.

  • Update game __init__() method so that player objects only created if player active

  • Update game input() method with player checks

  • Update game update() method with player checks

  • Update game draw() method with player checks

  • Create Display_player_lives method in hud object

    • Limit player lives variable

    • Display and return Grey image if player inactive

    • Create Tank image next to number of lives if number of lives in single digits

    • Create double digit image if number of lives greater than 10

  • Update HUD.update() method to call display_player_lives() if and only if there is a change in player lives

  • Blit player lives to the hud

  • update game input() in order to Test newly created lives display on hud

  • Clear game.input() of test code.

Updating the HUD screen, with the stage number

  • Add Attribute to Game class

  • Add attributes to GameHud class

  • Add display_stage_number() method in GameHud class

  • Update Attributes for GameHud class

  • Amend GameHud.update() method

  • Amend GameHud.draw() method

  • Test GameHud stage numbers

Finalising the GameHud object.

  • Adding the self.enemies attribute to game class

  • Declaring the STD_ENEMIES variable in gameconfig

  • Amending the GameHud.update() method to update the number of self.enemies

  • Create the draw_enemy_tanks_remaining() method

  • Amend the GameHud.draw() method

  • Define the Game Screen Coordinates in game config file

  • Amend the Tank class move_tank method so that tanks no longer move off of game screen.

Create bullets, using inheritance from the pygame.sprite class, move the bullet, detect collisions, as well as working with masks.
  • Creating the Ammunition File

  • Creating the Bullet Class

  • Defining the init method of the Bullet Class

  • Adding the Bullets sprite group to the game file

  • Creating the Bullet.update() method

  • Creating the Bullet.draw() method

  • Creating the Tank.shoot() method

  • Updating the Game.input() method

  • Updating the Game.update() method

  • Updating the Game.Draw() method

Correcting the Update and draw methods of the Game Class

  • Creating the Bullet.move() method

  • Amending the Bullet.update() method

  • Adding bullet limiters to the Tank class

  • Updating the shoot method to include a bullet_sum check

  • Adding a Bullet collision check with the edge of the screen

  • Updating the Bullet owner's number of bullets fired

  • Creating an update owner method to update once a bullet is detroyed

  1. Create the Collision with tanks method

  2. Update the bullet.update() method

  3. Amend the collision_with_tank() method, check tank owner

  4. Update Tank.init() methods to distinguish between player tanks and computer tanks

  5. Update PlayerTank.init() method

  6. Amend Bullet.collide_with_tank() method, to check if bullet owner is player and tank collided is player

  7. Add effects if player tank is hit by player tank, include paralysis attributes to tank class

  8. Declare TANK_PARALYSIS variable in config file

  9. Create paralyze_tank() method in tank class

  10. Amend tank.update() method, to check for paralysis

  11. Amend tank.move_tank() method, to check for paralysis

  12. Update bullet.collide_with_tank() method to call tank.paralyze_tank method

  13. Refactor collide_with_tank() method

  • Amend the game.input() method in order to create a computer tank

  • Amend the Bullet.collide_with_tank() method

  • Amend the Tank.init() method

  • Create the Tank.destroy_tank() method

  • Amend the Bullet.collide_with_tank() method

  • Create the Bullet.collision_with_bullets() method

  • Amend Bullet.update() method

In this Section, we explore making use of masks instead of object rectangles in order to get pixel accurate collision detections.
  • Creating a mask for the Bullet class

  • Creating a mask_image for the Bullet class

  • Blitting that mask_image to the screen

  • Updating the Bullet to Bullet collisions methods with mask collisions

  • Updating the Bullet to Tank collision methods with mask collisions

  • Adding masks to the tank Class

  • Creating the get_varous_masks() method to tanks class

  • Updating the Tank.tank_movement_animation() method

  • Blitting the tank mask images to the screen

In this section, we are going to work on making a level editor, loading and saving game level data in excel files and being able to extract the information for later use.
  • Amending the main.py init() method

  • Creating the leveleditor file

  • Defining the the LevelEditor Class

  • Defining the draw_screen() method

  • Defining the input() method

  • Defining the update() method

  • Defining the draw() method

  • Updating the main.input() method

  • Updating the main.update() method

  • Updating the main.draw() method

  • Create draw_grid_to_screen() method

  • Update draw() method

  • Create create_level_matrix() method

  • Update __init__() method

  • Add image Attributes

  • Update draw() method

  • Updating the input() method to move the Icon around the screen

  • Adding the Various Tile types into the init() method

  • Updating the input()method to select through the different tile types

  • Amending the update() method, to insert tile_types into matrix

  • Updating Draw() method to draw to screen the level matrix

  • Defining Spawn Coordinate variables in config file

  • Create validate_level() method

  • Update input() method to include validating level once created

  • Create level.py file

  • Define class LevelData()

  • Create LevelData init() method

  • Create LevelData Save_level_data() method

  • Create LevelData Load_level_data() method

  • Call levelData object in leveleditor

In this video, I will create the first level of the game. In the resources, you will find all 32 levels from the base game.

Creating the Start Screen
  • Importing LevelData to main.py

  • Adding start screen attributes

  • Amending main Input() method

  • Amending main update() method

  • New attributes to start screen class

  • Amending draw() method

  • Amending the input() method

  • Create _switch_options_main_menu()

  • Amending input() method

  • Create _selected_option_action()

  • Amending init() method

  • Create _animate_screen_into_position() method

  • Amending update() method

  • Create _complete_screen_position() method

  • Amending input() method

  • Create start_new_game() in main file

  • Create start_level_creator() in main file

  • Amending _selected_option_action()

Starting a new game, exiting the game, loading in the level editor, exiting the level editor, loading a stage at game start
  • Main file, init() method attribute

  • Main file, start_new_game() method

  • Create start_level_creator() method

  • Start screen update() method

  • Level Editor input() method

  • Main file init() method, adding a new attribute

  • Main file, input() method amendments

  • Game file, init() method attribute additions

  • Create create_new_stage() method.

  • Create load_level_data() method

  • Create generate_spawn_queue() method

  • Game config file, new variables

  • Game file, player objects.

  • Characters file, create new_stage_spawn() method

  • Game file, amend create_new_stage()

  • Game config file, new Variables

  • Game file, init() attributes

  • Game file, create spawn_enemy_tank() method

  • Amending update() method

  • Game file, init() method update

  • Amending create_new_stage() method

  • Amending base tank class.init() method

  • Amending base player tank class.init() method

  • Amending new_stage_spawn() method

In this video, we will create the various Map Tiles that reflect on the game screen. We will code various ways to interact with the tiles, and adjustments to the tile depending on actions taken.
  • Creating Tile file

  • Create Tile class

  • Create Tile init() method

  • Create Tile update() method

  • Create BrickTile class

  • Create BrickTile init() method

  • Create Tile _get_rect_and_size() method

  • Amending Game init() method() method

  • Amending the Game init() method

  • Tank class, create tank_collisions_with_obstacles()

  • Tank class, amend move_tank() method

  • Tank class, create grid_alignment_movement() method

  • Tank class, amend move_tank() method

  • Ammunition file, create collision_with_obstacles() method

  • Ammunition file, amending update() method

  • Tile file, create hit_by_bullet() method

  • Tile file, SteelTile class

  • Tile file, SteelTile.init() method

  • Tile file, SteelTile hit_by_bullet() method

  • Tile file, ForestTile class

  • Tile file, ForestTile.init() method

  • Tile file, IceTile class

  • Tile file, IceTile.init() method

  • Tile file, WaterTile class

  • Tile file, WaterTile.init() method

  • Tile file, WaterTile.update() method

In this section, we are going to be focusing on handling the stages themselves. Loading in stage opening fade, checking for stage completion and advancing to next stage.
  • Game file, new attributes in init() method

  • Create Fade_animate file

  • Create Fade class

  • Create Fade.init() method

  • Create Fade.update() method

  • Create Fade.draw() method

  • Game imports

  • Game file, amend new stage method

  • Game file, update() method

  • Game file, update draw() method

  • Fade animate, create move_y_fade()

  • Fade animate, update() method

  • Fade animate, amend draw() method

  • Fade animate, create_stage_image() method

  • Amend game file, init() method

  • Amend game file, update() method

  • Amend game file, create stage_transition() method

  • Characters file, amend player tank init() method

  • Ammunition file, amend collisition with tank() method

  • Create score screen file

  • Create ScoreScreen class

  • Create ScoreScreen.init() method

  • Create ScoreScreen generate_scoresheet_screen() method

  • Amend update() method

  • Amend draw() method

  • Amend game init() method

  • Create game stage_transition() method

  • Create game change_level() method

  • Amend game draw() method

  • Amending ScoreScreen update() method

  • Amending score screen file generate_score_screen() method

  • Create score screen number_image() method

  • Amending score screen init() method

  • Amending stage_transition() method

  • Amending change_level() method

  • Amending score screen update() method

  • Creating update_player_score_image() method

  • Amending score screen draw() method

  • Score SCreen create _create_top_score_and_stage_number_images() method

  • Amending init() method

  • Amending draw() method

  • Create update_basic_info() method

  • Amending stage_transition() method

  • Amending init() method

  • Amending generate_tank_kill_nums_images() method

  • Amending init() method

  • Amending draw() method

  • Score screen file, amending init() method

  • Score screen file, create update_score() method

  • Score screen file, update() method

  • Create Score screen file, clear_for_new_stage() method

In this segment, we are going to use inheritance when instantiating the computer tanks. We will provide the tank with some rudimentary ai, for movement, and shooting etc.
  • Characters file amend init() file

  • Characters file, tank on tank collisions() method

  • Characters file, update() method

  • Characters file, spawn_star_collision_with_spawn_star() method

  • Characters file, create EnemyTank class

  • Characters file, create init() method

  • Game file, amending spawn_enemy_tank() method

  • Characters file, create ai_shooting() method

  • Characters file, update() method

  • Characters file, init() method

  • Characters file, input() method

  • Characters file, destroy tank() method

  • Characters file, respawn tank() method

  • Characters file, create ai_move() method

  • Characters file, create class MyRect class

  • Characters file, create init() method

  • Characters file, amend ai_move() method

  • Characters file, create draw() method

  • Characters file , amendment init() method

  • Characters file, create ai_move_direction() method

  • Characters file, create Special Tank class

  • Characters file, create init() method

  • Characters file, create update() method

  • Characters file, create destroy tank() method

  • Characters file, amending init() method

  • Characters file, amending destroy_tank() method

With this section, we are going to be making use of the Special Tanks Destroy Tank method, to create a power up token, which if collected, will give the player a special boost of some sort.
  • Creating the Power Ups file

  • Create Power Ups class

  • Create Power Ups init() method

  • Create Power Ups randomly_select_the_power_up() method

  • Create Power Ups update() method

  • Create Power Ups power_up_collected() method

  • Create Power Ups draw() method

  • Power Ups update() method

  • Power Ups shield() method

  • Power Ups init() method

  • Power Ups update() method

  • Power Ups draw() method

  • Power Ups Amending new_stage_spawn() method

  • Power Ups Amending respawn_tank() method

  • Power Ups - Freeze() method

  • Power Ups - Explosion() method

  • Power Ups - Extra life() method

  • Power Ups update() method

  • Power Ups power() method

  • Characters file method respawn tank() method

  • Characters file create special() method

  • Characters file init() method

  • Characters file amend tank collisions with obstacles() method

  • Characters file amend respawn_tank() method

  • Tiles file amend hit by bullet() method

  • Power Ups update() method

  • Power Ups fortify() method

  • Game file, amend init() method

  • Game file, power up fortify() method

In this section we will be providing the finishing touches to the game. Adding in the game explosions, the score banners, the base object as well as inserting the sound effects, then finally game over
  • Create explosion file

  • Explosion file, create Explosion class

  • Explosion file, create Explosion init() method

  • Explosion file, create Explosion update() method

  • Explosion file, create Explosion draw() method

  • Game file, amending init() method

  • Characters file, amending destroy tank() method

  • Characters file, amending destroy tank() method for players

  • Ammunition file, amending collide edge of screen() method

  • Ammunition file, amending bullet collide with tank() method

  • Ammunition file, amending bullet collide with obstacle() method

  • Creating the Scores file

  • Scores file, create ScoreBanner class

  • Score file, create init() method

  • Score file, create update() method

  • Score file, create draw() method

  • Game file, amend init() method

  • Power Ups amend power up collected()

  • Explosions amend init() method

  • Creating Eagle file

  • Eagle file, create Eagle class

  • Eagle file, create init() method

  • Eagle file, destroy base() method

  • Eagle file, update() method

  • Eagle file, draw() method

  • Amendments to game file

  • Characters file, create Base collision() method

  • Amend move tank() method

  • Amend update() method

  • Create Game Over file

  • Create Game Over class

  • Game Over file, create init() method

  • Game Over file, create activate() method

  • Game Over file, create update() method

  • Game Over file, draw() method

  • Game file, amending stage transition() method

  • Score screen file, amending update() method

  • Game file, amending update() method

  • Game Assets, amending init() files

  • Adding audio files

  • Removing print commands

  • Removing drawn rectangles

  • Updating level editor

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP! with these activities:
Review Pygame Basics
Solidify your understanding of Pygame fundamentals before diving into the course. This will make it easier to follow along with the more advanced concepts.
Browse courses on PyGame
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  • Review Pygame's documentation and tutorials.
  • Practice creating simple games using Pygame.
  • Familiarize yourself with Pygame's event handling, drawing, and sprite management.
Review 'Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming'
Reinforce your Python skills with a project-based approach. This will help you better understand the code and concepts used in the course.
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  • Read the relevant chapters on Python basics and OOP.
  • Complete the exercises and projects in the book.
  • Relate the concepts learned to the game development context.
Implement Basic Tank Movement
Practice implementing basic tank movement using Pygame. This will reinforce your understanding of sprite manipulation, collision detection, and event handling.
Show steps
  • Create a simple tank sprite using Pygame.
  • Implement movement using keyboard input.
  • Add collision detection to prevent the tank from moving off-screen.
  • Animate the tank's movement.
Five other activities
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Document Your Code
Improve your understanding of the code by documenting each function and class. This will also help you remember the concepts later on.
Show steps
  • Add comments to your code explaining the purpose of each function and class.
  • Create a README file explaining how to run the game and the basic concepts involved.
  • Use a documentation generator like Sphinx to create professional-looking documentation.
Pair Programming Session
Collaborate with a peer to review and improve your code. This will expose you to different coding styles and help you identify potential bugs.
Show steps
  • Find a peer who is also taking the course.
  • Schedule a pair programming session.
  • Review each other's code and provide feedback.
  • Work together to implement a new feature or fix a bug.
Extend the Level Editor
Enhance the level editor by adding new features, such as different tile types, power-up placement, and enemy spawning points. This will deepen your understanding of game design and level creation.
Show steps
  • Identify areas for improvement in the existing level editor.
  • Implement new features based on your design.
  • Test the level editor thoroughly to ensure it is working correctly.
  • Create new levels using the enhanced level editor.
Review 'Game Programming Patterns'
Learn about common game programming patterns to improve your code's structure and maintainability. This will help you tackle more complex game development projects in the future.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on relevant design patterns, such as the Command pattern or the Observer pattern.
  • Identify opportunities to apply these patterns to your Battle City clone project.
  • Refactor your code to implement the chosen design patterns.
Contribute to a Pygame Project
Gain experience working on a larger codebase by contributing to an open-source Pygame project. This will expose you to different coding styles and collaboration workflows.
Show steps
  • Find an open-source Pygame project on GitHub or GitLab.
  • Identify a bug or feature that you can contribute to.
  • Fork the repository and make your changes.
  • Submit a pull request with your changes.

Career center

Learners who complete Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP! will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Indie Game Developer
An Indie Game Developer typically works independently or in a small team to develop and publish their own video games. As an Indie Game Developer, you handle all aspects of game creation, from design and programming to art and marketing. This course, "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!", guides you through the creation of a fully functional and complete game. This provides a strong start for Indie Game Developers.
Game Developer
A game developer designs and creates video games for various platforms. This includes writing code, designing game mechanics, and creating engaging gameplay experiences. Taking a course like "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" can help you build a foundation in game development. The course in particular guides you through implementing collision detection, animations, and power-ups which are important in game development. You will also learn how to work with Python, Pygame and OOP, which are essential tools for any game developer.
Gameplay Programmer
Gameplay programmers specialize in implementing the interactive elements of a game, such as character movement, artificial intelligence, and game mechanics. Gameplay programmers work to ensure that games are fun and engaging. This course, "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!," guides the learner through implementing various solutions to typical game development challenges, such as collision detection, animations, and power-ups which are important factors for gameplay programmers.
Game Programmer
Game programmers are responsible for writing the code that brings a video game to life. They work closely with game designers and artists to implement game mechanics. The course "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" guides you through the game development cycle. The course emphasizes a simple, structured design approach to allow for easier modification later on. This can help game programmers.
Game Designer
Game designers are responsible for creating the vision and rules of a game. They develop the game's concept, story, characters, and gameplay mechanics. This course "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" can help you learn how game levels are created. You will also learn how to create a start screen, a menu screen, a game screen, and a level editor screen. This is particularly useful for a game designer.
AI Programmer
AI programmers specialize in creating the artificial intelligence that controls non-player characters in video games. AI programmers use algorithms to create realistic behaviors. The course, "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" guides the learner through providing the enemy tank with some rudimentary AI, for movement, and shooting. Those seeking to enter the AI programming field may benefit from this.
Level Designer
Level designers create the environments and layouts for video games. Level designers work to create engaging and challenging experiences for players. Level designers also deal with level data. This course, "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" includes a section on making a level editor, loading and saving game level data in excel files and extracting the information for later use. These elements can help level designers.
Software Developer
Software developers work to design, develop, and maintain software applications. This includes writing code, debugging, and testing software. The course "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" can help software developers learn to conceptualize programming challenges and discover solutions and methods for implementing these solutions to those challenges. This can help them to gain confidence in tackling larger projects.
Python Developer
Python developers write, test, and debug code using the Python programming language. Python is a versatile language used in web development, data science, and scripting. The course "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" could be useful to a Python developer. The course provides hands on experience with larger Python projects. Particularly valuable is the course's work on importing various modules into your program and importing data between various Python files.
Software Engineer
Software engineers design, develop, and test software applications. This includes writing code, debugging, and ensuring that software meets user needs. The course "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" may be useful. The course emphasizes understanding and using variables, lists, dictionaries, for loops, and while loops. Furthermore, a significant section of the course is focused on object oriented programming. This can help build a foundation for any software engineering role.
Mobile Game Developer
Mobile game developers create video games specifically for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Creating mobile games requires adapting game design and mechanics to suit smaller screens. This course, "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!", may prove useful. The course provides a foundation in using basic game development elements. This will help to make your mobile game stand out.
Technical Artist
A technical artist bridges the gap between artists and programmers in game development. It is valuable to have a strong understanding of both art and code. The course "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" may be useful for prospective technical artists. The course teaches how to load in game images using pygame, as well as scale images. This can help build a strong skill set for a technical artist.
Simulation Developer
Simulation developers create software that simulates real world scenarios for training, research, or entertainment purposes. This field requires strong programming skills and understanding of physics and mathematics. This course, "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" may be useful. The course's lessons on collision detection may be relevant. Additionally, the work on animations may have applications for simulation developers.
Graphics Programmer
Graphics programmers focus on the visual aspects of software. They work on rendering engines, special effects, and other visual components. They must also have a strong understanding of mathematics and computer graphics principles. This course, "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" may provide some rudimentary experience. The course makes use of pygame to load game assets and may assist the graphics programmer.
Embedded Systems Engineer
Embedded systems engineers design and develop software for embedded systems. This involves working with hardware and software to create systems for specific applications. This career often requires a master's degree or doctorate. The course "Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!" may be useful. The course provides insight into the sort of programming challenges that an embedded systems engineer may face.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Make a Battle City Clone, using Python, Pygame and OOP!.
Explores common design patterns used in game development. Understanding these patterns can help you write more maintainable, scalable, and efficient code. While the course focuses on a specific game, the principles learned from this book can be applied to a wide range of game development projects. It is more valuable as additional reading to improve your overall game development skills.
Provides a solid foundation in Python programming, which is essential for this course. It covers basic syntax, data structures, and object-oriented programming concepts. While not specifically focused on game development, it offers a strong base for understanding the Python code used in the Battle City clone project. It is particularly helpful for those with limited prior experience in Python.


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